The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: huwcamden on January 28, 2024, 07:20:24 PM
I know life moves on and so therefore so do people on this board...some will have moved to Facebook (sorry Meta)..some will have moved on in life and some may even been barred perhaps...but NMA have a new album out and it's actually pretty decent I Master Ray...8...Red..Texas Pete..Anna...Amandistan and all the rest of you that are sadly missed...I'm calling on your valued opinions and undeniable intellect to give your opinions...or at the very least just to say you are still around.
It has been really quiet on here for ages........hardly anyone posts here you say everyone gone over to Facebook by all accounts.. :(....I have only listened to half of new album for various reasons beyond my control....but loving what i have heard so far.. 8)..
It is quiet. But maybe, like me, everyone is really busy trying to work out how to get the new CD out of the book/sleeve thingy without wrecking it. Any suggestions appreciated!
If it's a test, I've failed. Does that mean I have to give my ticket for Leeds back?
Right. Finished my toast. Time to clean my fingers and try again.
"Where is everybody gone? Where is everybody gone?" like Justin would sing in this wonderful song:
It has been really quiet on here for ages........hardly anyone posts here you say everyone gone over to Facebook by all accounts.. :(....
Yes it's disappointing because we're still here on the official NMA forum! There where all their biggest hardcore fans should be gathered and happy! And then not so long ago there were more people on this forum, in fact. And yet I'm making efforts here to update the topics or create topics about others artists on the "Everything else" forum! I can clearly see the difference with Facebook where I accept people who appreciate NMA almost every day on my page dedicated to the band (and to Justin Sullivan)!
Still no FB for me, so from time to time I still come around here
I'm still here.
Never did join Facebook. Still pop in from time to time.
Still here
Hi everyone... this is Master Ray and I haven't died or anything since I last posted here... ;D
Why haven't I been around? In all honesty I just decided to live in the real world as opposed to spending hours every night on social media. Also I just found that people I had rather intense relationships with and would spend so much time communicating with all the time had left the Forum. humcamden mentioned many of them on his original post. I hope that doesn't mean that the people who post regularly here are people I don't give a shit about. I just felt like spending some time away from the NMA Forum and, well, it turned into a rather long time to the point where I probably wouldn't have come back at all if this thread hadn't been created and I was rather touched that I was remembered! :)
For the record I am still an NMA obsessive. I was at the Nottingham Christmas gig, bloody loved it but I have to say, I saw very few faces that I recognized. It used to be that I'd recognize so many people even if I didn't know their names but not so much back in December.
Again, I'm delighted that someone posted something about me and maybe I need to return to these parts... we'll see. But as to the original point about the new album and what did I think of it.... oh don't be silly, it's bloody great! ;)
Marvellous to see Valstar..Ruckedout..Fiddlesticks..JC and Master Ray are still about and in good shape!..maybe the others will get in contact.
Ref Master Ray: I hope my post hasn't inadvertently dragged you back into the abyss!...I only really go on here occasionally.. more so when theres an album or tour..but it can draw you in I know..sometimes in a bad if you don't reply or post again then that's totally cool.
Also you are right about the audience changing and people moving's the same everywhere in life I's the natural regeneration...the direction of travel for NMA's music since the early noughties has often been lighter and more reflective id say as well (except for the majority of unbroken!) that will change the demographic.
Great to hear you are still alive and well.......good to hear from you. 8)..
Some of us haven't gone anywhere. We just haven't had anyone to talk to :(
Some of us haven't gone anywhere. We just haven't had anyone to talk to :(
Hey, old pal. Can I just say that I did try and get in touch with you before the gig last December... I just couldn't find your email address. I'm one of those people who has a few different email addresses for different reasons and I deleted a couple of them last year, I think the one I used to communicate with you was one of them. :-[ Anyway, I hope you and Lady Shush are doing well.
I did keep an eye out for the old faces at the December gig but didn't see anyone. The only familiar person was someone who I don't think was ever active on this Forum but I will describe as 'Pony Tailed Lady Who Spends Half The Gig On Someone's Shoulders Doing The Traditional NMA Arm-Waving Dance'... long may she continue, bless her.
I have to say that I do wonder what happened to the old crowd... where is Amandistan travelling to these days? Is Red still doing every NMA gig he can? Where is Anna living these days? Heck, I even wonder if Space / Whirlwind is annoying someone somewhere else and is still a cu... mpletely disreputable person. ;)
Best wishes to all, I'm glad that the Forum is still active.
Hello M/R. I have sent a couple of emails, but I imagine they have disappeared into cyberspace. Matt, asked me how to contact you, I sent him to your f/b page.
With regards to what has happened to the old crowd, I think things here got really quiet when you left, and because you left. Guillaume, bless him, has tried several times to perk things up by resurrecting old threads, but so few here to react to it.
Would be nice to see the likes of Witch, Wessexy Witch, Fluffy Witch, Marxey, Heno, Barty, Pol, Brian-DC, Red,Sozbot, Rusco, Pazza, Dilla, to name but a few return, but I reluctantly accept that most things change over time, even if I don't.
Hello M/R long time no hear I thought you’d gone forever, similarly Shush miss you too.
Hope you stick around.
Guillaume, bless him, has tried several times to perk things up by resurrecting old threads
Thank you, Shush! :) 8)
Still here...... :)
Never joined Facebook, Dunno what happened really just lost the habit I suppose.
Nice to see old friends appear, would be awesome to hear from Pol.
Respect to those souls valiantly posting here nurturing the flame.
Can't promise to post often but maybe sometimes....
For the record I do subscribe to the NMA Facebook page but I never, ever post anything there... I just find it's the quickest way of getting new NMA info! :)
I had a massive cocaine habit. 14 months clean. That's where I've been. Been angry at pretty much everyone over the last few years. Nobody to blame but me. In a much better place now. Miss you all. I think about you/the band every day. Hopefully will hook up soon.
Sorry to hear of your troubles Matt. Very glad you are on top of things.
Miss you man !!
Hope we can meet up again. I will never forget when me and Barty met you in a pub, just us 3 NMA fans, 2013, was it Wolves, ? Anyhow, we had full control of the Dukebox 8)
I had a massive cocaine habit. 14 months clean. That's where I've been. Been angry at pretty much everyone over the last few years. Nobody to blame but me. In a much better place now. Miss you all. I think about you/the band every day. Hopefully will hook up soon.
Ah Jeez, mate, sorry you've been in such a bad place. Best wishes and that. :-[
Miss you both too.
One day we will meet again.
Oh, hello everyone. Nice to see there's some interesting chat here and seeing so many names mentioned that I can recall. I do check the board sometimes. I'm not on Fb, but Instagram. (I quit my Fb account some years ago.)
I've had lot of things happening in my Life, many departed lovely people (r.i.p.), New Jobs, a bit of health things and a fair amount of hassles... some good things are always present though.
Going to Helsinki when NMA will tour there. Would like to travel somewhere else too to see them...
Wish you all good times,
Hey Russo, see you in Helsinki, are you going to Jyväskylä too.
Hey Russo, see you in Helsinki, are you going to Jyväskylä too.
Hi JC! Deffo, would love to do Jyväskylä too. :)
I still look in here now and again. I'm at least consistent in that I don't look at or post in the FB group much either.
*waves* I'm still here - checking in every now and then - but yes, I have to admit that it's not happening as much anymore.
As far as posting goes, I have never posted much to begin with - always mean to reply to this and that and then something comes up and I forget. ::) Can I blame age? ;-) Must be that and then being busy with the doggies, guinea pigs and rabbits ;-)
Anyway, it's nice to see familiar names appearing again, people discussing the new album (which I really like, btw, it's really growing on me), planning to go to gigs (got the one in Oberhausen coming up and I have just seen the dates for the second leg of the tour...Cologne is an obvious choice - but Venlo...wooohoo...will be hopping over for that one )
Hope you are all doing well - Ruckedout, so sorry to hear about the tough times you had to go through!
Now let me check what else I have missed on here. ;-)
I'm also still here. From my first post on NMAs early board in 2003ish to now.
Like some said here, just life takes over. My life and business partner has been fighting cancer for a year now, she got the all clear from Christies in Manchester (brilliant place, brilliant people) a few weeks ago thank the lord. That and starting to hand our construction business over to one of our daughters to co-run and moving the business to a bigger facility. Anyone remebering me will know that is the second life changing event I've encountered, so time to reassess the future! Been a bit full on lately.
I do still listen to NMA one of my favourite bands and do appreciate they keep putting out regular new albums every couple of years and look forward to it. Gutted that Geordie Walker of my other favourite band Killing joke died not long ago, and they haven't put a new album out since 2015, selfishly hoping they put one out soon as I know they have been recording with Walker for over a year.
Nice to see some of the old names posting here!!! Master Ray, Anna.........
Never posted much, but still looking in here about once or twice a year... although I now live in a different world.
Still not on FB 8)
I do still listen to NMA one of my favourite bands and do appreciate they keep putting out regular new albums every couple of years and look forward to it. Gutted that Geordie Walker of my other favourite band Killing joke died not long ago, and they haven't put a new album out since 2015, selfishly hoping they put one out soon as I know they have been recording with Walker for over a year.
Nice to see some of the old names posting here!!! Master Ray, Anna.........
Hello, my better half!! ;) Glad to hear a bad part of life is hopefully over. Likewise, I am devastated by Walker's death, and I had seen Killing Joke a number of times recently. If anything, I would have thought Jaz wouldn't carry on much longer. NMA goes from strength to strength in many ways. I have been to a number of gigs, and I think the recent albums are great. The band has the energy of one more than half their age.
I'm still here (occasionally). Love the album. Love it all - since 1983. I'll be at Leeds. Taking a mate who has never seen NMA. Hope to see a familiar face among unfamiliar faces :-). I am likely to see Speedy :-)
Hi , I’ve not been on for six years , I don’t have the same email and forgot my password ! But today finally I’m back on viv helped me ! :)
My life and business partner has been fighting cancer for a year now, she got the all clear from Christies in Manchester (brilliant place, brilliant people) a few weeks ago thank the lord. That and starting to hand our construction business over to one of our daughters to co-run and moving the business to a bigger facility. Anyone remebering me will know that is the second life changing event I've encountered, so time to reassess the future! Been a bit full on lately.
Idopas - so good to hear that your partner beat cancer - I have heard about Christies (and I'm not from the UK), so it obviously has a great reputation and I am glad they were able to help her. :) That really makes me happy, even if I don't know you - but good news is precious. :)
And wow...your daughters starting to co-run your business...I think it's awesome that they are doing this and will continue your work. It doesn't happen a lot anymore these days, which is sad.So best of luck to everyone involved in this new part of the family history.
Really nice to see that people do still check in, even if it is not as frequently as it used to be.
It had been a while since I have posted here. So much has happened so for a quick synopsis I have retired from working the 9-5 or better yet the 8-4:30 nonsense I moved from NY to Texas stayed there for 4 years moved back to NY stayed for 9 months until we completed the house being sold then I moved from NY to my new condo in Malate ( Metro Manila ) Philippines. Where I have been since Nov 2023. I love it here it is always hot temperature has never dipped below 30 Celsius. Couldn’t deal with the cold weather in winter time in the North east . As much as I miss NY my life here in the Philippines is what I expected . I have been here twice before on vacation so picking this as my new residence was a lot of research as it is one thing to visit for vacation but to actually make the move to live there that is another thing. So far everything is looking good and I have no complaints. I will post more as I settle in here .Yes unfortunately NMA Does not tour SE Asia I wish they would as they would get a new fan base here as these people love to hear good music. Well that is all I have to say hope to see more people I use to see and hear from when NMA Used to play in the clubs in NY . Peace out from an old fan 👍
Good for you Ron :)
Wheres everyone gone?
to the other side
Wheres everyone gone?
to the other side
Ah, mate... thanks for reaching out to me yesterday, great to hear from you.
And you're right... we need to make an effort to reignite this Forum. Maybe it'll get things flowing again, maybe fellow NMA Forums members from back in the day might be drawn back if we start posting again on a regular basis... or possibly not. Who knows? ;D
Whatever, I am now going to post on ten threads (at least) and maybe start a couple of new threads, I've got a couple in mind...
Let's make the NMA Forum great again! Or MTNMAFGA, let's put that on a red baseball cap! ;)
Keep it up, its lonely on here :'(
Still around.