The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Simon73 on February 06, 2012, 10:18:25 PM

Title: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Simon73 on February 06, 2012, 10:18:25 PM
Now guys, I am tall and fit (so to say) and usually my size is M. whatever brand, hoodies and t shirt, that is it: M. I bought a hoody HIGH at a gig in Berlin very nice but sleeves are super short (40 euro) . Today is a Good day long sleeve paid expensive in London...sleeves ridiculously short. And believe me I am proportionate otherwise all the rest would not fit. Then NMA original logo t shirt bought on line from the shop, after one time washing 30 degrees color and graphic fucked up. The only 2 t shirts which are perfect I bought them in Bradford in 2005 during the exhibition Arts and Artifacts.
I mean I love the band and the people in it since a very long time but please sincerely pay attention to who produce what. It never happened to me with any other t shirt not even those of obscure crust punk bands bought from the band in berlin s squats. And it sucks because I would like to wear the stuff of my favorite band with pleasure, beside the money I spent.  >:(
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Paul.. on February 07, 2012, 12:51:55 AM
I have loads of t-shirts & hoodies, all well worn and washed.. No problems at all..  :)
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Red on February 07, 2012, 05:04:17 AM
I have loads of t-shirts & hoodies, all well worn and washed.. No problems at all..  :)

Same here,never had a problem.

Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Ragamuffin on February 07, 2012, 05:41:50 AM
I have loads of t-shirts & hoodies, all well worn and washed.. No problems at all..  :)

Same here,never had a problem.

Me too, never a problem!
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: dilla on February 07, 2012, 09:35:36 AM
Only problem I've had is the zips on my hoodies,but that's probably due to expanding  beer belly ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Steve L on February 07, 2012, 10:25:10 AM
only one i ever had a problem with was the dagger tee. the print was faulty and patches of it came off in the wash. just one fault on one teeshirt out of about 60 is alright. not got any hoodies si cant comment on those.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Nicola on February 07, 2012, 11:49:06 AM
Its really strange this should happen to you several times!  I've got a drawer full of NMA T shirts and they are higher quality than most other band t shirts by a long way.  I do go for lady fit wherever possible but I don't think that makes a difference to the quality.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Stoney on February 07, 2012, 12:44:57 PM
I still have my IMPURITY shirts and they have no issues........ It does happen that bad batches end up at the screen printers tho'....... I can't understand the sleeves thing, if you're other hoodies are medium with no problems? . I get XXL's in all my hoodies tho' coz I'm a long bugger, XL's fit me but not in the arms.........
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: cloggdanser on February 07, 2012, 02:34:26 PM
I myself have had no problems with my tees apart from overwearing my old ones and are now all full of holes. How long have you had your logo tee
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: paul74 on February 07, 2012, 07:44:30 PM
I have had a similar issue with a couple of the long-sleeve tops - TIAGD one and the blue amulet one  - both large but the long sleeves went to my wrists - t'is weird - t-shirts are generally fine and of good quality and no issues????

Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: JohnnyM on February 07, 2012, 10:23:31 PM
I'd imagine NMA use pretty much the same suppliers as most bands (certainly the shirts i've bought have been). So I cannot imagine why the shirts themselves would  be significantly worse, or better come to that, quality than any other standard band merchandise. (obviously the prints on them would be ace - but that goes without saying..!)
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Pazza on February 08, 2012, 08:51:52 PM
No problems here other than them running out of XXL Justin t shirts (none again last night). If they are XXL then usually no problem, XL doesn't fit round the curies and cider terribly well
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: szmurf on February 08, 2012, 11:26:26 PM
I know what you mean.  I never know to buy M or L tees.  I normally wear M, but it seems many band tees are sized for indie-hipsters who like the shirts tight, and the material is a thinner quality.  I've bought some M tees that I look like a complete fool in.  However, I'm leary of buying Ls, because they may be the more standard fit type tee and look like a smock on me.

On the hoodies and the zip ups that the shop sales, the Medium fits as I would expect.  I guess hipsters don't wear hoodies.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: RedP on February 09, 2012, 04:53:31 AM
As an aside, I've often wondered whether the band has considered sourcing their t-shirts and other merchandise through 'ethical' suppliers. While cotton is a 'natural' material, it is one of the most polluting crops on the planet because of the vast quantities of pesticides used in its production, often exposing cotton workers to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. Couple this with often poor labour conditions, and you have a pretty unsavoury industry. On the other hand, there are now several brands of t-shirts that use organic cotton and are certified 'fair-trade'.

I reckon most of us here would be happy to pay a little extra for t-shirts if it meant a less polluted environment and better working conditions. Has the band looked into this?
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: JohnnyM on February 09, 2012, 04:09:16 PM
As an aside, I've often wondered whether the band has considered sourcing their t-shirts and other merchandise through 'ethical' suppliers. While cotton is a 'natural' material, it is one of the most polluting crops on the planet because of the vast quantities of pesticides used in its production, often exposing cotton workers to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. Couple this with often poor labour conditions, and you have a pretty unsavoury industry. On the other hand, there are now several brands of t-shirts that use organic cotton and are certified 'fair-trade'.

I reckon most of us here would be happy to pay a little extra for t-shirts if it meant a less polluted environment and better working conditions. Has the band looked into this?

I fully agree - the pesticides used for cotton are a major trasher of the environment, and the production ethics of the big tshirts suppliers arent as good as you would hope (!)

I recall a debate on this issues on the forum a few years ago. The argument against was the cost & issues in doing large runs/having consistent suppliers. I'd imagine the band make a fair proportion of their income from merchandise - so its more than just an academic issue for them as its their living.

However times have moved on & you can source organic/ethically(ish) sourced tshirts a lot cheaper/consistently than was previously possible. Though whether joe bloggs really cares enough to *actually* pay (not just talk about it on a forum) a few quid more is another matter. 

Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Rhiannon on February 14, 2012, 02:00:50 PM
Sadly I have a drawer full of "large" lady fit vests and T shirts that were all too tiny so unworn.  I'm not really that big, only a size 14 on top.  :'(
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: claireinblack on February 14, 2012, 02:22:42 PM
Sadly I have a drawer full of "large" lady fit vests and T shirts that were all too tiny so unworn.  I'm not really that big, only a size 14 on top.  :'(

I am exactly the same, but refuse to buy XL.....
I fit nicely into a mens medium
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Rhiannon on February 14, 2012, 06:05:18 PM
Sadly I have a drawer full of "large" lady fit vests and T shirts that were all too tiny so unworn.  I'm not really that big, only a size 14 on top.  :'(

I am exactly the same, but refuse to buy XL.....
I fit nicely into a mens medium

Good idea. I'll have to stick to buying men's ones. Don't think they do XL in ladies
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: szmurf on February 14, 2012, 11:22:07 PM
Don't think they do XL in ladies
That would be an insult, I reckon.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 15, 2012, 09:53:10 AM
Don't think they do XL in ladies
That would be an insult, I reckon.

I'd buy it !

Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Simon73 on February 16, 2012, 03:55:19 PM
thanks for yoru feed backs. but no same brand (ex Fruit of the Loom) same size but the original logo one is much bigger than the ones I bought in Bradford. For the TIAGD long sleeve one is impossible to explain. sleeves super short they bother really. anyway sad day I miss the berlin s gig have no ticket. shaisse.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Simon73 on February 16, 2012, 04:14:09 PM
As an aside, I've often wondered whether the band has considered sourcing their t-shirts and other merchandise through 'ethical' suppliers. While cotton is a 'natural' material, it is one of the most polluting crops on the planet because of the vast quantities of pesticides used in its production, often exposing cotton workers to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. Couple this with often poor labour conditions, and you have a pretty unsavoury industry. On the other hand, there are now several brands of t-shirts that use organic cotton and are certified 'fair-trade'.

I reckon most of us here would be happy to pay a little extra for t-shirts if it meant a less polluted environment and better working conditions. Has the band looked into this?
totally agree....and better quality too I hope
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: eccentric on February 16, 2012, 07:21:40 PM
the only shirt I had problems with was the 30th Anniversary shirt with the wreath of leaves design,,,really thin fabric, and shrunk significantly,,,I tried to strech it out and only made it worse by tearing the seam in the shoulder.
I find Gildans to always be a bit to short or to wide, very pleased thatt the last shirt I ordered was a Fruit of the Loom.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Milla on February 17, 2012, 07:42:42 AM
Don't think they do XL in ladies
That would be an insult, I reckon.

I'd buy it !


And so would I! The lady's sizes are always tiny, and this means I have to buy a manly M if I want the t-shirt to fit.
This, by the way, I found to be a common problem with all bands. And I noticed that the more 'hipster' the band is, the skinnier the lady's sizes are.  ;)
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 17, 2012, 01:08:52 PM
It winds me up when you get shirts/hoodies/tops in " Mens" or "Womens" fits. Especialy when they don't fit either !
"Mens" size needs to fit over a beer gut and "Womans" must fit an ample bossom ! I ain't no expert but it sounds obvious to me !!
Mark has got the belly and I've got the bossom !!


As for the smaller sized younghipandgroovy sons girlfriend came over a few weeks ago with a nice hoody top on. When I comented on it saying I would prolly need it in a XL (and the shop prolly wouldn't have it in my size),she said that was what she was wearing. Extra Large ?! The girl is no bigger than a size 12. Shocking to think these skinny girls are labled as XL in some shops/brands.

Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Valstar on February 18, 2012, 10:51:28 AM
I have to say, in my experience, it's 50/50 with NMA. I have some old ones (like the one of my avatar) that are exactly the same today as when I bought them, and I have some that I worn once then I had to forget about them. In general it's not the print, but the size. Some shrank really a lot while other stayed perfectly at the good size, seems it depends on the weight of the cotton used (and not the brand, as a brand use various quantity of cotton, and its not displayed on the label of the T-Shirt).

Lately I bought the 30th Mens Star Sweatshirt, and the zipper just broke after 8 month, while I haven't treated it badly.

So I think it's really what model and when you bought it, depending what deals the band had at that moment :)
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: lfran on February 18, 2012, 06:21:58 PM
The only one I ever had a problem with was the Eight tour tee shirt, but if i recall rightly the manufacturer / printer did issue a recall. Rather than have a problem with shrinking tees, it's my expanding waistline means my old mediums are confined to the cupboard these days :(
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: Scruff225 on February 18, 2012, 06:44:45 PM
the only shirt I had problems with was the 30th Anniversary shirt with the wreath of leaves design,,,really thin fabric, and shrunk significantly,,,I tried to strech it out and only made it worse by tearing the seam in the shoulder.
I find Gildans to always be a bit to short or to wide, very pleased thatt the last shirt I ordered was a Fruit of the Loom.

I have to say the Gildans were very strange (TAC anni, Gathering, etc time). Short, wide and shrunk variably in the the waist hem is never straight around the shirt. A large is too tight and the XL is very wide. Both are short! The newer shirts are very much better.

Also I would ask that the guys consider only pre-shrunk shirts as some recently definitely were not ;)

Fianl note, I love the artwork on the shirts just bad when the underlying materials let it down.
Title: Re: weird NMA merchandise
Post by: lotus on February 18, 2012, 09:19:23 PM
I`m as tall and fit as Simon - never bought a womens m or l - too short for a tall and fit woman  >:(
mens m or l is fine - not too short and not too much for fit one`s
and my last xl hoodie is perfect to live in it this winter (it is so cold outside, so best for two shirts and a hoodie)
never had problems with quality of the shirts pp ..

size is a play companies play with customers - sometimes sl is as perfect as xl and I as a woman often buy "mens "