The official NMA board
General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: Viv Savage on June 05, 2012, 02:10:21 PM
We all really enjoyed our first gig with new bass player Ceri Monger (02/06/12). Unfortunately, our van, parked outside the Holiday Inn Express, Walsall, was broken into over night and most of the band's guitars and small items were stolen. We would like to thank all the people and bands who lent us equipment in order for us to play the Strummercamp Festival Sunday night. The stolen equipment includes both Marshall's Gibson Les Pauls and Justin's two Lowdens that had previously survived the fire(!). We would be very grateful for any help in retrieving this equipment - the full list is:
Gibson Les Paul Custom - red (serial number 2051429)
Gibson Les Paul Standard - black (serial number 90362428)
Epiphone Riviera - red with tremelo arm (serial number R97C0572)
Lowden 025 acoustic guitar with pick-up (serial number 5131)
Lowden 025 acoustic guitar with pick-up (serial number 12288)
Gibson SG - black (serial number 8176566)
Fender Precision bass - black
All these items were in new or nearly new Hiscox guitar cases
Evolution Keyboard (serial number MK361C - 222941)
Ampeg SVT 3 amplifier head
Fender Blues Junior guitar combo (serial number B-181446) USA model 110volts.
Custom built pedalboard containing three way control unit for Blackstar combo amplifier, 2 x Boss digital delays, tremelo and tuner pedals and a Cry-baby wah pedal
Boss pedalboard containing Boss digital delay, bass overdrive, chorus, compression, and tuner pedals
Gator 2U case containing AKG guitar radio receiver (serial number AK3254-001272)
All these items were in new or nearly new cases
Heavy multi-guitar rack
Flight case containing tools for guitar repairs
Bag containing microphone stands/drum loom
Bag containing guitar cables, looms, power supplies, plectrums, capos, two guitar radio transmitters
If you have any information please call the Police Station (crime number 20WS/91324T/12 -
Walsall Police Station 0345 1135000) or email us at
Info passed to a bunch of derby/Stoke lads to keep their eyes peeled....... If it surface I will find out!!!!!!!!!! I give you my word.
I just posted the info to a few guitar-specific message boards.
I feel really sorry for you. I know two bands who have lost thier equipment in the last 6 month this way, horrible. Though I found out that a lot of people post the serial numbers on xing, seems to be very effective and there is this german side:
Maybe that helps...
Keep my fingers crossed,
Good luck
Just heard JS speaking on BBC 6 Music about this, so word is definitely spreading. Keep up the good work.
Rob has emailed all the cash converters within 100 miles of Bilston with the info, hopefully the thieves aren't that smart and will take everything into a local branch.
Just got to keep fingers crossed now, the band deserve a bit of luck.
Hi all: I would also suggest to keep a look out on these websites for the instruments:, (there are links to the UK)
And any other sites that are not listed.
Cheers and Good Luck from Canada
Tyler Coote
That's an encouraging development on the front page. Here's hoping that more stuff can be tracked down and recovered in a good state of repair.
Since it's been a long time the equipment was stolen, I'd like to ask Viv is there any news about this?
Anyone seen or heard rumours about sold instruments that'll correspond to above mentioned serial numbers?
We only ever found one guitar (the black Gibson SG), nothing else sadly.
Not many bands that i am friends with but why not try??
Hi mate,
That's terrible news, happened to me once.
I'll have a look in some forums and Facebook groups.
Sent from my iPhone
On 12 Jan 2016, at 21:20, Matthew Taylor <> wrote:
Hi Rich
I know this might be a long shot but have you seen any of this equipment floating around anywhere?
We all really enjoyed our first gig with new bass player Ceri Monger (02/06/12). Unfortunately, our van, parked outside the Holiday Inn Express, Walsall, was broken into over night and most of the band's guitars and small items were stolen. We would like to thank all the people and bands who lent us equipment in order for us to play the Strummercamp Festival Sunday night. The stolen equipment includes both Marshall's Gibson Les Pauls and Justin's two Lowdens that had previously survived the fire(!). We would be very grateful for any help in retrieving this equipment - the full list is:
Gibson Les Paul Custom - red (serial number 2051429)
Gibson Les Paul Standard - black (serial number 90362428)
Epiphone Riviera - red with tremelo arm (serial number R97C0572)
Lowden 025 acoustic guitar with pick-up (serial number 5131)
Lowden 025 acoustic guitar with pick-up (serial number 12288)
Gibson SG - black (serial number 8176566)
Fender Precision bass - black
All these items were in new or nearly new Hiscox guitar cases
Evolution Keyboard (serial number MK361C - 222941)
Ampeg SVT 3 amplifier head
Fender Blues Junior guitar combo (serial number B-181446) USA model 110volts.
Custom built pedalboard containing three way control unit for Blackstar combo amplifier, 2 x Boss digital delays, tremelo and tuner pedals and a Cry-baby wah pedal
Boss pedalboard containing Boss digital delay, bass overdrive, chorus, compression, and tuner pedals
Gator 2U case containing AKG guitar radio receiver (serial number AK3254-001272)
All these items were in new or nearly new cases
Heavy multi-guitar rack
Flight case containing tools for guitar repairs
Bag containing microphone stands/drum loom
Bag containing guitar cables, looms, power supplies, plectrums, capos, two guitar radio transmitters
If you have any information please call the Police Station (crime number 20WS/91324T/12 -
Walsall Police Station 0345 1135000) or email us at
<image001.png>Matthew Taylor – Project Manager
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