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General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: shedzer on December 10, 2012, 05:04:43 PM

Title: Green and Grey Artwork
Post by: shedzer on December 10, 2012, 05:04:43 PM

Just got my G&G cover artwork and noticed for the first time that there is a tree(?) in the middle of it.

Couldn't believe I've never seen it before, so I checked on the site Galleries, and it looks like it was always there ... d'oh ...

Has anyone any ideas about the significance of this tree, if that's what it is?

Apologies if this has been discussed before, not been on here for a while.

PS - The Vengeance poster is a belter

Title: Re: Green and Grey Artwork
Post by: Barty on December 10, 2012, 09:49:30 PM
Hi Shadzer.

It is a tree and I've always interpreted the image as simply reflecting the song's subject matter: the valleys of green and grey. I take the three swirls to represent the wind surrounding the tree - a great image of the beauty and bleakness of nature.

Of course, Joolz is the best person to comment - I could be well off the mark.  :)
Title: Re: Green and Grey Artwork
Post by: Stoney on December 11, 2012, 10:24:09 AM
Trees hold a huge significance in Pagan culture. I think thats more or less the basis of it being at the centre of the artwork. Always how I figured it. Joolz would be the person to ask tho, I'm sure she'll be in Nottingham in a week or two,can't imagine a better place to be on December 22nd, ask away.
Title: Re: Green and Grey Artwork
Post by: shedzer on December 11, 2012, 03:36:31 PM

many thanks for your comments which kind of tie in with my own thoughts ... as you say JD is the Ultimate Source. sadly can't make Rock City to ask this year :-(
