The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Stephanie D. on May 05, 2013, 12:28:46 PM
I saw somewhere on the Net that Justin sang for a Soilwork's title for their new album. I found the song on youtube. Honestly i didn't recognize Justin's voice Oo but after a few listenings, I heared his voice on the second verse. I don't remember hearing Justin sings like that in a NMA albums lol i was surprised. Justin has a really awesome voice ! and the Soilwork's song is good. I like the melody of the voices (verse), and of couse the 'screaming' ones ^^ (
so ? a lot of people saw this message , thank you, but no one has something to say about it ?...
je trouve ça interessant quand un artiste qui n'a rien a voir avec la musique Metal et bien, participe quand meme à un album d'un groupe issu de cette scène. Ca prouve l'ouverture d'esprit de JS, mais je n'en doutais pas une seconde. Et j'ai appris que le chanteur de Soilwork etait un grand fan de NMA, c'est cool :)
sorry for the french text but my english is not so good to express very well what I want to say.
possibly because there was another thread a short while ago about this song, but like you i didn't think it was him singing when i first heard it.