The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Master Ray on November 01, 2013, 08:33:54 PM

Title: Seven Times video...
Post by: Master Ray on November 01, 2013, 08:33:54 PM
Equal parts cute, scary and WTF...?

really not sure how I feel about this one, what do you lot think..?

Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: df on November 01, 2013, 09:04:38 PM
Got to be honest, I just got the WTF part  :D

Maybe I need beer!

It's a fantastic track though.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Guillaume on November 01, 2013, 09:14:04 PM
I had fun.
It's far from the gravitas and the intense dramatic mood of many NMA's songs! ;)
it's obvious that the band was having fun, the video is a bit like told from a child's point of view, it's fresh, full of life, the love for life, like when you are a kid and every new day is full of promises and rays of sun. 8)
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: cloggdanser on November 01, 2013, 10:01:12 PM
I like it but my kids are the sun and rain cloud as a video it's quite random but I like it and think Mik and Dean have done a great job, look forward to more
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Johnz on November 01, 2013, 11:25:17 PM
Equal parts cute, scary and WTF...?

Lol! Totally agree!!

Refreshingly unexpected. I love it.

Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Master Ray on November 02, 2013, 12:20:17 AM
Are those Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers towards the end of the vid?

Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: texaspete on November 02, 2013, 09:06:00 AM
I think it is excellent !
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: MARKXE on November 02, 2013, 09:16:29 AM
It's as mad as a box of frogs. ;D
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Marloes on November 02, 2013, 10:24:58 AM
I love the song, I don't like the video.
I didn't even finish watching it because it made my feelings towards the song go upside down.
If that makes sense ... ?!
I don't want to "see" the video when I hear the song live on stage so I stopped watching it.

> I do love the March in September video by the way but that wasn't the question <
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: kirst on November 02, 2013, 11:39:35 AM
It's just weird... sure it was fun for the kids but just a bit pointless really?
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: cthulhu on November 03, 2013, 10:48:26 AM
ha, ha, what a funny video especially in kontext with the new album. so different.

well, as a filmmaker myself i can see from a different point of view, why so many are confused by the video. we're all trained by media consumption to expect forms and patterns which tell us what is a pro-production and what is a cheap production. the untrained film consumer won't reckognize so easily the work behind a product, when it looks cheap. it distracts most viewers from the content of the video, the idea. i failed my first test to become a fimmaker, because i used improvised and just home-consumer material (digital video) to compete with all the high end glossy digibeta material the other students used. the editing process is the same but the end product just looks different. (btw, i then used the same footage again but cut it to a new model army song ;-) and i passed with an acceptable note, ha, ha...

when i watch this video it makes me smile. i see "faults" in editing, i see bad keyed action but this is all rock'n roll fimmaking. it's experimenting. it's accepting the result, even if you see with 100.000 pounds more of hardware equipment, it would look better. i just assume, that i was done kind of homemade using some editing gear, not pro equipment which just costs a hell of a lot of fuckin money.

i like that attitude to just do something, playing with ideas, having fun, producing some art, improvising and not caring about a special look or how things are supposed to be seen or done.

this video is some kind of family video, which makes it so sympathetic. lots of irony and fun. great work!
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Shush on November 03, 2013, 02:28:24 PM
Liked it. Think it fits the song well. Always nice to see Darth Vader pop up now and again.  :D
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Barty on November 03, 2013, 03:32:06 PM
Some good insight there Cthulhu - cheers.

I agree with you, Shush, can't beat a bit of Vader  ;D
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Bunny on November 04, 2013, 06:50:36 AM
Seriously. I hate it. Doesnt fit the song and is a bit too arty farty for my tastes...Im off to eat a meat pie now with some mushy peas :-)
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Marloes on November 04, 2013, 10:11:21 AM
I agree DrummyB ;-)
Enjoy your meal!
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: MerseyExile on November 04, 2013, 12:33:24 PM
Oh dear. Things really are going from bad to worse.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Fatalist on November 04, 2013, 10:41:31 PM
WTF x2

All a bit Marcel Marceau to me

Looks like a video for the Cure offshoot the Glove wasn't it?

My kids might like it - will test that theory tomorrow breakfast time

Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: cthulhu on November 05, 2013, 09:52:53 AM
Arthur Dent ;D
I like the man on the vespa, he's groovy. and i like the part: "i have a friend on the other side..." i think that's funny 8)
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: DannySan on November 05, 2013, 05:06:10 PM
I watched it. Strange one  :-\
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: purplehaze on November 06, 2013, 09:29:11 PM
i must be thick or something i just dont get it i thought it was a joke, when i listen to that song, these are not the images im thinking of and thats for sure.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: huwcamden on November 08, 2013, 06:17:39 PM
Oh my ******* god, i've only just seen that video and i guess the plan was to do something really "not rockband in a roomish too," well that has certainly been achieved, but unfortuantely it does not fit the song or in particular justins emotive and always serious voice, i think everyone involved must have either been stoned having just watched back to back episodes of the mighty boosch or are setting us "fans" up in some sort of spinal tap meets dom joly type scenario, i know nma like too be talked and argued about and i feel a bit of a sucker to be drawn into that but this video (even for one of there lightest, cheeriest tracks) is just wrong,wrong,wrong.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: citymike on November 08, 2013, 09:48:43 PM
I just don't get WTF is going on... does the video have any relevance to the song???
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: lfran on November 09, 2013, 06:09:54 AM
It looks to me that some people connected with the band decided to have some fun. Lighten up. Do we have to take everything so damn seriously all the time?  ;D
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: huwcamden on November 09, 2013, 09:02:13 AM
Having fun and not being serious is something i do to much of everyday but a "comedy video" has to fit a "comedy song" ie  baggy trousers by madness or i believe in a thing called love by the darkness, i struggle to think of a comedy nma track, perhaps chinese whispers, but seven times is simply not that funny and the accompanianing video non sensical.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: cthulhu on November 09, 2013, 11:28:52 AM
video killed the radio star....

well, as i already mentioned i can understand that some people don't like the video for some obvious reasons or whatever personal reason they have. i just don't agree about argueing and trying to find arguments why the video is not ok. this is just a matter of opinion. first rule is there are no rules!

the first viewing for me was definately a big surprise and total contrary to the subconscious expectations i had 'cause of the pictures in my head while listening to that song. but it was an immediate smile-bringer and sympathetic grinproducer and i was caught by the balls they have, to just do it that "home-made" style. was nma not always about family and relationships? strange ones...

and for those who don't see any connections to the song, a little interpretation by me:

there's a man beginning a journey, checking his vespa. he starts in france, maybe his father's land. he looks like a pal from the 60's students revolution. he starts his journey and all of a sudden a change, 'cause little spiderman kicks ass! then there's the sun and then you see the rain, and together with lightning they encircle the man. he's grinning and you see that they feel good, it's playful.

the song is about living, about good and bad times but mostly about celebrating life and the journey. children are the most important part of life, to care about them, to play with them, to give them space and a future. we were all children and the fists you made they come bashing at your door. stonehenge has an nma imprint on it. the man leaves his vespa to an insisting teen and batgirl rules the streets. artur dent appears and with the right answer 42 joins the man on the vespa. darth vader makes it darker and threatens the man on the vespa. they fight a hard and epic battle for the man's hat, but the man on the vespa has to loose it to darth vader, while planets fly through the universe....tequila!

the rest you have to figure out for yourselfs..;-)

oh, come on! all the action in the video is so filled with joy and fun and irony and lightness. it's not a funny video in the sense of jokes, it's funny in the sense of enjoying and celebrating. it's not about laughing, it's about smiling.

Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Shush on November 09, 2013, 11:27:12 PM
What ever an NMA video should be like, this one feels like a bit of fun. That can surely never be a bad thing ??
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: huwcamden on November 09, 2013, 11:30:18 PM
sorry cthulhu,reasoned arguments and im glad you like it, but "first rule is there are no rules" is great in art school and has created some great vids i guess but as a longtime nma fan i want stuff that reflects the power and energy and emotion of the band not some silly,jokey,pastiche wank.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: cthulhu on November 10, 2013, 09:35:20 AM
well, it seems that some people are almost angry about the video, and i somehow can understand that emotion from a distance. it's like the first feelings and confusion the first seconds of seeing it and then letting go seeing and just watching and by that somehow transforming.

i don't want to argue about the video on the production level, but i like to talk about what i experience through it. maybe some critics could try to explain on a feelings level, why they are disappointed or angry. that would be interesting.

to me, the whole bdaw experience was kind of a coloured thing, to which the design and art of the album where mixing in with the pictures evolving in my head while listening. there was a certain warm thickness, slow deepness...whatever. what i'm trying to say is, that the video crashed alomst immediately all of it.
at first there was crashing, disorientation, "what the **** does it mean?" "what do they want to tell me with that?", but also immediately i was taken on a journey and just had to smile about what i saw, with all the questions still there but not so important anymore. i think what happened, was a transformation of watching the vid on an more intellectual level and then changing to just go emotional. no explaining of the symbols, meanings, interpretation, just immediate sense and wonder.

i treally transfomed my reflection of the song and changed the colour and tone a bit, and at first i feeled almost betrayed. it's like people say they don't want to see the movie to the book they've read. and "what has been seen cannot be unseen!!!!"
but now i've good an addition to my interpretation and it made the experience stronger. becaus to me it fits perfectly. it fits my expectations of nma. that i so often just have to become aware that i have expectations that i didn't notice before.

and if i would argue about the video, and would feel attacked by words like silly, stupid, childish, i would say: how can you not like to watch children playing and having fun, and why can you not smile about people with grins in their face, holding drinks while surfing the big wave, how stubborn and boring you must be, you must be dead already.

but i would never say that!!


Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Alicat on November 10, 2013, 12:41:51 PM
My instinctive reaction was a definite WTF? moment when I first saw this video, in fact I disliked it so much that I didn't even make it all the way through, and at that time would have had to agree with what others have already said about it rather spoiling their experience of listening to this song.

But as I've watched this thread develop, I went back and watched the video through a few times and it's kind of grown on me- and this is from someone who generally doesn't like anything featuring kids too much!!- so I'm coming down on the side of Ifran, who said:
It looks to me that some people connected with the band decided to have some fun. Lighten up. Do we have to take everything so damn seriously all the time?  ;D
Yes, personally I probably would still have prefered what most of us would no doubt class a more 'typical' NMA approach, more serious in tone, but I guess it IS good to see a lighter side to the band too! And although it has now changed how I perceive that track I don't think it's necessarily for the worse, just different :)
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Semmelnknödöln on November 10, 2013, 01:53:29 PM
Love it. :-*

And the grumpy responses just deepen my appreciation for it ;D

Seriously people... totally with cthulhu. Independent from whether you like this kinda thing or not... is it that hard to appreciate that a group of artists around the band can have some fun and grow above themselves with a light-hearted, unexpected spill of creativity? I'll never understand how one can throw any anger at any piece of art... don't like it, shut the F up and let others enjoy the moment.. it'll come back around :) How boring a world where everything is predictable and likeable....

If this was the clip for, say, Ghosts.... I'd see some of the points taken in this thread, but regarding 7 times, it absolutely reflects at least "one way"* of living through the song.

*Even if not "your own" for better or worse.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Semmelnknödöln on November 10, 2013, 02:24:14 PM
What I am more curious about... when/where will be the first choreographic attempt at this vespa ride at a gig? Any volunteers for role-playing?  ;D 
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Alicat on November 10, 2013, 02:31:29 PM
ROFL, very good point!  ;D
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: huwcamden on November 10, 2013, 02:45:58 PM
It wouldnt be a very interesting or democratic forum if any of us with negative views on nma's videos or songs "shut the **** up" that is one of the main reasons for a forum and getting angry(or happy,excited,melancholic etc) at art is arts raison d'etre so again that is its point, however to completely contradict at earlier post i made about the video it am starting to like it "slightly" and in some bizarre way it almost fits the song, i still havent got much of a clue whats going on it though, im gonna sit down and read the lyrics when i get a spare moment and see if they make it clearer.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Semmelnknödöln on November 10, 2013, 03:30:17 PM
Yeah, "shut the F up" was obviously not meant as an appeal to forum people - sorry. It's just the approach I would take if I seriously dislike something (e.g. mushrooms :P)... I don't feel I need to bother to dwell on it for the purpose to spreading my taste. I don't sign up for a Bieber forum either just to have a go at it.. while slightly far-fetched (or offensive?  ;D)... my point is that arguing about taste leads nowhere. And the complaints about it being too light-hearted or disconnected from the song have no basis for me whatsoever to be honest...

In any case, I don't understand the video either, and certainly didn't expect something like this... which is why I like it - always something new to fall in love with. And honestly, much more appealing and sympathetic than any desperate attempt at creating some ethereal dark, grave spheres in a video... yawn.... I find that mostly tumbles into pieces if it doesn't reach you at the exact right mood level...

The album is all about creating space... so, here's a new dabble into unexpected spaces of humor. Good on them for not taking their own work so dead serious :)
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Bunny on November 17, 2013, 08:39:50 PM
I'd have to say Ive rewatched it again and tbh my opinions changed. Its not as wtf as first watch and I appreciate the humour in it and it is a fun video. And why not? Theres plenty of serious stuff out in the real world. Fair play.
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: purplehaze on November 20, 2013, 06:25:24 PM
its just that it doesnt [in my opinion] fit the feel of the song ,but am not sayin its crap or owt though :)
Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: Stefanie225 on November 20, 2013, 06:56:05 PM
Well, I'm surprised how seriously this video is discussed here! I tend to agree with lfran. The video looks like a bunch of guys spent a night out in their local pub and then went home with one of them and tried out his new film editing software. It is not meant to be an artistic illustration of the song, there's neither need to interpret its deeper meaning, nor to condemn its lack of artistic or intellectual value. It's just a bit of fun!!! And personally, I find it very refreshing to see a serious, passionate, dark band like NMA display a silly sense of humour.

Title: Re: Seven Times video...
Post by: purplehaze on November 20, 2013, 09:35:02 PM
i didnt mean to cause offence,all i meant was whilst listening tom the song they are not the sort of thing that i personally would picture,sort of like when you read a book you picture how things would look in your minds eye.Then when you watch a film based on that book it isnt always how you imagined it to be :) :)