The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: paul74 on November 11, 2013, 03:28:14 PM

Title: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: paul74 on November 11, 2013, 03:28:14 PM
Was thinking about some of the t shirts that have been produced over the years and I was wondering if the shop have ever considered reproducing some of the shirts. As someone who first got into the band in the early 90s I know there are plenty of shirts and tour shirts from the 80's that are equally as impressive as the shirts in the shop currently. Also shirts from several moons ago are often mosh pitted to point of shreads and could probably do with a reprint.

I know the band are a forward thinking band and not motivated by money but I think there could be some scope for this - thoughts?
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Barty on November 11, 2013, 04:04:53 PM
A similar thread came up a couple of years ago...can't remember the answer but I can work it out  ;D
I think it's a good idea though and would snap an Impurity t-shirt up for starters....I reckon demand would be pretty high.
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: dilla on November 11, 2013, 04:12:29 PM
Really miss some of my old t.shirts(sentimental git ;D)the problem would be which ones to re-print as there were many great ones.My top 4 would be
Pro Pace Pugno(with the Roundhead helmet)
Only Stupid Bastards
Large square celtic knot.
My oldest one still in one piece is the Lords of Chaos one but it's more of a rag than a t.shirt but I can't bring myself to dump it. ;D
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Scruff225 on November 11, 2013, 04:19:15 PM
And talk of Only Stupid Bastards... It is coming: (

Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: DannySan on November 12, 2013, 12:11:20 PM
Would be a great idea. I think as there have been so many good designs it would be a difficult decision which ones to do and which not to do.
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Rusco on November 12, 2013, 12:47:50 PM
And talk of Only Stupid Bastards... It is coming: (

Yep. That's cool. I think I'd might pay even some xtra for that one.

Dunno if someone remember, but few years ago I was the one responsible asking about Conflict & NMA relations due to the phrase "only stupid bastards". But luckily it seemed there was no cue and was kind of misunderstood at least by me... Well, later on I felt guilty about writing the topic.  :(
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Simon73 on December 04, 2013, 03:39:08 PM
great idea I am into the band since more than 20 years but never had t shirts from old albums
would love an Impurity one
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Master Ray on December 04, 2013, 07:26:32 PM
Another vote for an IMPURITY T-shirt... I had the one I bought at the original concert for many years and it held up well to repeated washings, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what happened to it...

Don't know if one was ever made, but I'd also love a T of the Poison Street 12-inch single cover...

I know NMA aren't a band to constantly look to the past, but the demand is obviously out there and if it puts quids in the coffers, why not?  Such gorgeous designs deserve to be commemorated...

What other classics would you lot like to have stretched on your chest?

Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Red on December 05, 2013, 06:01:43 PM
I would definitely go for the Impurity,Love of Hopeles causes and also the one with the ammonite on it

I still have a black and a white Thunder & Consolation shirt with all the tour dates on.

I would also want a Radio Sessions one, I had one of each, one was grey and the other a light lilac.

I was chatting about t shirts over the weekend in Greece and was wondering why there's no shirts with tour dates on any more, I expect it means that they can be sold at any time and anywhere.
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: DannySan on December 06, 2013, 12:47:48 PM
I would like a couple of t-shirts that are not black.

I opened my drawer the other day and they are all black.

I got a lovely blue one for my partners little boy from the shop here (Sun & NMA on the front and Seven Times... on the back) and thought it would be great if they did them in adult sizes.
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: luckyjack on December 06, 2013, 02:40:28 PM
Anyone have/had knockoff shirts? I picked up a sweet celtic dog design in Camden market in '92 (was complimented on by JS).
As long as the boys aren't being ripped off I think personal tribute designs are great. As a fellah who does shirt designs I'd be pissed at somebody nicking my work for profit, but seeing all the tribute jackets at the 30th shows made me think that  some  custom pieces would be sweet. Profiting off them would clearly be a shithead move and it would be polite to send some to the band-along with some christmas baking perhaps...
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Red on December 06, 2013, 09:41:32 PM
Anyone have/had knockoff shirts? I picked up a sweet celtic dog design in Camden market in '92 (was complimented on by JS).
As long as the boys aren't being ripped off I think personal tribute designs are great. As a fellah who does shirt designs I'd be pissed at somebody nicking my work for profit, but seeing all the tribute jackets at the 30th shows made me think that  some  custom pieces would be sweet. Profiting off them would clearly be a shithead move and it would be polite to send some to the band-along with some christmas baking perhaps...

I remember Joolz having a go at a bloke outside Guildford Civic Hall in 1987 for selling knock off shirts.

To say she was livid and he was shit scared is an understatement :)
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: luckyjack on December 07, 2013, 01:57:36 AM
Point taken- as she seems like a woman best not to cross.
 I was thinking more along the lines of individual designs. Bit of a fuzzy area...
When does a tribute blur into ripoff?
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Stoney on December 07, 2013, 04:55:32 PM
Point taken- as she seems like a woman best not to cross.
 I was thinking more along the lines of individual designs. Bit of a fuzzy area...
When does a tribute blur into ripoff?
The rip off is when a bootlegger goes out of their way to re-produce a shirt in large numbers for profit. the tribute is a one off for your own use because the design you want doesn't exhist or a non profit similar but not identical design is used. I've seen a few shirt with just the T & C knot on and no writing on, now let's be honest, the knot itself is thousands of years old and as long as it doesn't say NEW MODEL ARMY then you're not taking bread off the NMA table. Pretty much common sense really. I always wanted a shirt with the Purity cover on, it never happened tho, I did had a shirt made with the Love is ...Sweet Romance cover on the front and a design off the back of the Denise 12" on the back. Purely coz there wasn't one made. Another shirt that went the journey when I split with my ex.....  >:(
Using actual NMA art straight off a cover or a shirt etc for profit is obviously breaking copyright laws and will get you in hot water.......   
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Rusco on December 09, 2013, 12:23:06 PM
Can anyone remember a black tee with a big text "get me out"; a pic of pair of curious looking eyes and some hair showing in it and the NMA text? That's nowadays my oldest NMA shirt but it's in so bad condition I dare not to wear it so often.

I used to have a T&C logo+text shirt too but lost it 20 years ago.
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: comber on December 09, 2013, 04:50:17 PM
I had that Get Me Out shirt!Wore it to death in the early 90s and then it disappeared somewhere!I still mourn for it to this day.  :'(
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: stompy13 on December 09, 2013, 08:36:39 PM
Rusco, I've got that one too. Sleeves cut off and more holes in it than a Swiss cheese, but still a great design. Was one of my favourites, but too worn out to wear now. Got it in B'ham at the start of the 90s.

I think a Hopeless Causes long-sleeved top I've got is also a bootleg with the German tour dates on the back. The other 20 or so t-shirts are genuine!!!
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Stoney on December 09, 2013, 09:15:04 PM
The shirt of the Get Me Out single? Think it was a bootleg done around the time of the Impurity Tour./ I'm sure those were the shirts being hawked outside Liverpool when shit hit the fan. Manchester aswell on that tour.
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: nma_nik on December 10, 2013, 12:32:25 PM
Got to say, been following since 1990 and have all my old shirts which are on their last legs in boxes in the attic!!!  One great thing about the merch is that the t-shirts have been such good quality.  Got to say though the TIAGD shirts seems to have missed out on the quality, but the rest have stood the passage of time!!  Just resurrected my old European Tour Impurity T-shirt!!  I quite liked the skeleton hands shirt as well!!

I don't think Joolz et al will be relaunching shirts - but may be anniversaries of albums may bring a new aspect to old designs (like the T&C reboot a few years ago!).
Title: Re: NMA T - shirts etc
Post by: Rusco on December 10, 2013, 05:57:29 PM
My friends bought the Get Me Out shirt as a gift in -99. Probably from Camden. There are no tour dates in it. For a while ago I thought to upload a pic of it here, but I seem to have had terrible dyed moustaches then (15 years ago) so better not to put it here.  ;D

When I checked some old photos yesterday, it actually looks that I & my friends seem to be wearing a NMA tee in 70% of the photos.