The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: ruckedout on December 25, 2013, 09:49:19 PM
Thought i would share this with you all.
I had to drive from Coventry to Aberdeen the other week for a 3 day trip to survey 26 bus shelters. This meant i had to crawl around each shelter taking various measurements whilst telling pensioners to move out the way so i could take photo's (of the shelters.....not the pensioners).
Anyway, the point of this story is that i drove a 1300 mile round trip with a consultant guy that i didn't really know. Given that this was going to be a mammoth drive i naturally packed some NMA material (new and old) to listen to.
The guy i was with had never heard of NMA but was absolutely blown away by BDAW to the point that we listened to it in the van 6 times. He has since bought the album. Interestingly he wasn't too keen on the older stuff.
Pretty pointless story but a story nonetheless.
Happy Christmas and new year to you all.
The 'Consultant Man'...
Well done, that fella!
Not a pointless story as it's another fan.
he may get to like some of the earlier stuff given time
Great stuff Matt.
I think many of us have come across similar before. You play some NMA to someone who listens for the first time, they think its great and are amazed they have never heard of them before.
I've had similar reactions from people I know who don't rate NMA highly but totally love BDAW. I guess it really is quite different. NBTS was similar in that respect.
I've been with my wife for 14 years and although we've always shared a few similar musical tastes/bands I never shared my passion for NMA till about 4 or 5 years ago, she now has a fully fledged devotion to the band and has been to see them with me half a dozen times or so with me. Mind you when I do the roadtrips and trips abroad to see them play leaving her at home with our little 'un the green eyed monster gets to put in an appearance
Was "Gimme Shelter" his favourite song? ;D
Sorry,will get my coat.
My girlfriend who has completely different tastes in music to me listened to BDAW with me in the kitchen the other when I was cooking. She sat there and actually said "I didn't realise this was New Model Army... it's good" I know that I won't get her beyond BDAW though!
BDAW being a fair bit different from other NMA albums, and has been said here in the past, will turn away some fans who don't like the new sound, but as you illustrate here, its also going to convert some people who never really got on with the older sound to giving NMA another go ;)
The thing is it's different and it's not, it feels like the logical conclusion to some of the musical directions the band started to explore on Carnival with some interesting, operatical almost Queen style backing vocals dropped into the mix for good measure, not that there is anyone to compare the drums on BDAW with, Did You Make It Safe makes the rear view mirror on my motor quiver..!
The thing is it's different and it's not, it feels like the logical conclusion to some of the musical directions the band started to explore on Carnival with some interesting, operatical almost Queen style backing vocals dropped into the mix for good measure, not that there is anyone to compare the drums on BDAW with, Did You Make It Safe makes the rear view mirror on my motor quiver..!
...And The Euphemisum Of The Day Award goes to.......Fatalist !