The official NMA board
General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Amandistan on March 06, 2015, 08:48:56 AM
I just left my rental apartment and am never going back again. I have no job and am basically homeless by choice.
I am volunterring for 2 months in Ireland, then on an island in the celtic sea, then probably Germany, Then a hippy hostel in Bulgaria. Then I am thinking of spending winter in Morocco.I have also been offered a stay at a resort to just simply speak english to Polish people. It is very cheap if you get room and board. Thanks to Ryanair, you can travel cheap. And instead of killing myself working trying to get ahead, I am actually helping people and learning new skills.
It will help me get over my shyness and increase my happiness.
I bascially have no stress or pressure at the moment and it just feels amazing. I can legally stay in the U.K. for 6 months, 26 countries in the eu for 3, Irealnd for 3 and most balkan countries for 3 months each. Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. I want to eventually have enough confidence to really help in a third world country. I may seem confrontational because I grew up feeling the need to defend myself and it continued as an adult. I will regret ever admiting this but in reality I do that to cover up my true feelings. In reality, I feel very bad if I am mean to someone and don't hate people, actually want to help people. but that often opens up to hurt.
I hope that this experiance improves me. I know this is unrealted to the board but I really want to share it. I always feel comfortable here and with people who follow this band. Now, my only real expense will be gigs when i can do them. :) I can go on like this for five years. I have saved a lot. Working 80 hours a week helped.
I am typying this hours after landing after a 6 hour flight with horrible turbulence. That would expelain the spelling/grammar errors.
I wish all of you the best day ever and i wish you all have this feeling at least once.
Best of luck with everything Amanda i truly hope that it all goes well and you can find your inner peace. Your doing a awesome thing I only wish i had the courage to do something similar
All my love and luck to you.
Damn, Amanda, you're brave.
I truly hope it all goes well. And if things don't go to plan, I'm sure you can post here and get advice / condolence / help.
All the very, very best. :)
Well done Amanda; I hope you have fun on your travels. Are you in Ireland now?
Hey Amanda :)
Go Girl :-* You gonna have the time of your life. The world is big! Enjoy and look after yourself.
I wish you all the very best good luck and I wish you a good time ;)
Go girl! :)
Amanda, wish you have a nice, exciting and safe journey. Life goes so fast and I think it's important to see the world, cross the borders, boundaries and respect all that greatness the different cultures have brought to this world. Place called The Earth.
hey amanda
pm me with details of ireland stay
Fantastic! I look forward to hearing more about your travels.
Good luck with everything Amanda
Sorry I didn't see you later last night
You know that we're all here for you if you need us and I'm sure we can all help you in one way or another
here's to a bright future for you x
:D Hats off to you and best of luck with everything! What a brave thing to do!
you should start a thread that keeps everyone updated on your adventure
you should start a thread that keeps everyone updated on your adventure
Excellent idea :)
Come on Amanda you know you want and can do this. :) :)
(At least it would divert our attention from a certain other poster) ;D ;D
Yeah, like a diary of your experiences. What a fantastic thing you're doing. All the very best wishes !
we can virtually join you on your adventure