The official NMA board

General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Rusco on February 01, 2018, 12:52:26 PM

Title: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Rusco on February 01, 2018, 12:52:26 PM
Ok album / record /  film / magazine -whatever collectors...  :)

Anything else...??
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Pol on February 01, 2018, 05:55:14 PM
Probably not the response your looking for, but will add anyway.  I don't see myself as a collector as such . But I seem to have amassed a lot of kinda random-ish objects. The main themes are giger  (tho I can't afford the expensive stuff) mainly posters (framed) etc . I recently bought a limited edition pin badge h.r. (alien on skies). I like wooden carved objects mainly tribal masks n some furniture. I prefer 2nd hand n old but have new stuff as well . I also have some taxidermy tho not much. Even have some religious stuff Hindu etc Kali ganish etc . I  just buy what I like basically. Everything needs to have at least a bit of woe factor. I mainly buy on a strict budget eBay charity shops auction. 
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 01, 2018, 07:08:10 PM
But I seem to have amassed a lot of kinda random-ish objects.

He he, you and me both baby! In my case there seems to be a greater emphasis on skulls, what Keren calls Grufty stuff (Goth to you and me  ;D) and also a lot of stone and Rock from various places and travels.

But I do collect Warhammer 40K models - in particular Dark Eldar and a bit of Chaos Demons. Started it all years ago with my son but kept on with it even after he fell away from it long since. Enjoy the making, painting and looking! Not actually played the game itself for god knows how long. Often have some model or other on the go - currently a Dark Eldar Succubus: built, undercoated and guide wash done just gotta start the actual painting.

Keeps my brain quiet for a while: that's why I like it

Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Pol on February 01, 2018, 07:21:07 PM
My next door neighbour big Frazer is into warhammer tho I've no idea what stuff . I know very little about it other than they have a big shop in union street Glasgow
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Red on February 02, 2018, 06:27:55 PM
As some of you may or may not know I collect all formats off all the NMA releases

I collect bootlegs, test pressings, imports etc

My wife doesn't understand it when I say the last album I bought is different to the others I have :)

( I currently have 23 different copies of No Rest For The Wicked on vinyl)

Everything is in alphabetical order

I'm constantly searching Ebay, Discogs and other sites ( Unfortunately Discogs have now changed their policy and will no longer list bootlegs for sale)

I would love to collect £10 and £20 notes but I seem to keep spending them, not just on NMA stuff and gigs but scooters and beer :) :)

Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Rusco on February 02, 2018, 07:36:51 PM
Pol and Anna, very nice to hear about your interests in wooden carvings, Warhammer stuff. Grufty stuff :)? Eh, well I feel some togetherness with you both in what you do. Being a Giger fan and having tattoos sounds like an overwhelming devotion and there are endless ways to get deeper within it for sure. Anna, I think I can remember some stuff from G+ days that reminds about some Warhammer-kind-of stuff. ;) (I've also done the games in my past btw).

One might suggest that Etsy website could be a useful site when you looking for statues, reliefs and metal?
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Rusco on February 02, 2018, 08:01:39 PM
As some of you may or may not know I collect all formats off all the NMA releases

To be fair, you and Dawnrazer were the first to pop to my mind about the topic. You're real collectors.  (Well, maybe Gaijin too, but he will stay probably mysterious with all the knowledge. Maybe a close friend of the band...who knows.)

Everything is in alphabetical order

How about when you're in mood of searching some stuff you own - is alphabetic order enough? I mean, you have multiple press versions and it's likely a bit difficult to see difference between them at first?

I'm constantly searching Ebay, Discogs and other sites ( Unfortunately Discogs have now changed their policy and will no longer list bootlegs for sale)

I'm really interested to hear about all these "tools". I also created an account recently at the Discogs. How about, what do you think how much people rely on the estimated prices at the Discogs? Do they only treat it as an estimation or do people and shops f.e treat it as a price that should be really trusted? 2nd hand shops do certainly follow them?
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on February 02, 2018, 09:15:40 PM
I was a fan of band patches but I only have a few now and I sew them on my jacket so not like a collector.But I have another desire called vinyl.I can't call my self a vinyl collector.And I'm not collecting them but my aim is just to have my favorite albums as vinyl cos they sound the best I think.I have around 80-90 vinyl records and still have some to complete.But the problem for me is my country's money is melting down and even an affordable priced vinyl is costing me double,triple or more than it's real price.Even local records at Discogs got higher in years.Maybe there should be another thread called 'Vinyl' here.Anyway I was collecting football shirts,jerseys but also quit it some time ago.Very bad at keeping things.Most valuable thing I ever have is The Love Of Hopeless Causes L.P signed by the band.I keep it like a treasure because I believe it's the best record ever in the history. :)
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Pol on February 03, 2018, 09:51:52 AM
I should have maybe added to my original post,  that I'm probably collecting tattoos  . I got a few when I was younger but the passion to get lots more has intensified in the last cpl of years.  Downsides there expensive and painful.  Plus side I will always have them n it's the only thing I can think of that you take with you .
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Rusco on February 03, 2018, 09:35:24 PM
I just made my first purchase at the Discogs. I see there are many things that you should be aware about.
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: rick a. on February 08, 2018, 01:49:14 AM
I collect books and lp's, but only playable copies. I know people who buy 2, one to play and one to save. the Lp's I recently sold to make more room for my cd collection. The cd's are in alphabetical order, although split into 3 categories: rock....jazz/blues....."world music". Each category is pretty much in alphabetical order in a very loose sense of the word. The books are all over the place, roughly organized by topic but double deep and falling out of the shelves all the time. I need more space!
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Dawnrazer on February 08, 2018, 08:36:39 AM

( I currently have 23 different copies of No Rest For The Wicked on vinyl)

Everything is in alphabetical order

NO!!  It has to be chronological order!!!  ;D ;D

...and I think I have 27 copies of NRFTW  8) 8)
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Rusco on February 08, 2018, 12:19:20 PM
 :) Geez.

But how do you know how many different versions there are in total? Or do you just purchase every odd version you find at a market, regardless how many there are yet to come? Just curious...
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: jc on February 08, 2018, 12:29:52 PM
I collect setlists, does that count; oh and I also buy new records to listen to, don’t do the collecting thing per se, I regard it as another piece of magic to enjoy on the music journey.


Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Red on February 09, 2018, 09:28:39 AM

( I currently have 23 different copies of No Rest For The Wicked on vinyl)

Everything is in alphabetical order

NO!!  It has to be chronological order!!!  ;D ;D

...and I think I have 27 copies of NRFTW  8) 8)

27, wonder if I'll ever catch up

Did you see the last item I got

The BBC transcription vinyl from the Top Of The Pops performance of No Rest
Title: Re: Collectors (album, videos, etc)
Post by: Rusco on February 09, 2018, 06:19:25 PM
I'm not quite sure where my will to collect things will lead to.

Some things I'm holding my eye, been keen to are:

Everything done by

-Bill Laswell
-Jah Wobble

+ also

-compilation albums (punk stuff) pigeonholed by the countries and scene where the bands come from
-technical thrash metal/ a bit of progressive death metal (interested in the scene history of tech thrash bands)

Bubbling under:

-The Panacea (d'n'b stuff - mainly dj singles)
-expressionist / avant garde music: Arnold Schoenberg etc.'s assumably a bit difficult to start with that many things to be interested about.  :-\