The official NMA board
General Category => Trades & Swaps => Topic started by: Robinairo on April 10, 2019, 12:02:25 PM
I've discovered i'm missing the following:
Deliver Us (instrumental)
Blitz (instrumental)
Master Plan (instrumental)
Any ideas where I can get hold of them??
Also I'm searching for anything recorded by the Gardeners of Eden.
and You don`t miss Belisha Beacon & the accident, too?
Those 4 songs are on an old demo cdr called The Attack .....
Ah cheers I'll try find that. Yes I am missing those to!!!
Now on the hunt. Any ideas where to get hold of it?
Once upon a time ago, there was this poster here going by the moniker Ottodeth. He had, has (if the links still work), a lot of bootlegs and such from NMA among countless other bands, artists. Robinairo, you might find even more there, that you might be missing. Here's the link to his blog ( Hopefully the links still work. If so, enjoy! :)
Speaking of the guy, Ottodeth… anyone here today know what happened to him? He was last active sometime in 2013, apparently. I wasn't here at the time. If anyone knows, it'd be nice to find out what happened, where he's gone to. Thanking you in advance.
Thanks 8, I'll take a look. Lotus helped me out... Made me a happy happy Man. Cheers