The official NMA board
General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: Master Ray on May 14, 2019, 06:57:14 PM
So excited by today's news, buzzing like a wasp in a bottle. Love the brief music clip... interested to read the whole album was written in two months and recorded in nine days... sounds like it could be just as different an album to Winter as Winter was to BDAW.
Thought I'd start a new thread so we can gather our thoughts and plans in a single place... what are you hoping to do? I'm think I'll be in London between Sat 16th and Tues 19th, coming back on the Tuesday, thinking about heading to Chester instead of going home seeing as i really liked The Live Rooms last time I was there (for, yes, NMA), it's a really good venue. Manchester seems to be the default setting for myself going to see NMA but seeing as it's a Friday I might consider changing that to Birmingham on the Saturday (not a place I'm terribly fond of but more chance of a big NMA Forum meet, perhaps?)
Nottingham? Please, is that even a question? :D
Hope this thread is useful, be interested to see which friends, old and new, are going where... may our paths cross! ;)
Not seen all the dates but properly just Edinburgh ( think I've got a lift already)
what the album...............must plan some dates but not working since sime time and not wrking now as my partner is in Washington DC for work and I have no working permission here. plus 2 months only. but cannot look for other jobs shit. am basically working out, swimming, having fun with my daughter.........but no income at all. so difficult to plan other expenses unfortunately (flights tickets drinks sleep etc). but I mean, I must find the way to do that. Plus when there are international missions I usually apply to I mean I know that a few weeks in advance which is f. up in order to plan a dates or more buy tickets travel etc. will see what I can do. But miss the band and the family as a whole.
what the album...............must plan some dates but not working since sime time and not wrking now as my partner is in Washington DC for work and I have no working permission here. plus 2 months only. but cannot look for other jobs shit. am basically working out, swimming, having fun with my daughter.........but no income at all. so difficult to plan other expenses unfortunately (flights tickets drinks sleep etc). but I mean, I must find the way to do that. Plus when there are international missions I usually apply to I mean I know that a few weeks in advance which is f. up in order to plan a dates or more buy tickets travel etc. will see what I can do. But miss the band and the family as a whole.
Hey, Simon, I know the cash flow problem well, hence not firmly committing myself to anything (except Nottingham, I'll rob a bank to make it to that one if I have to!) but I hope you make it over, sir. Enjoy your time with your kid!
1/11 Belgium
14/12 Cologne
Frankfurt mosst certainly and Cologne most likely :)
All the German dates plus Amsterdam and Koln. May do Newcastle too. Will be parting with some NMA stuff to help fund me soon. ;)
Nottingham and Birmingham. Might see if I can squeeze another in too.
The Manchester gig is a significant birthday for one of my lot. What better way to celebrate it?
Been rethinking this one a bit... seeing as I'll see all the usual suspects in Nottingham at Christmas, I might go further afield for the November tour... my usual NMA gig buddy Dan The Postman has mentioned going to Newcastle and / or Edinburgh... I haven't been to Newcastle since the 90's (had quite a few great nights there!) and I've never been to Edinburgh... might be interesting to check out a couple of new venues. A work in progress, I think... ???
Been rethinking this one a bit... seeing as I'll see all the usual suspects in Nottingham at Christmas, I might go further afield for the November tour... my usual NMA gig buddy Dan The Postman has mentioned going to Newcastle and / or Edinburgh... I haven't been to Newcastle since the 90's (had quite a few great nights there!) and I've never been to Edinburgh... might be interesting to check out a couple of new venues. A work in progress, I think... ???
Only been to Newcastle once. Bloody fantastic Place. Im tempted to travel to another. Maybe Chester but ill see what fits in on my days off
Been rethinking this one a bit... seeing as I'll see all the usual suspects in Nottingham at Christmas, I might go further afield for the November tour... my usual NMA gig buddy Dan The Postman has mentioned going to Newcastle and / or Edinburgh... I haven't been to Newcastle since the 90's (had quite a few great nights there!) and I've never been to Edinburgh... might be interesting to check out a couple of new venues. A work in progress, I think... ???
Only been to Newcastle once. Bloody fantastic Place. Im tempted to travel to another. Maybe Chester but ill see what fits in on my days off
Chester is a lovely little city and The Live Rooms is a great venue. Can't promise that I'll be there (like I did Manchester last year ;) ) but let's keep each other updated.
Dortmund or failing that Koln - won't be other to England for christmas/new year this year
Been rethinking this one a bit... seeing as I'll see all the usual suspects in Nottingham at Christmas, I might go further afield for the November tour... my usual NMA gig buddy Dan The Postman has mentioned going to Newcastle and / or Edinburgh... I haven't been to Newcastle since the 90's (had quite a few great nights there!) and I've never been to Edinburgh... might be interesting to check out a couple of new venues. A work in progress, I think... ???
Only been to Newcastle once. Bloody fantastic Place. Im tempted to travel to another. Maybe Chester but ill see what fits in on my days off
Chester is a lovely little city and The Live Rooms is a great venue. Can't promise that I'll be there (like I did Manchester last year ;) ) but let's keep each other updated.
Yeah ok mate. Well im off that day and the next so its a possible. I visited Chepstow Castle recently and am kicking myself I didnt do that gig
Hello, I am in the process of putting together a Magic Bus tour: Berlin to Krakow, still costing it up, everybody is welcome, how does that sound :)
Absolutely buzzing for this one.
Will be doing Brighton and London. Would hope to do Southampton but no chance am getting the time off work in early October.
Nottingham tickets booked for me and the better half. Premier inn central booked: get in quick we got the premier inn for £40
Been rethinking this one a bit... seeing as I'll see all the usual suspects in Nottingham at Christmas, I might go further afield for the November tour... my usual NMA gig buddy Dan The Postman has mentioned going to Newcastle and / or Edinburgh... I haven't been to Newcastle since the 90's (had quite a few great nights there!) and I've never been to Edinburgh... might be interesting to check out a couple of new venues. A work in progress, I think... ???
The Boiler Shop at Newcastle is a cracking venue. Edinburgh only about 2 hours up the road. I'm doing those two, Leeds and either Manchester or Chester I think. Was hoping to do Amsterdam but just hear Stiff Little Fingers are the Special Guests at Cologne so may consider there.
Well, too soon to say but interested in Edinburgh and Manchester cause never been there... and I'm waiting for second part of the tour for more french and spanish shows ::)
Hello, I am in the process of putting together a Magic Bus tour: Berlin to Krakow, still costing it up, everybody is welcome, how does that sound :)
Greetings jc,
I've been a floater / poster, on and off, since late summer 2005. I recall your bus trips being mentioned on these boards, albeit, only vaguely now.
1. Exactly, where are you based jc?
2. How many have you put together, to date?
3. Where have your bus tours stopped in the past, city-wise? Is it always the same cities?
4. Which NMA tours, have you done this for, in the past?
5. Do you do this for fans of bands / artists, other than NMA? If so, whom... which?
6. In total, how many seats available?
7. What other social platforms are you on, to drum up interest in your bus tour?
Always thought this was an amazing idea of yours. :) lol, I might be jumping the gun with all my Q's, here. If so, please feel free to cut and paste / quote this post in your thread, once you're ready, have set up a proper one.
Cheers. :)
Chester and Nottingham tickets booked :)
1. Exactly, where are you based jc?
2. How many have you put together, to date?
3. Where have your bus tours stopped in the past, city-wise? Is it always the same cities?
4. Which NMA tours, have you done this for, in the past?
5. Do you do this for fans of bands / artists, other than NMA? If so, whom... which?
6. In total, how many seats available?
7. What other social platforms are you on, to drum up interest in your bus tour?
Hello 8,
- London
- I’ve done 4 in total
- London, Paris, Koln, Amsterdam, Aberdeen, Brighton, Southampton, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Manchester, Zurich, Leeds, Cambridge, Dresden, Vienna, Bilston, Schaffhausen,... I can’t remember any more off the top of my head
- UK tour 2011, UK tour 2013, European tour 2013, Xmas tour 2008, not all full tours
- I’ve only done this for NMA fans but I know other people who have done it for other bands, notably for the Stranglers
- numbers vary but usually around 16
- I usually only advertise here and on the Book of Faces. I try to keep it not too much in your faces as I don’t want to come across as too pushy
It’s hard work doing the research and wondering whether we can get the right numbers to make it viable; however all that worry simply evaporates when you see it actually happening and people arriving nervous and unsure and they then proceed to have the times of their lives and leave the best of friends with faces aching from smiling and laughing.
One place I’d really like to do it is in the US, hint, hint to the Band.
So 8 where you from and can we get you on a Bus?
****, no more plane from my hometown to Edinburgh and Manchester in november >:(
1. Exactly, where are you based jc?
2. How many have you put together, to date?
3. Where have your bus tours stopped in the past, city-wise? Is it always the same cities?
4. Which NMA tours, have you done this for, in the past?
5. Do you do this for fans of bands / artists, other than NMA? If so, whom... which?
6. In total, how many seats available?
7. What other social platforms are you on, to drum up interest in your bus tour?
- London
- I’ve done 4 in total
- London, Paris, Koln, Amsterdam, Aberdeen, Brighton, Southampton, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Manchester, Zurich, Leeds, Cambridge, Dresden, Vienna, Bilston, Schaffhausen,... I can’t remember any more off the top of my head
- UK tour 2011, UK tour 2013, European tour 2013, Xmas tour 2008, not all full tours
Wow! How impressive, jc! I hadn't realised you put together so many of them. :)
- I’ve only done this for NMA fans but I know other people who have done it for other bands, notably for the Stranglers
Good to know. :)
- numbers vary but usually around 16
Wow! That's an intimate number, I was under the impression it might've been around 40-50 people capacity. Thanks for mentioning that very important detail. :)
- I usually only advertise here and on the Book of Faces. I try to keep it not too much in your faces as I don’t want to come across as too pushy
JC, in all my years on this board, you have never ever come across as being pushy. :)
It’s hard work doing the research and wondering whether we can get the right numbers to make it viable; however all that worry simply evaporates when you see it actually happening and people arriving nervous and unsure and they then proceed to have the times of their lives and leave the best of friends with faces aching from smiling and laughing.
Yes, I remember seeing a lot of photos of countless happy faces, back in the day, when I used to post/visit this board more regularly. I always loved when people shared their experiences on here, about the tours. I am extremely confident that the bus will fill up sooner than you think! 16 is actually a very small number, considering. :)
One place I’d really like to do it is in the US, hint, hint to the Band.
Whoa!! That bus would be packed with the good folk from over yonder (across the pond - UK, EU, beyond), as it were. Sure hope it happens, if not with the second leg of NMA's 'From Here' tour, then with the 40th Anniversary tour... should NMA commit to doing one. :)
So 8 where you from and can we get you on a Bus?
Ohhh, jc... in my dreams, in my dreams. :-[ My dad is dying. He is has 2 types of cancer, just as serious heart issues and is bed-ridden. I just couldn't bring myself to leave him, not for anything, and then have him pass on without me being near. It' would kill me. It would scar me for the rest of my life. The wonderful news so far, is that he's made it past the 6 month mark, but I just don't want to chance it. You know? Even after all he's said and done... I still love him, forgive him.
I'm from Canada, but I don't believe NMA will be coming over here (to Canada) any time soon. Honestly, not for the second leg of the 'From Here' tour or 40th Anniversary. NMA never hit a Canadian city on their 30th Anniversary tour, so why would they come to one for their 40th? I just don't feel it happening, sadly... too expensive, too far to drive between gigs. Canada is just too massive in size. Too bad though, 'cause it's a truly beautiful country, especially if one is into nature and wide open spaces.
JC, thank you so much for replying. Don't you worry, that bus is going to fill up in no time! :D Look forward to seeing / hearing all about it on this board, as I am not (nor will I ever be, long story) on facefook or fritter. Have a wonderful day, jc ! :)
Best wishes,
Hopefully Southampton,Chester,Manchester and maybe Brum :)
Me and my friend have our tickets for Dortmund, the one in Belgium - and Cologne, of course :)
At the moment:
Winterthur, Fribourg, Freiburg, München, Stuttgart
Amsterdam? Köln?
So for me and my good Lady the following are booked.
10 Oct Dortmund (DE)
11 Oct Hamburg (DE)
12 Oct Berlin (DE)
26 Oct Stuttgart (DE)
27 Oct Nurnburg (DE)
29 Oct Dresden (DE)
30 Oct Frankfurt (DE)
30 Nov Istanbul (TR)
13 Dec Amsterdam (NL)
14 Dec Köln (DE)
Still to sort out 07 Sep Angeliter Open-Air (DE)
So looking forward to this tour ( ( ( (
Bristol booked , looking at Brum and possibly Cardiff 🤟
At the moment I've booked these
These are with Jack on the Magic Bus
I'm also doing
Reckon that should do for now :) :)
when finally the guys are coming to berlin 5 min away from my place i will be away most probably on holiday because my daughter has autumn school holidays. in germany is llike that. 2 weeks. shit. at least i could have spent less money. just ticket and nothing else <(beside drinks eh eh.............). will see if i can plan something else trying to keep it as cheap as possible as not working regularly since some time.................
At the moment I've booked these
These are with Jack on the Magic Bus
Me too :D
Thinking about Southampton and maybe Bristol but planning Koln with the family for the Christmas market
We're on vacation in the north of Denmark so this will actually be the first Hamburg gig that I miss since Stadtpark 1993...DAMMIT this sucks! >:(
I hope there will be a part 2 of the tour incl. Kiel, Bremen, Hannover and/or Rostock...
However, we WILL be at the Angeliter festival 8)
Tickets booked, flights sorted, hotel confirmed - Melkweg here we come! :D
Birmingham booked.
Due to the kindness of some fine people on this forum, I've now added Dortmund and Hamburg to my preexisting Magic Bus plans.
Managed to get a friend of mine who is not into nma to join me in berlin, so that i can sleep at his place.
Trying to get to dortmund as well.
Hamburg to Krakow,Manchester/Leeds and probably Birmingham.
Change of plans .... not now going to Dortmund but to Losheim am See : very near where we used to live so will visit friends while there but also cos this place is there
sehr sehr 8)
I know, there are problems to follow the october tour and Hamburg seemed to be not possible :(
But I wonder, why Hamburg is again "sold out" yet as the only gig of the tour - same thing happened touring "winter", and a lot of tickets were offered by private sellers for 2x or 3x of the normal price .....
New Model Army have no control over who buys tickets for any show. Hamburg Markthalle tends to sell out early as it's a smaller venue and most people, band included, love shows there. If some tickets are subsequently offered for inflated rates then the answer is, simply, don't buy them.
Chester tickets arrived today. MR, know any good drinking dens up there??
Chester tickets arrived today. MR, know any good drinking dens up there??
Still checking whether I can make it to that one, hopefully I can show you myself! Long story short, I'm in London the weekend before and have the rest of the week off, quite tempted to try a date or two further north than I usually venture but I'm juggling the old finances at the moment so I'm figuring out what I can stretch to. You booked a hotel yet? I know Chester very well so am certainly able to offer advice if I can't make that one...
Chester tickets arrived today. MR, know any good drinking dens up there??
Still checking whether I can make it to that one, hopefully I can show you myself! Long story short, I'm in London the weekend before and have the rest of the week off, quite tempted to try a date or two further north than I usually venture but I'm juggling the old finances at the moment so I'm figuring out what I can stretch to. You booked a hotel yet? I know Chester very well so am certainly able to offer advice if I can't make that one...
Mate Im booked into the Hallmark. Only £39 quid and just round the corner from the gig. Ill probably drive up as it aint far. Looking forward to somewhere new.
The Live Rooms is a cracking good venue. I'll keep you posted as to my plans, if I can't make it to Chester then I'll deffo see you in Nottingham!
So, it will be Losheim (31/10) and Strasbourg (2/11) for me... Rijkovosel 1/11 is sold out but who knows, if someone sell a ticket ... ::)
Unfortunatly no Edinburg and Manchester >:(
My old Army buddy and I are coming from the US and taking in the Munich and Stuttgart shows! May also go to the Nurnburg show as well but we shall see. This is are old stomping ground as we were stationed in Karlsruhe in the early 90's. It's crazy but it should be an amazing trip. I haven't seen the band since they came to Brooklyn in 2010 and since they are not coming to the US we need to go to them. Looking forward to the shows and meeting other die hard NMA fans! Cheers!
At the moment I've booked these
These are with Jack on the Magic Bus
I'm also doing
Reckon that should do for now :) :)
Part timer! :P
Just booked the flight from San Francisco. I'll be at London, Cambridge, Leeds and Cardiff and really looking forward to it!!
I'm pretty jealous of that Electric Ballroom gig. Surprised it hasn't sold out yet.
I'm bored outta my skull here in Poznan. Can't seem to find a decent bar nearby. Ugh.
Berlin was great yesterday. on the forum. Hiiiiieeeee.
(Thanks for letting me In, Viv!)
How was it in Poznań? Please let us know.
Poznan was not as Good as Berlin. Very stiff crowd. Did NOT enjoy pogo or moving around at all...except for Wojcech. Thanks man. Not as good sound. The venue was smaller which was nice though. I love world was the only encore.
Thanks to Paul and all the other people I met. Great fun.
Welcome Zacharias! and thanks for the comment on the Poznan Gig.
It's always a little uncomfortable when the majority around you is not so into moving and dancing and you kind of feel distressing them. Maybe many curious new listeners who were just not used to such a power coming from stage.
"I'll be at London, Cambridge, Leeds and Cardiff and really looking forward to it!!"
Hmmm...$542, RT, non-stop to Heathrow right now for those dates. Hmmm....
At the moment I've booked these
These are with Jack on the Magic Bus
I'm also doing
Reckon that should do for now :) :)
Part timer! :P
You know it mate
Enjoy the rest of the European dates and see ya soon
"I'll be at London, Cambridge, Leeds and Cardiff and really looking forward to it!!"
Hmmm...$542, RT, non-stop to Heathrow right now for those dates. Hmmm....
It seems that you're thinking about...but what does RT mean?
Return Trip?
"I'll be at London, Cambridge, Leeds and Cardiff and really looking forward to it!!"
Hmmm...$542, RT, non-stop to Heathrow right now for those dates. Hmmm....
It seems that you're thinking about...but what does RT mean?
I'm guessing "Return Trip"
But dunno
Well then, 542 damned US Dollars $$$ for a Return've gotta book it!;-)
And thanks for the explanation Digital Man (don't you think that's a Bit too Binary for a human;-))