The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: 8 on May 19, 2019, 08:13:50 PM

Title: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: 8 on May 19, 2019, 08:13:50 PM
What kind of  NMA  merchandise would  YOU  love to see
  the shop (  or at the merch stall,

that isn't being produced en masse, as of yet?

Feel free to drop suggestions into this thread.  Who knows it's NMA's 40th anniversary next year (October 2020),
maybe, the powers that be wil like a few of them, enough to have them officially produced, manufactured, sanctioned.



As for myself, I am quite seriously interested in purchasing a collection of...

 1.  5"x7"   full band image postcards, unautographed though... colour, sepia-toned, and black & white.
 2.  8"x10"   full band image prints, also unautographed... colour, sepia-toned, and black & white.
 3.  FULL blown-sized wall posters, autographed only if JS, MD, DW, MG & CM care to... colour, sepia-toned, and black & white.
 4.  a few tasteful 16-month-long Calendars *containing the following 11 band images + 5 individual members' images*  (at a later date, I may come back to insert a few those).
 5.  a super high quality  10"x12" (or larger) sized coffee table book, made up of strictly photos (a good mix of colour, sepia-toned, and black & white images) with the odd blurb, either about the band or by the members themselves subtly inserted, not boldly or invasively... aim would be to have the photos shine and speak for themselves.

All of the above to be produced on high quality paper, ideally, utilizing the following NMA photographs of the most current line-up of NMA.












I just really want something to have displayed in my living space, that actually holds a lot of meaning / means a great deal to me and that, at the same time, makes me very happy just to look, see, gaze upon it.  :-[

And, to whomever said / thinks that all 5 of them take bad photo... come a little closer, 'cause you deserve a fuckin' good hard slap upside the head!  >:(  Grrr!!!  I think they're  all  lovely.  :'(  To those people... please stop saying / spreading such shite, hurtful lies! :-[:'(:-[

Thanks for lettin' me get that off my chest, vent.  Anyway, there's so much more NMA merch I'd love to see be officially produced / sanctioned by the band, but this post is way too long as it is.  I'll come back at some point and mention the rest.  'Til then, have a yourselves a wonderful day and, if you posted, thanks very much for your input and making / taking the time to do so.  :)
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Pol on May 19, 2019, 08:56:15 PM
Everyone wants new prints of old t shirts
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Master Ray on May 19, 2019, 09:21:18 PM
Everyone wants new prints of old t shirts

True, this had been brought up many times before. I know NMA aren't a 'backward-looking band' but I genuinely don't understand the problem here... we've all had those T shirts that we loved (but have fallen apart in subsequent years) and would like a new one.. it''d bring money into keeping NMA going (seeing as the guys don't have a wealthy record label behind them....) and it'd make fans, old and new, happy...
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: nkdublu on May 19, 2019, 09:29:42 PM
LP sized prints like they did for Between Wine and Blood and the No Rest album and singles. More so looking at the artwork so far for 'From Here'

Title: LP sized art prints of the covers of official NMA albums and singles...
Post by: 8 on May 20, 2019, 08:45:57 AM
LP sized prints like they did for Between Wine and Blood and the No Rest album and singles.  More so looking at the artwork so far for 'From Here'.

Greetings nkdublu,  :)

Were you around here in 2010, NMA's 30th anniversary year?  I'm asking because they had all the album and singles covers reproduced into gorgeous LP sized art prints.  I personally loved the idea, too!  I'd love to see this happen again.  Never managed to complete my print collection though.  And, I don't know about anyone else here, but my print of the  'Love of Hopeless Causes'  album cover - the colour was terribly off.  What should've been a really nice bright yellow, came out a wonky, muddy-lookin' green.  :-\  I'd like to replace that one, with another, colour-corrected one.  Thankfully, that was the only botched one in the set I received.  :)
Title: Legit re-issues of most wanted out-of-print official NMA t-shirts from the past.
Post by: 8 on May 20, 2019, 08:58:12 AM
Hey Pol, Master Ray... :)

Which specific t-shirts are you two particularly interested in having officially re-issued?  lol, I haven't been around long enough to know most of them!  Only found out about the NMA sometime 'round late 1989 / early 1990.  And, it didn't help any that I'm actually not from around those parts (UK/Europe) either.  :-[  So, a few details would be pretty nice, not to mention extremely helpful.  ;)

How about the rest of you, in the market, lookin' for NMA t-shirts?  Which ones are you seriously pining for?  :)
Title: Seriously, something tells me buying secondhand doesn't help the bands, artists!
Post by: 8 on May 20, 2019, 10:13:17 AM
I know NMA aren't a 'backward-looking band', but I genuinely don't understand the problem here... we've all had those T shirts that we loved (but have fallen apart in subsequent years) and would like a new one.  it'd bring money into keeping NMA going (seeing as the guys don't have a wealthy record label behind them) and it'd make fans, old and new, happy.

Totally agree with you Master Ray!

Just found an example of how NOT re-issuing an official (item in this case is a) t-shirt is likely backfiring, costing the band some very serious revenue.  Someone up at ebay is currently trying to sell an old 1991 NMA tour t-shirt for more than a whopping $307.11 USD!!! (  >:(  Grrr!!  Now what I want to know is, how the fcuk does this help out the band?  I imagine, it doesn't!  How many times is that same shirt going to make the fcuking rounds, be put back on the market?  Hmmm?  How many?  And, likely at a higher price every consecutive time!  This kind of stuff really pisses me off, makes me want to cry, actually.  :'(

I mean, it's one thing if it's for charity, but a complete and total rip off for everyone but the seller, when it's a case such as the one I just linked above.  :-[

I reckon NMA should get in on the action by re-introducing select re-issues of out-of-print items, in particular, items that go through extreme wear and tear, such as clothing, t-shirts.  They should take a poll across ALL of their social media outlets, including this board, to find out which are THE most sought after items, from fans.  Once they've gathered that precious info, they should find a cost-effective way for them to either re-manufacture OR sanction the reproduction of such highly coveted, sought after items, in which they would get the largest cut of the profits.

I'm not smart by any means, what-so-ever!  But even I, know that shit like this isn't good for anyone.  I quite often wonder what Mr. Tee would've done?  Would he have let it fly, all this re-selling the same items over and over and over again?  Or, would he've recognized the problem flipped it on its head and turned it into potential?  Hmmm, I wonder.  I never knew the man, but was SO fcukin' lucky to have spoken to him for 20 minutes or so, back in 2003, that I caught the true gist, of the wonderful man that he was.  Something just tells me Tommy would've been eying this kind of crap, and then gotten on top of it before it blew out of hand.  But, what do I know?  :(  I'm just a dumb ass!

I'm sure I've pissed off a LOT of people with this post, but I'm sorry... it had to be said.  That's just how I feel.  :-[
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Robinairo on May 20, 2019, 11:23:04 AM
Cargo shorts..
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Bever on May 20, 2019, 12:02:35 PM
Tour Shirts.
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: fiddlesticks on May 20, 2019, 03:29:04 PM
Slightly off-topic but I was watching an old rockumentary yesterday, and the topic of merch came up. Kiss had their own dolls, and face makeup kits for kids.
I'm sure I'm not imagining this, but I remember Kiss my Ass toilet paper.

... Now that would be a step too far :)
Title: Some over-the-top items other bands/artists had, in the past, chosen to produce.
Post by: 8 on May 20, 2019, 08:05:07 PM
Slightly off-topic, but I was watching an old rockumentary yesterday, and the topic of merch came up.  Kiss had their own dolls, and face makeup kits for kids.  I'm sure I'm not imagining this, but I remember Kiss my Ass toilet paper.
... Now that, would be a step too far.  :)

I'm alright with KISS dolls and make-up kits for kids.  Had I one or more, as a child, (even though I've never been into KISS' music, at all) I would've still, certainly enjoyed playing with the dolls... they're surprisingly, adorable!




As for the make-up, like what kid (in North America especially) didn't love dressing up and going out door-to-door  trick-or-treating  on Halloween night?   ???


The  KISS my ass bog rolls, on the other hand, just sound like an idea that Gene and 'em guys would've gotten behind.  Not sure if the 2nd pic is an official KISS product, but it's just as odd as the KISS toilet paper idea.

( (

lol, not sure if there's any truth to this one, but I heard they actually had sold proper KISS caskets too!  OMG!  lol.  It is true!!!  Just ran a search for them... LOOK!   ;D

( (

I can totally see the coffin idea working for a ton of Goth bands, especially, but I don't know how they're working out for KISS.  That's just too fcukin' CRAZY, even if it is practical.  lol.  :)  Still, ALL of that KISS merch is so completely tame, compared to the shocking item(s) RAMMSTEIN have been known to sell.  :o  Uh, just don't ask me to fill in the gaps, 'cause I just ain't gonna.  Anyone here curious, can go look it up for themselves... if they're itching so hard to know!  Soz!!  ;)
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 21, 2019, 04:11:47 PM
Shorts is a good call.
I used to have Wonderstuff/Neds/PWEI shorts back in the day. Loved those.

I remember metal bands did them too.
V popular.

Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Pol on May 21, 2019, 04:36:16 PM
There was nma shorts, they had the same design as the celtic 2 dogs t shirts had on the sleeves.  Socks would be good again I'm too afraid to wear mine
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: MaoLee on May 24, 2019, 05:36:08 AM
My 30years magnet fell down to the ground and broke in nearly 1000 pieces. So a new set of magnets would be very nice.
Title: Re: Seriously, something tells me buying secondhand doesn't help the bands, artists!
Post by: King_D on May 24, 2019, 06:20:49 PM
My fav merch is from 90-92 ... I still have my celtic dogs shirt and liked the short they did too. Unfortunatly, I have lost my embroidered T&C patch. So a reedition of these items will be perfect ! We can dream
Title: Re: Seriously, something tells me buying secondhand doesn't help the bands, artists!
Post by: 8 on May 25, 2019, 01:36:42 PM
Someone up at ebay is currently trying to sell an old 1991 NMA tour t-shirt for more than a whopping $307.11 USD!!! (

In case anyone is curious about the t-shirt, I pulled this from ebay...
Ended:  May 23, 2019, 02:34:35 PM EDT
Price:  US  $199.62"
Title: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced
Post by: 8 on May 28, 2019, 09:30:05 AM
Lifted this wish, from an almost  seven year old thread

I'm a (really really awful) guitar player and whilst chords are available to download on the net would much prefer it if there was  an official New Model Army song / chord book  (preferably acoustic).  I don't know much about these things, but it might be something fairly easy to set up as a download from the shop and a way for the band to boost the coffers during these troubled times.  One can live in hope.

I'd love one of those!!!  :D
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Ragamuffin on May 31, 2019, 06:47:00 AM
At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious;
Vinyl releases of:
And reissues of the rest.
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Robinairo on June 03, 2019, 11:34:06 AM
Not sure If I mentioned cargo style shorts.

Also my socks now have holes, so more socks..... and SHORTS
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Elsie on June 06, 2019, 11:14:54 AM
rash guards
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: cthulhu on June 29, 2019, 05:44:02 AM
A good quality, short-sleeved work shirt with only a subtle logo or the lettering would be great.
I think they had kind of a blue one, some time ago in the shop.
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: lupus225 on June 30, 2019, 10:28:12 AM
Lords of Chaos long sleeved shirt
Cargo shorts
Running shirts  8)
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: cthulhu on June 30, 2019, 10:33:16 AM
Running shirts

Running in the rain?
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: lupus225 on July 01, 2019, 07:43:16 AM
Running shirts
Running in the rain?

Count me in!
Title: Request: detail(s) about/ info on/ story & sharing of 1980's EMI era NMA stills
Post by: 8 on September 06, 2020, 10:30:02 AM
Good morning  my lovelies,  8)

By any chance...

1.  Is there anyone surfing / floating / posting here, who is willing and able to share / post / brand this-here-thread, sacred space, with the black and white NMA EMI-era 1980's photo / still, that can be found / seen at the  2:45 mark of  "Ballad  2"  by  NMA (  uploaded to YouTube by the mysterious Kimmo - Finland ?  I have asked Kimmo - Finland question(s) in the past, but sadly, Kimmo has never once replied to any of them.   :'(

2.  When, exactly, it was taken?  Proper full date, please... if possible.

3.  Who the photographer was?

4.  Where, exactly, is it from?  Which book, magazine, paper, record sleeve, media promo package, etc.?

5.  Where, exactly, was it taken?  Namely... country, city, town, road, street, square, etc.?

6.  Can a legit copy be purchased somewhere?  If so, how so, where?

Any help answering any of the above 6 questions, would be tremendously appreciated.

Cheers for adding to this sacred space (that is the NMA forum / board)
& I hope everyday, is good to you.
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: RobertJohn1 on September 07, 2020, 10:01:39 AM
More t-shirts without text on the back would be good!
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: jc on September 07, 2020, 03:39:06 PM
Hello Robert, interested to know why no text, for me the text is almost more important than the front.


Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: RobertJohn1 on September 23, 2020, 09:03:51 AM
Hi JC - personal preference I guess - not a fan of tour dates etc either. Probably in the minority! Currently only one without something on the back is the logo shirt, would be nice to have a few more options...
Title: Re: Request: detail(s) about/ info on/ story & sharing of 1980's EMI era NMA stills
Post by: Winterwulf on September 27, 2020, 08:17:48 PM
Good morning  my lovelies,  8)

By any chance...

1.  Is there anyone surfing / floating / posting here, who is willing and able to share / post / brand this-here-thread, sacred space, with the black and white NMA EMI-era 1980's photo / still, that can be found / seen at the  2:45 mark of  "Ballad  2"  by  NMA (  uploaded to YouTube by the mysterious Kimmo - Finland ?  I have asked Kimmo - Finland question(s) in the past, but sadly, Kimmo has never once replied to any of them.   :'(

2.  When, exactly, it was taken?  Proper full date, please... if possible.

3.  Who the photographer was?

4.  Where, exactly, is it from?  Which book, magazine, paper, record sleeve, media promo package, etc.?

5.  Where, exactly, was it taken?  Namely... country, city, town, road, street, square, etc.?

6.  Can a legit copy be purchased somewhere?  If so, how so, where?

Any help answering any of the above 6 questions, would be tremendously appreciated.

Cheers for adding to this sacred space (that is the NMA forum / board)
& I hope everyday, is good to you.

I can only help you with number 5, but having had a good look at the picture, going onto Streetview and checking some other photos, I'm pretty certain it was taken outside Bradford City Hall, looking up Sunbridge Road. The thing that makes me certain is the 1960s building in the background to Justin's left, which is the now-demolished National and Provincial Building Society headquarters.
Title: Request: detail(s) about/ info on/ story & sharing of 1980's EMI era NMA stills
Post by: 8 on October 31, 2020, 09:05:48 AM
Good morning  my lovelies,  8)

By any chance...

1.  Is there anyone surfing / floating / posting here, who is willing and able to share / post / brand this-here-thread, sacred space, with the black and white NMA EMI-era 1980's photo / still, that can be found / seen at the  2:45 mark of  "Ballad  2"  by  NMA (  uploaded to YouTube by the mysterious Kimmo - Finland ?  I have asked Kimmo - Finland question(s) in the past, but sadly, Kimmo has never once replied to any of them.   :'(

2.  When, exactly, it was taken?  Proper full date, please... if possible.

3.  Who the photographer was?

4.  Where, exactly, is it from?  Which book, magazine, paper, record sleeve, media promo package, etc.?

5.  Where, exactly, was it taken?  Namely... country, city, town, road, street, square, etc.?

6.  Can a legit copy be purchased somewhere?  If so, how so, where?

Any help answering any of the above 6 questions, would be tremendously appreciated.

Cheers for adding to this sacred space (that is the NMA forum / board)
& I hope everyday, is good to you.

I can only help you with number 5, but having had a good look at the picture, going onto Streetview and checking some other photos, I'm pretty certain it was taken outside Bradford City Hall, looking up Sunbridge Road.  The thing that makes me certain is the 1960s building in the background to Justin's left, which is the now-demolished National and Provincial Building Society headquarters.

wWOWw!!  Winterwulf, so glad and thankful you joined this here forum!!  Learning a lot of small details and NMA-related things through you and your brilliant posts!  Thank you for enlightening me via your content contribution, and participation.  It's truly a joy! :)

So, it is Bradford then.  I didn't think it was, but then I've never been to the UK.  It's an absolutely gorgeous photo.  I'd love a GIANT poster of it.  It was included in the photo reel collection that graced our screens during the 40th Anniversary Live online concert stream intermission / break period.  The photo is gobsmackingly stunning!  I'm getting carried away imagining a wall mural of it ::) ohhh, that'd be one heck of a dream / astonishing sight to see on a daily basis!!  Kudos to whomever it was that took the photo. 8)

Hope everyone floating here is well and that you each have a wonderful day.  Take care, all.  Cheers! :)
Title: a T-shirt reproduction request from NMA fan... Isaac(Black Eagle Rising). :)
Post by: 8 on October 31, 2020, 09:07:48 AM

I had this fantastic shirt since it's release and cant even remember when and how I lost it.  Today googled it and found only one on web for sale for 150 us dollars!
I wish they'd reproduce this beautiful shirt again.  One of the best NMA art.

Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Valstar on October 31, 2020, 03:23:29 PM
My 6 year old son asked for a Justin rag doll after 40th anniversary show. I thought he was gonna jump to something else the day after, but no, he keep asking multiple times a day for it, for Christmas ...
We're starting to look on how to make it ourselves, so that would be a merch I would like to see :)
Title: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: 8 on November 01, 2020, 07:35:27 PM
My 6 year old son asked for a Justin rag doll after 40th anniversary show.  I thought he was gonna jump to something else the day after, but no, he keep asking multiple times a day for it, for Christmas...
We're starting to look on how to make it ourselves, so that would be a merch I would like to see. :)

Hey Valstar Superstar, :)

That's got to be the sweetest thing I've ever heard!  I wonder if Ms. Denby would be up for making him one?  She can make just about anything!  Apparently one can commission a piece of art from her, why not a sweet doll?  Might be worth looking into, asking, but I've got no clue what it would end up costing, as it'd likely be a one-off, one-of-a-kind ultra rare NMA piece, I imagine.  If you can come up with the funds, maybe it'd be worth getting in touch with her.  Time would be of the essence though, as the Christmas is 54 days away.  Doesn't sound like an easy piece to create, I imagine.  Please keep us posted.  I'd love to see whatever doll you either make or commission.  Best of luck! :)

Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Tarsier on November 19, 2020, 12:12:29 PM
My 6 year old son asked for a Justin rag doll after 40th anniversary show. I thought he was gonna jump to something else the day after, but no, he keep asking multiple times a day for it, for Christmas ...
We're starting to look on how to make it ourselves, so that would be a merch I would like to see :)

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard but reading this totally made my day!!!  ;D
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Valstar on November 21, 2020, 10:54:44 AM
My 6 year old son asked for a Justin rag doll after 40th anniversary show. I thought he was gonna jump to something else the day after, but no, he keep asking multiple times a day for it, for Christmas ...
We're starting to look on how to make it ourselves, so that would be a merch I would like to see :)

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard but reading this totally made my day!!!  ;D

You have to know that his favorite stuff animal is a dog, that he was calling "Gy Pop" when he was not 1 and a half year old. After asking questions, we finally understood he was calling it "Iggy Pop", because of "I wanna be your dog" of the Stooges (they speak English from their mother side). My wife was horrified to think of our kid sleeping with Iggy, so she tried and tried to make him switch the name to a proper dog name, "Spot" ... He didn't bought it, but made a mix, now (it's still his favorite), the dog is called "Iggy Spot" ...
So you see, adding a Justin rag doll just makes sens :D
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: fiddlesticks on November 21, 2020, 01:28:01 PM
That's brilliant  :D
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Tarsier on January 25, 2021, 01:32:51 PM
My 6 year old son asked for a Justin rag doll after 40th anniversary show. I thought he was gonna jump to something else the day after, but no, he keep asking multiple times a day for it, for Christmas ...
We're starting to look on how to make it ourselves, so that would be a merch I would like to see :)

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard but reading this totally made my day!!!  ;D

You have to know that his favorite stuff animal is a dog, that he was calling "Gy Pop" when he was not 1 and a half year old. After asking questions, we finally understood he was calling it "Iggy Pop", because of "I wanna be your dog" of the Stooges (they speak English from their mother side). My wife was horrified to think of our kid sleeping with Iggy, so she tried and tried to make him switch the name to a proper dog name, "Spot" ... He didn't bought it, but made a mix, now (it's still his favorite), the dog is called "Iggy Spot" ...
So you see, adding a Justin rag doll just makes sens :D

Hey Valstar, I demand an update! Did you manage the ragdoll? Please, send a pic  ;D
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Valstar on January 26, 2021, 08:53:07 AM
My 6 year old son asked for a Justin rag doll after 40th anniversary show. I thought he was gonna jump to something else the day after, but no, he keep asking multiple times a day for it, for Christmas ...
We're starting to look on how to make it ourselves, so that would be a merch I would like to see :)

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard but reading this totally made my day!!!  ;D

You have to know that his favorite stuff animal is a dog, that he was calling "Gy Pop" when he was not 1 and a half year old. After asking questions, we finally understood he was calling it "Iggy Pop", because of "I wanna be your dog" of the Stooges (they speak English from their mother side). My wife was horrified to think of our kid sleeping with Iggy, so she tried and tried to make him switch the name to a proper dog name, "Spot" ... He didn't bought it, but made a mix, now (it's still his favorite), the dog is called "Iggy Spot" ...
So you see, adding a Justin rag doll just makes sens :D

Hey Valstar, I demand an update! Did you manage the ragdoll? Please, send a pic  ;D

Hi !

No, the last project was for my wife to sew it herself, but there was "technical" sewing problems that prevented it to happen before Christmas ... So she want first to do a regular rag doll to be sure of the basics, then try a JS one :).

But it's still a project if we are confined again, so if she (we) manage to do a decent JS rag doll, I will update the post :)
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Pol on February 02, 2021, 12:34:57 AM
Cycling jersey lol did I really say that,  hey I have a pink floyd 1
Title: MORE stickers, vinyl / cardstock / paper NMA products for the NMA shop... please
Post by: 8 on September 13, 2021, 01:25:26 PM
Not exactly something the NMA shop doesn't carry, but definitely something that always sells out... vinyl STICKERS!!

ESPECIALLLY both of the 40th Anniversary Vinyl Stickers for bumpers, fridges, guitar cases - anything / anywhere 8)

Whoa!! :o Those inserts are fcukin' GIGANTIC!!!  OMG!!  Sorry Viv, :-\ et al.

Anyone looking at this right now know how to size 'em down, please... help me / us out? ???

If you've got a few minutes to spare, jump into this thread, select the "quote" button and please,
insert two more suitably resized images of the commemorative NMA 40th Anniversary vinyl stickers.

Hmmm, I must say though, both of these TOP pieces would make for totally awesome NMA wall posters, too! ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


Title: Wanted...
Post by: 8 on September 21, 2021, 11:56:38 PM
                         Now THIS, is what I'm talking about!  What a mighty fine lookin' poster!
                                      'I want it!  I want it!  I want it!'

Now how the hell can folk like me get our hands on 'em?  Why can't we buy these from the NMA shop?
Is paper too expensive or something?  Heck, even 5"x7" postcards would be just as fantastic (if so).:)
Must say, that truly is a terrific group shhHOT of the soldiers
+ it's a beautiful layout / design, as well.
Title: Re: Wanted...
Post by: Tarsier on November 13, 2021, 03:39:42 AM
                         Now THIS, is what I'm talking about!  What a mighty fine lookin' poster!
                                      'I want it!  I want it!  I want it!'
Now how the hell can folk like me get our hands on 'em?  Why can't we buy these from the NMA shop?
Is paper too expensive or something?  Heck, even 5"x7" postcards would be just as fantastic (if so).:)
Must say, that truly is a terrific group shhHOT of the soldiers
+ it's a beautiful layout / design, as well.

Hmm... I'm afraid we must wait for the gigs to happen, then find one posted somewhere and nick it under cover of the darkness... ;)
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 13, 2021, 11:52:41 AM
Hi's been a long time..I have a NMA poster from the last indoor gig i saw from The Roadmender Northampton (my place of birth).which i have framed and hanging in my hallway.I asked the girl taking the tickets if i could have it,she said i needed to ask one of the doormen (not the friendliest looking guys i had ever seen) after a couple of ales i plucked up courage and asked one of them,he thought about it and finally said yes i could have he took it down for me and seemed very pleasant and polite until i asked him if he had an elastic band for me so i could roll the poster up.............i shall not repeat his response,which was pretty negative to say the least..  ; not wishing to push my luck any further made a swift return to the bar poster in hand.. :)..
Title: WANTED: "...And Nobody Else" (2011) reissued CD + LP versions
Post by: 8 on October 15, 2022, 11:18:02 PM

Awh, fcukin' hell... :'(

Because I was off seven years (end of 2010 to end of 2017), I missed out on an important NMA CD reissue.  I've only just found out now, that NMA reissued their double live CD "...And Nobody Else" at some point back in 2011.  I do have the original version of that particular live album, but my understanding is that they added photos and such to the 2011 reissue.  Had I been here at the time, or known sooner, I would've definitely picked up the reissued version from the official NMA online shop (

Could you NMA&co. / powers that be, please arrange for another batch of "...And Nobody Else" CDs to be pressed again?  Please?  Please?  P-l-e-a-s-e?

I really want a proper, brand new CD copy.  Perhaps even two or three, bought directly from NMA's official shop.  I'd rather not purchase secondhand, if at all possible.  I'm just weird that way, sorry.  Am I correct in assuming that only the packaging was made different the second time around?  Was it released on vinyl at all, back in 2011, as well as CD?  Was it / will it ever be released on vinyl?  If so, roughly when? ???

Any information, details, update would be of tremendous help to those of us who missed out on the "...And NobodyElse" reissue / release.  If anyone can kindly pop in to shed some light on the 2011 reissue, please, I beg you, do? :-[

Please restock the online shop with new CD/LP pressings of the 2011 version of "...And Nobody Else" (


Would make a terrific poster, ::) this beautiful photograph.
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: mooseharris on November 26, 2022, 09:17:29 PM
New Model Army boxer shorts. I found a pair in my loft the other day.
Title: Re: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.
Post by: Shush on November 29, 2022, 10:04:00 AM
New Model Army boxer shorts. I found a pair in my loft the other day.

Alternative Rock band underwear ! , it might be a success, but then again, I like the Skids  :D
Title: Three new music-related items for NMA to ponder, officially produce...
Post by: 8 on July 16, 2023, 01:03:16 AM
On behalf of all musically-inclined
and interested NMA aficionados everywhere
--- who own, play, dabble for fun ---
--- or simply enjoy messing around with basses / guitars ---
Please  consider  sourcing  or  producing  the  items  listed  below.

Thank you.

 1NMA  emblemized  bass / guitar  straps...

I'm in the market for four official NMA guitar straps.  One for a standard starter's electric (guitar), and the others for three acoustic (guitars).  The guitar straps don't have to necessarily be leather ones, per se, but of a suitable, less expensive variety / option --- made from material that won't cut into my shoulder / neck area.  Basically, looking for guitar straps that have been designed with ease, comfort and an affordable price-point in mind.

I'm in no way, a guitar player nor a musician, of any kind.  I just really enjoy working out melody lines by ear, love messing around with all sorts of musical instruments, including guitar(s).  Figuring out actual guitar chords by ear, well, for me... that's a whole other story!

I'm able to read sheet music, albeit, terribly slowly, but have no clue how to work out, read, or play any guitar chords.  My hands and fingers, I should say, weren't really made for playing guitar.  Though that be the truth, I still, don't let it stop me from having fun with the instrument.

Took up drums (a proper, complete kit), in secondary school, but coming from a flute and piccolo background, you can obviously imagine what an embarrassing, colossal, catastrophic, total mind-fcuk of a disaster that that was! :P  lmao!!  It didn't help the situation any, that I was the only person behind a kit, not to mention, left to teach and work out how to play drums, on my own.  The entire class (we were about 25 to 30, 15-16 year old kids, in all) would grind to a halt every single time I'd begin to play.  OMG, you had to be there.  It was absolutely fcukin' brutal, lol.  But, at the same time,  such invigorating  fun! :D

My teacher at the time, was in fact a proper, professional drummer.  He was in a band that actually made records, recorded in a real recording studio.  Okay, so they were Christmas / holiday albums, but what does that matter, he still, was indeed part of a proper musical group during his off-time from teaching.  I wouldn't doubt that he might've also been a session-type musician, somewhere along the way.  Never did think to ask.  Often wonder what happened to him, the band he was in, if he's still teaching music somewhere, etc.

Anyway, all of this boggled my mind even further!  I was only later, told by another professional drummer, something that made complete and utter sense to me... (paraphrasing) this other drum instructor said to me, just because someone can play well, doesn't mean that they'll make a good teacher of the instrument... in my case, a drumming instructor.  ahh, hahaha, hmmm... all of that said and done, I am relieved to report, that my high school music teacher, along with the learning situation, didn't manage to kill it for me.  Many years later, I ended up buying myself a cheap beginners kit at walmart, of all places!  lmao!!  And, I still can't play! Or keep time, carry a repetitious, simple, steady beat.  Ah, who the fcuk cares!  It's a good time, genuine, clean fun!

He was a really nice guy, a good guy, kind, approachable, decent player, let me into class early and come in on my lunch breaks and spares (=time-block periods, lasting roughly an hour or so between classes), so I could practice.  I didn't own a drum kit at the time, and I fcukin' couldn't get anywhere with the the cheapo wood-based and leather-faced drum pad.  My only beef, was that he was a crappy instructor, when it came to drums.  I don't know, :-\ maybe I was just too shy, scared to keep asking for one-on-one guidance (=help), to go through the music pieces I was expected to play along with the rest of the class --- who made up the woodwind and brass sections.

Needless to say, I grew to have an immense, immeasurable, great love, unwaveringly-mad respect for ALL proper drummers --- regardless of whether they were in a professional capacity, or not.  That kind of thing never mattered to me.  If you can play, then you can play.  That's fundamentally all there is to it (=drums / music).  Drumming was something that I never could do, never mind, do well.

I have absolutely no fcukin' idea how Mr. Michael Dean (as just one example) does it!  It is crucial, one's got to have incredible stamina, endurance, precision, impeccable skill, discipline, timing, and even speed, etc. to pull it off, make drumming look and sound flawless, seamless, fluid, simple, smooth, easy.  I think there are a lot of hidden truth(s) in the old adage that 'a band is only as good as its rhythm section'.  Same with pretty much everything else in life.   If the foundation lacks, then everything collapses, follows suit.  Lots of lessons to be found and had, in that, in playing in a band, music.

Drummers (predominantly) are the driving force within the band, and yet, they're still taken for granted, often overlooked, continually under-appreciated, unsung heroes.  What I think most folk don't realise is that if there ain't no drummer, there ain't no band.  Case in point, bands such as Death From Above 1979, The White Stripes, Royal Blood, and The Black Keys --- just to name a few --- definitely wouldn't have a single leg to stand on, without drums somewhere in the picture, too... so-to-speak.

I completely understand, fully grasp, now, why NMA writes the musical bits of their songs, from the bottom-end (=rhythm section / bass and drums) up(ward).  A lot of young bands ought to take note of NMA's approach to song-construction --- particularly, if the individual band members themselves have ever been captivated, taken-in by NMA's overall sound, style, song structures --- the musical-end of the songs that make up the NMA catalogue.

Ok, it's pretty clear that I can't articulate or write for shit!  I'm sorry.  But hopefully what I've been trying to express, say, relate, has been somehow understood --- makes some sort of sense to you (=person presently reading this post) in some way.

lol, yep!  You're absolutely right... too much time on my hands, today.  It's nice, for a change, but at the same time, sad... pathetic, and sad.  I'm in the wrong place.  I wish I had gone some trades school, graduated from some post-secondary college or university, found a decent job in my chosen field of study, was able to pay my bills, put a roof over my head, clear water in my glass, slice of bread on my plate, support my self and the ones I love most.  But I'm getting up there in age, and of the bloody wrong sex to make a good decent go of anything.  I had my turn, I had my chance, but failed, and failed, and failed, then failed, and failed again, then even some more, again.  I'm not lost, just slowly dying.  It's too late for me.  Too late, now.  I'm just waiting, these days.  Not for riches, nor for dreams.  Just waiting.  Waiting around for what comes next, after all of this (=life) is done.  I did try, I really did.  Once, twice, three, even six times.  But was never accepted.  I never did fit the mould, fit the picture, fit the family, fit society, fit the job, fit the shoes, fit the trousers, pants, nor the religion, etc., etc., etc... you name it.  Do not worry, I'm not going to harm anyone or thing... self-included.  Promise.  Been there, done that and came out the other side to realise that it didn't solve nor ever resolve anything... not for the better nor for the greater good.  I always knew, somehow, that it never really would.

'I want no mirror, I want no shadow, I want my follies to have no echo...
only the ties, to hold-on fast...'

 2series of smaller  NMA  patches  made  to  fit  the  width  of  standard  guitar  straps...

If, for whatever reason, the Guitar straps are a no-go, then please, heavily consider this less costly alternative.  That way, anyone who wishes to, can easily sew the smaller NMA themed patches onto their own guitar straps.  Perhaps, consider asking Ms. Denby to create some new designs, or maybe source some classic designs from past NMA album artwork.  Oh!  Both square are round shaped patches, please... they're easier to work with.

 3set  of  official  NMA  plectrums / guitar picks...

Depicting tiny NMA-related signature lines, words, themes, images, and/or basic NMA logo or T&C knot (stamped).  Again, maybe consult Ms. Denby about possible new designs.

The T&C knot / emblem was superbly worked into a stunning, beautiful silver plectrum-shaped necklace pendant crafted by official NMA jeweller, Les Hollings (  Folk who haven't seen it before, can check it out in NMA's official online shop.  The direct link has been inserted, above.  Last I checked there were only three of them left.  To me, personally... the exquisite piece echoes the shark tooth (via the plectrum's triangular shape) crafted into Mr. Sullivan's very own, personal (silver necklace's) pendant.  Through and through, well-made, solid, substantial, and gorgeous pieces.

 4NMA Berlin 2022 live dates DVD/CD set ???

 5upcoming, NEW, yet to be confirmed and revealed, NMA studio recording CD/LP ???

Wherever you find yourselves this very second, I hope it's safe and comfortable...
and that the day's been generally pleasant and beautiful to you, in however small of a way.

Thank you for checking out / contributing to this thread.
