Yeah, I prefer the smaller venues too. I've seen the videos already and it amazed me at the time, that the crowd was people who had travelled in.
Its a blessing that they can tour again, and I'm grateful I could go.
You're awesome too, Bunny!

All NMA mostly play here, in North America, are 500-person capacity venues. Sucks though, that the drive between gigs here is just so fcukin' expensive and places too far apart, especially up here in Canada. I swear, if I had even a 10th of what Musk's got in the
bank, I'd seriously try to fly NMA/JS over here to Canada. No joke. I can't travel anymore. So next best thing would be to fly NMA/JS over here, to Canada. Right? Hey,

I've gotta have something to keep me goin', yeah?

lol, even if it's mental like me.

sad lol, like NMA/JS would even want to come back here, or agree to such a thing. I wouldn't want it to be a private gig anyway, they don't do those from what I understood back in 2005, but then in 2006 (I think it was, but don't quote me) some club flew them all to Edmonton, Alberta. Did Mr. Tee give the green light for that gig in Edmonton? Who would one have to approach now, Mr. Green? The record label, NMA or Mr.
Sullivan himself?

There's just so much I don't know, so much I don't understand.

I don't know how MaggiD pulled off that solo JS gig he promoted a few years back, but I'm SO dead proud of him and grateful a trillion times over to Mr.
Sullivan for going ahead with that particular show.
Ohhh, damn dreams. ugh! ugh! ugh! Maybe I need to go back to school or something? But I blew all I had. I'm barely paying my bills and am living via the kindness of others right now, which isn't right AT ALL!!! I don't want to be dependent! But I'm too
chicken-shit, lost and stupid to get my crap together and
keep it together. It's a lack of self-discipline + lack of confidence + lack of intelligence + lack of stamina + lack of courage = zilch. nil. nada. niente!!! Sweet Jesus, why the fcuk am I revealing all this shit about me here. ugh! 'Cause no one I really know

will ever see it, I suppose.
Back to Bunny,

I certainly hope you'll be able to see NMA/JS again, and again, and again, and again, and again... soft lol, I think you get the picture.

Just don't go broke doing it, like I did.
Ahh, but it was
all worth it. If I die today, I'd die happy... because of what was gifted, has been worth SO much more to me than gold, silver, diamonds or pearls.
All that materialistic shit stays here, when we leave. And when we leave, we leave as we came in, with
thing. Nothing, but our own personal experiences, lessons, and memories, both positive and negative.
To everyone reading this right now, never let
your time on this sacred earth go to waste. One is
never too old, or whatever other hang-ups plague people these days. We're all here now, fcukin' better be makin' the most and best of it, 'cause none of this is a rehearsal. None of it. Food for thought.
I really ought to heed what I speak, as well, but I'm not as strong as I might seem or come across to people. I wouldn't want to be strong anyhow. I've found a sort of peace, shelter, beauty, and comfort in kindness, softness, silence, stillness, sweetness and tenderness. Just too much of those things can be bad, though. Balance is key, I suppose. Everything in moderation. In its time, place and season.
Have a wonderful day Bunny,

I pulled an all-nighter last night only had one meal the entire day. Still haven't eaten today and I'm not even fcukin' hungry, or tired either... which is very weird for me. But I ain't complainin'. There's no point in complaining, does it change anything? No. So why complain? I suppose that's why I never do. Most people find lemons a drag, but there's so much one can make, create or do with a lemon. lol, it's sounds like I've been smokin' some really bad shit or something, lol. But I've never been the type.
I think it's the lack of shut-eye that's making me weirder than normal. Hmmm, maybe that's it! Lack of sleep for me = creative juices, inspiration, love, will and the like. Whatever is happening today, I don't want to fcuk it up. It's been a while since I felt this okay. It's nice, every now and then. I hope all of you are doing okay too, today. Take care and have a good one, everyone... whatever you've got planned. And please, forgive / excuse my rambling. Cheers!