Author Topic: Lost songs 2  (Read 558 times)


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Lost songs 2
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:16:50 PM »
After the release of the brilliant BDAW,I was thinking "How many tracks didn't make the album?"
Now maybe I'm being greedy but I didn't want BDAW to end. There must be quite a few songs that didn't make Carnival,High,TIAGD and BDAW.If these songs are half the quality of the album tracks then IMHO they should be aired.Four years between albums is a fair wait.Wouldn't it be great if to fill the gap between the next studio album a Lost Songs 2 could be released.
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Re: Lost songs 2
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 01:49:46 PM »
The 5 years gap between THE LOVE  OF HOPELESS CAUSES and STRANGE BROTHERHOOD was resolved thanks to LOST SONGS with all the songs from 1994 to 1997...there was another 5 years gap between EIGHT and CARNIVAL, and a 4 years gap between TODAY IS A GOOD DAY and BETWEEN DOG AND WOLF, so i guess we can make a LOST SONGS 3, sooner or later! :)


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Re: Lost songs 2
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 05:47:21 PM »
Another lost songs would have my backing, as do all NMA releases.

Master Ray

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Re: Lost songs 2
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2013, 06:51:07 PM »
I suspect that BDAW has so many songs on it is because NMA don't have to put out three singles for each album nowadays with the new b-sides that the fans expect... all the new music can go straight onto the album.

We all know that many NMA b-sides were the finest tracks they ever put out... but now we can't walk into our record store and pick up a fine package with brilliant artwork and those new tracks that we were dying to hear...

There might be a LOST SONGS 2, but I can't see a LOST SONGS 3...