Author Topic: What do you think,folks?  (Read 544 times)

jez pike

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What do you think,folks?
« on: November 26, 2013, 04:17:27 PM » Our 1st attempt(well our singer,Mick) at a video,Deadwood Dog....
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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 05:28:34 PM »
Nice one Jez, good to meet you in the Bree Louise on Sunday, is the make up a standard appearance for a gig or was that a Halloween special ??  Enjoyed it, hope that you can get on at BT this year.
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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 06:47:10 PM »
Jez - let me be cruel to be kind - and I'm presuming this band is you and bandmates?
You know - sometimes friends ask us what they think of their ******* awful poetry and what can you say ?  Its awkward.
But this isn't bad poetry but its still like tryin to talk to a friend of whats good and whats bad about the stuff - even though we don't know each other - that doesn't matter - it still feels like that to me.
So - the song kicks in and I like how relaxed the musicians are - the acoustic guitar and the baglamas are very good.
I tensed up when the vocals started - the vocals sounded nervous; not ready.  And then when I saw the theatrics - well - just no - either take a thousand tabs of acid and look like that or don't - but don't not take any acid and then try and look like you do - unless you wanna be Kiss of course - and believe me if I'd seen Kiss in their pre - record deal era I'd be walking away with a shake of the head - so please take praise and critisism with a pinch of salt and get on with it.

maybe I should NOT post this one -

But fuckit man I want to because there is something there so please Jez let me talk here and not re read or re edit-

The singer and the drummer need to relax.  Louie anderson ( a pretty ok comedian that I like a lot ) advises all comics to get out there and gig - do a hundred gigs in very short succession - you need the failures and the good times - and i think that what comes across is that this is a band who isn't working - it's gigging now and then practising now and then - and it's ok - but you have to work to step it to that next level.

here's hoping that there is going to be a hundred comments from NMA fans saying 'Knievels wrong and you're fine' following this...

I wouldn't bother posting or risk shaming myself with this negativitiy if I didn't think the band was worth it Jez believe me - I'd just say nothing - but there's something there and its not there really have to work and relax if that makes any sense at all!

Ah good luck man

And here's to the NMA following who insist on my eviction for this cruel note - I'm not writing this for me man - I'm really not...

Toronto Popular Front

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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2013, 07:16:43 PM »
mr K, i think the make up was because they were playing at scarefest, a halloween thing i guess

jez pike

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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2013, 05:17:27 AM »
Cheers folks,it was actually a "Halloween" gig,and some of the audience were actually dressed as "Kiss",i asked for opinions so fair do's thanks for watching and replying,weve only done one more,so try this one.... .....
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Toronto Popular Front

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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2013, 07:34:40 AM »
never a big fan of music videos in general, but i do like the music, also i think that is a great band name


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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2013, 08:02:19 AM »
Liked both songs but really enjoyed the video in the seconds.Made me smile for the first time today.(Loved the "na na nma na"bit.class :)
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jez pike

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Re: What do you think,folks?
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2013, 04:26:40 PM »
Thanks again folks
don't whack the snakes...