Author Topic: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)  (Read 893 times)


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Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« on: December 12, 2013, 10:50:31 AM »

Ok, here in this thread we could sell and/or buy other than New Model Army things.

There are some records from certain bands that I've tried to find ages. I know it could be possible to find them from eBay or other sites, but here it could be easier to fix things just with couple of PM:s and send the stuff without making it more complex. Also, I'd suppose there's also some kind of trust with us here...

So, I'm looking for these albums (CD or LP):

Coroner - Mental Vortex  (prog/tech thrash metal)

Sieges Even - (depends on what you have, looking for mainly the early era)  (prog/tech thrash metal)

Mekong Delta - (everything) (prog/tech thrash metal)

Dogpile - Revved up, Wiped Out, Battered...  (old school industrial, ála Godflesh/Swans style)

Internal Autonomy - Ferox (anarcho / gothic stuff)

Internal Autonomy - Discography 2xCd

Bill Laswell - (nearly everything)  *  (dub, ethno, jazz)

Jah Wobble - (nearly everything) *  (dub, ethno, jazz)

* It depends on what albums you possibly have, so I'd be curious to hear/see the list and I'll check do I have got them already or not yet. ;--)

« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 12:35:15 PM by Rusco »
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Viv Savage

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Re: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2013, 11:42:40 AM »
Rusco, I've moved your thread here as it just kinda makes more sense. Hope you don't mind.


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Re: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2013, 11:57:56 AM »
Ok, thanks a lot Viv. I thought it's only for NMA trades, but this makes sense better. Cheers.
A screaming comes across the sky


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Re: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2013, 01:50:45 PM »
Rusco, have you got the Joolz 12"'s of The Kiss

Both of them feature music by Jah Wobble.
There's a cd of those and Never Neverland lp collected together aswell. There's a copy on Amazon fer a tenner at present mate. Mekong Delta also had some stuff re-issued. I saw em in the late 80's I think. Very Maiden/speed metal, a bit like a technical Helloween I recall?
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Re: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2013, 09:00:10 PM »
Oh, hi Stoney!

Rusco, have you got the Joolz 12"'s of The Kiss

and Denise

Yes, I saw them at eBay and recognized Wobble being part of it. Have to say I'm not so much to eBay in general, but at times check what's available and their prizes at the time...

Have to say that the Joolz' album and her co-operation with Jah Wobble raised my interest to find what they've created. Early punky pre-dub-world sounds like Betrayal or even PIL type of stuff? Female spoken word in dub roots? I really have to find that out later because I think Wobble is A real basist and composer written with big letters. Well, what I know he is sort of "difficult" person too and have said about the punk era some strange things about aging etc. But I give all the honour to the work he has done.

Stoney wrote:

Mekong Delta also had some stuff re-issued. I saw em in the late 80's I think. Very Maiden/speed metal, a bit like a technical Helloween I recall?

 ???You've seen them? Great! I'm jealous bout that  :). MD and other technical thrash metal bands were not just (you know) technical thrash metal, but there were actually some other things too that were common with them all. Mekong Delta, Coroner, Voivod, WatchTower, Midas Touch, Deathrow, Sieges Even, Aspid and Anacrusis shared all together the elements that were especially cold war lyrics and doubt about conspiracies, police state, ecocatastophy, threat about nuclear catastrophy, and having left wing views... Things that one might think are - well - common with every punk band or something but the driving of technicality at its highest and adding the cold sound combined with the cold war lyrics there was a core thing nobody other did. Most of them were unapprecitiated and under-rated among metal scene although honoured later on. (Only thing they lacked - if there was some - were the efforts they did while singing.) To me they were the strange fighters amongst metal and progressive stuff, like NMA was among the punk scene. Intelligent, proud, provocative and independent.

Btw, I mentioned the Anacrusis there too. If I remember right their singer or someone is active here on the board too? Huge fans of New Model Army! They covered I Love The World and did a video of it too.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 09:39:24 PM by Rusco »
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Re: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 09:23:21 AM »
Ken from Anacrusis does come on here and "the other place" too. Really nice bloke, massively inspired/influenced by our favourite band and has recorded a bunch of covers aswell as I Love The World that the full band did. Totally agree with your entire comment there bud, especially Voi Vod! Totally individual sounding band, there isn't anything to compsare them to I can think of. Personally the second lp is fuckin blindin. I love the Metallica versus Discharge with a huge twist of it. But I'm an angry music type bloke obviously!  ;)

The Jah Wobble/Joolz stuff is really good, if you don't have it, pm me and I'll help you out. No worries.  8)
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Re: Trades & swaps... (other than NMA)
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2015, 09:05:54 PM »
Bumping this up now (once in couple of years just to remind new persons on the forum), and also updating a list of bands I'm looking for:

WANTED, mainly bands from UK and who signed to Words of Warning in late 80's and start of 90's:

Vampire Rodents: everything

Internal Autonomy: ep:s and a CD collection

AOS3: everything

Scum of Toytown: everything but the "Destruction of both houses of parliament by fire" ep

Hellkrusher: everything but the "Doomsday Hour" LP and "Recorded works and live" LP

PVC: everything (Sned's old band)

Herb Garden: everything but "H.M.S. Disaster" LP

: everything

Four Sons of King Henry: everything but "Feudal Grind" LP

Terminus: all ep's

Arnheim: everything

Academy 23: everything

Various: Mind Pollution 1": compilation

as well as looking for Rudimentary Peni records; Frigöra, Disorder, Avskum, and old Swans records.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 09:07:59 PM by Rusco »
A screaming comes across the sky