just found a version with the lyrics inverted as you stated, on Once Were Warriors bootleg demos CD
(no choral echo at beginning but some drums)
Actually you are right, my memory must be fading!
dug out that demo bootleg and now I remember the differences. The echo is at the end of the song!
I do prefer this version actually. The vocals are more direct (possibly double-tracked) and it is a little trimmer.
the demo does start with the drum roll, and it is shorter. though both versions are similar length - 3:35 (demo) and 3:32 (remastered/rerecorded version).
this is because the little guitar solo comes straight in after each chorus on the demo but on the other there is a break.
Note the drums on the demo end on 2:58 but then there is 35 secs of echo fade out. The drums on the re-recorded version finish about 3:24 and then it just ends with the stereo-bass ending.
okay, the production on the re-recorded version does sound slicker, and "pathetic little words, half hearted kisses" are muddled up a bit on the demo, but I do prefer the demo version.