Author Topic: Ode To Space  (Read 883 times)

Viv Savage

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Ode To Space
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:27:44 PM »
You know what? I have a very big problem with this thread and have deleted it. I do not find this "light hearted" but just an absolute insult, and as such is something that is much much worse than anything Space has written in the past. This is nasty and mean and you should be utterly embarressed that you posted this.

Lets's just call this what it is: everyone ganging up on to one person, writing insulting posts, consistently trying to get one person banned from the board is bullying. Plain and simple. This has been happening here way too often, though nothing compared with what has been happening on facebook which has at times been utterly disgusting and the fact that it is happening under the name of New Model Army is a disgrace. I'm utterly sick of this. This is a board for everyone, not just the people who some of you like.

I am ashamed that this is happening on this board. And so should you all. It stops now


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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2015, 04:59:28 PM »
I have been tempted to post a couple of knee jerk responses which were not nice but thought better of it.

It's difficult when you love a band so much and they have been a part of your life for so many years not to react.

I'm not saying everyone should agree or get on with Space but why not just ignore him. That's what i do!


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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 05:35:55 PM »
Totally agree with everything that ruckedout said when someone demeans and insults nma its like someone doing the same to your kids or parents. Yes it may be tongue in cheek humour but its difficult to tell when its in printed form, you can't see there body language or facial expressions.
I've tried very hard to ignore him but it can be hard when they keep biting at your feeling like some kinda cyber jack Russell.
If someone sets out to deliberately provoke there going to get a response.
Yes I've said stuff im not proud of so i will issue an apology and a promise to ignore any current offensive (Imo) threads. Lets hope that they are no new ones
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 07:34:26 PM »
I love this Forum.  I've made so many friends here. I've had bad times and had so many comforting words from those same friends thrown back at me, some of whom I might never meet. 

So please believe me when I say how ******* sad I am about the way things are nowadays... I ******* hate it!

Viv, with the greatest respect I can offer you (and I hope you have noticed that I'm a guy who tries to keep the peace...), 'that person' is kicking up a stink, just for shit and giggles, upsetting people all over the place, yet when someone posts a similar message, it's a bad thing?  Genuinely confused by this...

(and yes, I was once horrible to *****, but I apoligised and I think we got over it...)

The man posts things that demand a reaction.  Reactions were forthcoming.  Not sure when this shit went south.

Please PM me if I'm posting anything truly offensive... genuinely struggling to understand what's going on with this Forum nowadays... it's important to me.

Viv Savage

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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2015, 08:35:30 PM »
A reaction is perfectly fine. It's when it decends into insults and slurs that it becomes a problem. The "poem" that Shush wrote here was a disgraceful excercise in insulting someone and it was unacceptable. You can try and justify this continued campaign of intolerance any way you want but it's bullying, its tawdry, and it has no place on this board.

Because Space wrote something pretty stupid months ago, for which he has apologised for, there are many on here that think it's open season on him. There has been a concerted campaign to get rid of him and I think that's just depressing. If you don't like something, just ignore it - it's not a matter of life and death that someone has a dissenting opinion on here. Yes his 'comedic' topics and replies have worn thin, and I have told him so, but constant insults and slurs do no one any good. We are all responsible for the descent of this board and it's descending so far into the mire that people are leaving this board. All this is doing is tarnishing the image of NMA. Seriously. What would someone from the outside think off all this fighting? Well, look at Anna's post. Depressing isn't it? We are all responsible. Well done everyone!


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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2015, 08:37:06 PM »
Am I embarrassed that I posted it ? no, not a bit. Why should I be when Space named me in an offensive and vile post insulting me, my friends and my family and aimed the same offensive comments at two of my friends on this board.My "Ode to Space" worse than that, well, that's a matter of opinion. Please do not mention Space's later public apology. In the same topic where he made the comments, he stated quite clearly that he did not apologise to me or the other people named in the thread. The topic has been locked, but neither Space or  Viv have chosen to delete , so the insults are there on-line for all to see. I would add, there do seem to be some double standards here. People who have previously said to Space that he has, a self obsessed need to bore the **** out of everyone, are now panning the rest of us for reacting similarly.

Personally I have not replied to as many of Space's provocative posts as others have, and have repeatedly said to others, the more your reply, the more you will provoke further challenging posts by him, but I have always agreed, it is hard not to reply to such provocation. The idea of not replying to him now seems to be the stated thing to do by many, and I agree. I will from now on do by level best to be civil to Space, or simply ignore him.

P.S., Space, at the time you seemed to take it with good heart but  if you were offended by my now deleted post, I apologise.

Viv Savage

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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2015, 08:47:49 PM »
Actually I had forgotten to delete that thread, and have done so now.

That you think the poem was acceptable on this board is astonishing. You complain about provocation and then post something deliberately designed to provoke! How exactly does that help anything at all?


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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2015, 08:55:13 PM »
Didn't see the poem so can't comment. Never been personally insulted by Space either and I didn't see the early post that he apologised for, but I worked in pubs and clubs for years and people banter. It's good natured verbal sparring. To me, reading Space's posts, it's that kind of thing. I haven't seen a subject started by him that I don't think was meant like that.


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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2015, 08:57:58 PM »
Mangled my English at the end of the last post. To clarify, I think Space intends to start friendly banter with his subjects, that's all.


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Re: Ode To Space
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2015, 09:44:36 PM »
Viv, thank you for deleting the topic with the offensive content. I will inform one of the other people effected by it who I know will be pleased. -- I will go and edit the post I sent to Space in a reply where I quoted the content.

My "poem" helpful? No probably not. Thank you for having the good judgement to remove that also.

Astonished that I think it acceptable. The only line which contained a word of insult, the word was "Spanner" (because it rhymes with Anna)

If that is unacceptable, please scroll through dozens of posts on this forum containing words such as fuckwit, ****, prick, penis, arsehole, all aimed at Space posted by other people.