Am I embarrassed that I posted it ? no, not a bit. Why should I be when Space named me in an offensive and vile post insulting me, my friends and my family and aimed the same offensive comments at two of my friends on this board.My "Ode to Space" worse than that, well, that's a matter of opinion. Please do not mention Space's later public apology. In the same topic where he made the comments, he stated quite clearly that he did not apologise to me or the other people named in the thread. The topic has been locked, but neither Space or Viv have chosen to delete , so the insults are there on-line for all to see. I would add, there do seem to be some double standards here. People who have previously said to Space that he has, a self obsessed need to bore the **** out of everyone, are now panning the rest of us for reacting similarly.
Personally I have not replied to as many of Space's provocative posts as others have, and have repeatedly said to others, the more your reply, the more you will provoke further challenging posts by him, but I have always agreed, it is hard not to reply to such provocation. The idea of not replying to him now seems to be the stated thing to do by many, and I agree. I will from now on do by level best to be civil to Space, or simply ignore him.
P.S., Space, at the time you seemed to take it with good heart but if you were offended by my now deleted post, I apologise.