Author Topic: Justin Interview in german  (Read 653 times)


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Re: Justin Interview in german
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2017, 10:27:17 AM »
link doesn't work....
in a world without melancholy there would be no place for music


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Re: Justin Interview in german
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2017, 10:56:06 AM »
you have to fill "new model army, in the search field... :'(


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Re: Justin Interview in german
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2017, 03:14:14 PM »
Google translate produces this not perfect but readable  ;)

Justin Sullivan, frontman of the "New Model Army", will be on the 19th March with his band in the Bielefelder Ringlokschuppen. The English are punk and have always been esteemed for their highly political texts. Photo: imago
Bielefeld (WB). For more than 36 years »New Model Army« has inspired the fans with equally powerful and dark rock singles. As part of its European tour, in which the five musicians from the English Bradford imagine her album "Winter", they appear in the Bielefeld roundhouse on 19 March. André de Vos has spoken with the singer Justin Sullivan.

They called their current album "Winter", but they were released in summer 2016. Do you play on the state of society?

Justin Sullivan: The title song from early 2015 took in the foothills of the winter shape. It is all about the future, and yet to take a look beyond the now, according to the saying: "Perhaps we can see the most distant stars behind the blackest storms." When I wrote the song, I had the idea that someone was fuller Fear of what looks, but wonders if the After is better at all. That is why we called the album "Winter".

Can it be that the album is a little dark, blown by a certain depressive mood?

Sullivan: Just a little dark? No, it's totally dark! (Laughs) After the completion I have not heard it once again. When I did it again after the Brexit referendum on June 23rd, I realized that it fits perfectly into the time.

What do you mean by that?

Sullivan: The fact that a person who has held the vote for a surprise, the whole story just does not pay enough attention.

What does that mean?

Sullivan: Anyone who has experienced the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Tony Blair to David Cameron, has experienced 35 years long, which the great mass of Britons feel: you never hear them easily. There is a line in the song "Eyes Get Used To The Darkness", which fits perfectly: "If you do not listen to anyone, just say no!" And the Brexit vote has been the first opportunity for people for 40 years, Times over the EU and to say something relevant. And that was just a no! It was not.

The fact that this referendum brings advantages to the English seems to be unimportant for you.

Sullivan: Here in England we have a saying: "The turkeys have voted for Christmas" where they are consumed; d.Red .. But the English was not a hint. They simply wanted to break something, because they had heard only one thing since the beginning of the 80s: if you allow the rich to become richer, you also profit from it. But this is a damn lie!

Three years ago, we talked about the changes in the Arab Spring and the subsequent disaster. Are the British now facing a similar situation?

Sullivan: I think so. If you want to learn about the referendum, you should hear the second song of our album, "Burn The Castle". The referendum was a cheap coup of the Tories to win the last elections. I have been totally depressed by the result, full of despair and fear, which still comes. But do not be surprised because I've seen this coming.

But maybe you do not have to be so depressed. US Secretary of State Kerry has called the Brexit as a noncommittal referendum, which can be reversed.

Sullivan: No one can say what will happen. Only our government, for the time after the Brexit, has absolutely nothing to offer politically and economically and socially. I'm afraid of what brings us back to the song "Winter": Change is nothing bad, but the direction in which our country is developing is totally crazy. Point, out, end!


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