Pol, that might be me too. I followed NMA on the Hopeless tour. Hitching around UK then cycling around Europe (France>Spain>France). I didn't cycle to Shetland though! Drove to Aberdeen from Kent in a clapped out Citroen BX, distinctly remember fuel cost only £30. Then flew to Sumburgh airport, and was picked up (along with another fella) by the promoter; Jeff Ampleford? There was a long run-up to the gig with many core fans (still Militia??) hanging out at the Tingwall community village hall, rather than in Lerwick. Other locals at the gig had a fair intake of drink and drugs. This unnerved the band. The trip and gig was very special though. Year? I'd have to look back for the ticket. Maybe meet you in a gig. I'm near Glasgow. I'm tall. Might get to Rock City Notts. We must have met?? I know Speedy and Dr Jo.