Author Topic: Favourite rock pubs abroad  (Read 413 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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Favourite rock pubs abroad
« on: February 11, 2018, 03:33:26 AM »
Don't know how many of you travel abroad a lot,I just wondered where your favourite watering holes are, serving good food and beer and playing good sounds.
A good mate of mine(and NMA fan) runs the Viper Room in Koh Samui,Thailand, where you can listen to any music you like,have a great thai meal,and loads of cold beer.Worth popping in if you're in that part of the world.
Where is your favourite pub abroad?It's got to be worth starting a list for people who travel around a bit.
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  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: Favourite rock pubs abroad
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2018, 06:04:27 PM »
Never been to Koh Samui. Sounds like a great deal that Viper Room and I actually found a website of theirs. Pubs with a spirit of rock or punk music there are not that usual to find.
But I've been once in Pattaya last autumn and found some really, really nice restaurants offering superb veggie and vegan dishes though. One of them was Five Star J in the centre of Pattaya City.

I haven't travelled that much but I'm also interested to hear all the great things other people have found during their travels. Please tell us their locations too. :)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 06:36:22 PM by Rusco »
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Isaac(Black Eagle Rising)

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Re: Favourite rock pubs abroad
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 11:43:52 AM »
Many years ago I discovered a really fine small bar/pub around Kalk area Köln by walking.I checked the google maps but I couldn't have found.And can't remember the name of the bar.Was really a small neighborhood bar and very friendly place to spend time.It was a corner pub and they were playing really cool ska music when we get in.So I discovered the Greek ska band Locomondo there and drank gallons of Kölsch beer.The barmaid I guess she bored with all my questions whats this playin? who is this band? And they gave me the cd they play as a gift :)
Another favorite place is in Osaka Japan.Amemura area(which is short of american mura means the american village).Its called Phoebe Folk Rock bar.Also very small and mostly like a room.Athmosphere makes you feel like you're in a friends room and having drinks together and chatting.They mostly play 60-70's era music from Bob Dylan to Creedence,Led Zeppelin or very underground psychedelic/folk stuff.Owners are Tatsuo and Keiko are a japanese couple and friendly sweet people make you feel very wellcome.Looks like an old hippie shop from outside.They also have a small kitchen behind the bar cook you some fresh japanese food and they also serve local japanese sake brands and prices were okay.Tatsuo writes a blog on internet everyday the playlist of the day before and you can have an idea about each night's playlist.Very cool place.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 11:57:41 AM by Black Eagle Rising »