Author Topic: Cthulhus Story of Glorious Failure, Never Arriving and the Holy Saint-Corona  (Read 407 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
Hi's been a while since i wrote here and i wanted to catch up with telling you my story, for your entertainment and distraction from the apocalyptic stupidity spreading like a virus, that is now officially a world wide thing... in november last year i made contact with a company where my best friend is working in, to hire me as a cook for the winter ski saison in austria. i had done that already in 2011, that was before my education to become a cook, i was working then as a dish washer, but now they were building a whole new youth hostel, a very big one and i had gathered some experience in running a canteen and cooking bulk catering style, in contrast to a la carte cooking, and that was what they wanted me to do there.

They said that the building is not yet completly ready, but they want to open it anyway, hoping the construction work will go on fast.
So i got my working contract, was still unemployed since march 2019 and i told my employment exchange about my new work and was slowly preparing to go to austria from january to end of april.

But the construction didn't work as hoped for and they told me to have to delay my start of the job for about two weeks.
Fine with me and i found some ad for a good job in my area and went there to see if that would work out.

I test-worked there for a day, the chef of the kitchen is an old classmate from my education and she is a very competent and nice person, i can go by feet to that restaurant from where i live now, and when i told them that i wanted to go first to austria and could only start in may, they also accepted that and we made a contract by handshake.

Then the austria work had to delay again my start..and then again...

But finally my travel to austria began on the 16th february, i was going from cologne to austria directly, via a nighttrain. It was the first time i travelled with a nighttrain and i found it to be a cool experience. And i was totally glad that i didn't got the bed in the middle to sleep in..

I arrived in the morning in austria and even got some breakfast in the train...well the coffe did work for me.

And my friend was coming to take me from the station and drive up to the mountain, where the hostel is, at about 1700m.

When we arrived there, i was totally fascinated by the architecture of that thing, but also surprised about the situation of the construction. The youth hostel has some playgrounds with trampolins, a skatepark and a whole sportshall is being build in.

So walking around the house, my welcoming beer in hand, a very young and sportive guy, the assistant to the house manager, went on the trampolin and did some nice moves in there and then tempted me to do also something cool.
So i did something cool, made some backflips, trying to do a double one (not in the air but a direct one after another) and it worked out until one time.. my upper body was still falling down, but both my knees decided to go up fastly and met my chest hard, very hard....

So i got a just about tolerable rib bruise, painwise i mean.
The funny thing is, that i had two painful rib bruises during my time when i was working in 2011 and if you know rib bruises you know that these things hurt as hell and last for weeks. So in the 5 months i worked there the last time i had two of them rib bruise paintimes, which lastet for weeks and other injuries as well, but they came by skiing accidents, and this time i got my ribs bruised just after 3 hours of arrival at the job.
Cthulhu at his best! ;-)

I had some difficulties going to sleep, but was able to work.
But about the time i arrived, there were about 200 persons there and about 40 construction builders. All these people have to eat of course...

But the kitchen wasn't ready! In fact the whole building wasn't ready. I thought that a part of the building wasn't ready, but the other part was, but instead everything wasn't yet finished fully. So there was construction going on in the kitchen, dining rooms, rooms for the guests..everywhere.
I was ready to go with that, when the number of guests would have stayed at that level. And the owner said that they are about to cancel groups, who booked the holiday a year ago.

Then we had soup for one day and i was cooking alone (there was another cook there), and because the kitchen wasn't ready they had two propane gas cooking sets put on the table. I had to cook about 80L of tomatoe soup and had pots with about 30L. These pots were already heavy when empty and i had them to put on the gas cooking platform, which was combined on a very high level and i'm a small person, so lifting that weight i had to stretch my arms almost above my head level and carry them around. These movements didn't work out well with my ribs.

After that working day i had so much pain in my chest, i couldn't breathe properly, i couldn't lay down and because i had quit smoking the day i arrived in austria i did cough a little and every cough was a painful experience. So the next day i did finish my early breakfast shift with many curses and screams of pain and went to a doctor. Got x-rayed two times and got some medication and a compression bandage, which i already knew since i had it the last time and it kind of helps.

Then they announced that in two days there will be 400 people arriving!
And the first message of a train being stopped in austria because of one pasenger having the suspected corona illnes.
And that was the point where i said: "No, i'm not going to be quarantined here on a hill, so far away from home, i quit."

That was what i said to myself, but i quit my job with a mail and in there i just told what was also a reason and a good one to quit your job, the safety and hygiene of the working place. It just wasn't there, everything was improvised and everything wasn't a standard in safety measures and hygiene protocols.

So i did this not easy decision, quit the job, booked myself a train home, which cost me a lot of money, because i booked a single room for i couldn't imagine myself climbing up that ladder in those 6 bed rooms in the train with my rib bruise.

So unemployed again and with almost no chance of getting some welfare money because i had quit the job myself, i thought that i would just start my job in my hometown early. But they had already hired some help until may and that's why they said that i could only start in april.
But that was at the beginning of march and now everything seems different because of corona.

It seems that i won't get the job (while correcting this thread of misspellings, i can add that i definatley won't get the job, had a talk with th eowner in th emeantime) and i won't get the welfare money also.

So i'm stranded here in my flat and i fear that after a new evaluation, when the german hartz 4 laws will get me, they will find that they won't sponsor my flat, because it is too big for one person. These laws are very very complictaed and hard to explain, but when you fall into these categories you have to give up all your rights and property at first, or you won't get any help from the welfare.

But hey, i had a very good time on that hill;-)

While being unemployed again and confronted with the plague-panic all around i reserached a little and found some things i find important and at least interesting and wamt to share this.

So first, did you know that there is a patron saint against plagues called...corona

I leave that as a fun fact;-)

Then i found this site and informations:

Viruses are pH Sensitive
Published on March 4, 2020

There are certain important subjects that doctors and world health officials do not want you to know about. The fact that most viruses and all physiological processes in the body are pH sensitive is one of them. Despite the fact that pH medicine offers us a key to treating viral infections that is easy, safe and inexpensive, they and even alternative health care providers just cannot wrap their heads around baking soda as one of the most important medicines we can use to fight the coronavirus.
Raising pH (to an alkaline state) increases the immune system’s ability to kill bacteria, concludes The Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine in London. The viruses and bacteria which cause bronchitis and colds thrive in an acidic environment. Keeping our pH in the slightly alkaline range of 6.8-7.2 can reduce the risk and lessen the severity of colds, sore throats and bouts of influenza.
Viruses infect host cells by fusion with cellular membranes at low pH. Thus they are classified as “pH-dependent viruses.” Drugs that increase intracellular pH (alkalinity within the cell) have been shown to decrease infectivity of pH-dependent viruses. Since such drugs can provoke negative side effects, the obvious answer are natural techniques that can produce the same results. There is no pharmaceutical that can compete with sodium bicarbonate for changing the pH of the bodies fluids.

Fusion of viral and cellular membranes is pH dependent. “Fusion depends on the acidification of the endosomal compartment. Fusion at the endosome level is triggered by conformational changes in viral glycoproteins induced by the low pH of this cellular compartment.”[1] In membrane biology, fusion is the process by which two initially distinct lipid bilayers merge their hydrophobic cores, resulting in one interconnected structure. It has been suggested that the hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects host cells through a pH-dependent internalization mechanism. This HCVpp-mediated fusion was dependent on low pH, with a threshold of 6.3 and an optimum at about 5.5.[2] When pH drops to 6 or below, rapid fusion between the membranes of viruses and the liposomes occurs.

I don't know how you will perceive this information, true or fake, but for me it fits perfectly in my research about alternative medicine and it isn't that new. So i bought me a 5kg bucket baking soda, kaiser natron oder natron in german, for 15€. Natron is a very old and known cure and help for many, many applications in your household, is very cheap and has no side effects. Maybe you take that as an inspiration to research and find out for yourself.

I hope you all are healthy and in good conditions and that you stay that way. There is a panic out there, but to take precautions has nothing to do with panic. I fear that this is only the beginning of a very fast and radical change for the whole world and the worst i fear is that this year no concerts will be played by bands.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 01:56:53 PM by cthulhu »
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


  • Obsessed
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Great photos and story! Stay safe.


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 1346
Hello Klaus, at least you didn’t get the middle bunk. Looked like a great place that hostel, shame it didn’t work out. Great pictures.

Wishing you luck on the next steps and hoping to bump in to you at one of those mythical things, gigs.




  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 908
  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
Thank you! And yes, it would be superfantatsic if we could meet at those mythical gatherings..

I just applied for a job in a super-market, seems to be the only places who will hire folks. So the hoarding mentality has also good sides to it;-))
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 1799
Sorry to hear this and we're all going to be a victim in one way or another, either healthwise, financially or emotionally

Very worrying times for all

Good luck in the new job, stay safe and take care

Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it