Author Topic: Nothing for sale and probably in the wrong place  (Read 1142 times)


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Nothing for sale and probably in the wrong place
« on: October 17, 2020, 01:10:46 PM »
Hello all...It's years since I been here..dunno why, something with me and forums just don't work (with the one exception of Steve's Cure forum - I feel easy and ok there)...Anyway...I'm writing now cos, well I opened a shop and it's a good shop, some great stuff...including heaps of music mags from the sixties on and I just found this one from 1981

NME Data control page, subsection says 'cassettes' and the write is
New Model Soldier currently have three tapes out: 'Murphy's law', 'Live at Hell House', and 'More Saints and their Stories', if you're interested send one two or three blank c60s to Paul......Sheffield....

New Model Soldier from Sheffield

I'm making cuttings packs and not sure effort/worth etc...but if any of you folk are interested in cuttings packs please do let me know and I'll get one together.  Only one though so if there's three out there wants a cuttings pack you'll have to send me a haiku explaining just why New Model Soldier should be included in the pack..Best haiku wins but we ARE raising dollar for a tai chi studio so you donate us something that you think ok on receiving the pack :)

So (I should change the title to something for sale after all..sorry I didn't mean to come here hawking my wares...I hate doing that...but hey while I'm here..cutting packs of Status Quo anyone?  Judas Priest? I could do a bumper Deep Purple pack including all offspins and hey Gillan joining Black Sabbath really opens this one up..could be huge...)

Heheh..sorry I'm joking but that was always the beauty of NMA for me..their Curtis Mayfield beauty and their Iron Butterfly rock heart.

Yeah, don't know why I lost touch with NMA...They annoyed me with that live album not having all the cd had, argghh, urgghhh, orrrghh but I can't imagine that this was why I fell out with 'em...They were my go to band for years and now all I can go to is the first LP and singles.  Weird...anyway...

It turned into a hawk...I didn't mean it to but I'm sat in the most amazing shop on a Saturday afternoon with four rooms saturated in history and no one's even walked in today...Maybe I need to get door to door selling internet age styleee?

Master Ray

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Re: Nothing for sale and probably in the wrong place
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2020, 09:16:09 PM »

Um... what's a cuttings pack?   ???   ;)


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Re: Nothing for sale and probably in the wrong place
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2020, 11:52:07 AM »
Articles etc from music mags
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it