Author Topic: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED  (Read 898 times)


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"Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« on: May 07, 2021, 08:26:04 AM »
And here's a new song from Justin's new album...enjoy!:


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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2021, 11:20:31 AM »
Thanks for posting  :)


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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2021, 12:19:57 PM »


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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2021, 01:13:16 PM »
Thanks for posting and sharing (again) Guillaume!

I'm kind of surprising myself and i don't wanna go Space like on this, but i haven't heard a tune from the new album. Have ordered it directly and totally looking forward to it, but i kind of prokrastinated it for a while, waiting for the right mood and situation and now i just wait longer until the whole cd arrives.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 01:16:36 PM by cthulhu »
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2021, 01:25:35 PM »
Thanks for posting and sharing (again) Guillaume!

I'm kind of surprising myself and i don't wanna go Space like on this, but i haven't heard a tune from the new album. Have ordered it directly and totally looking forward to it, but i kind of prokrastinated it for a while, waiting for the right mood and situation and now i just wait longer until the whole cd arrives.

You're probably right to wait a bit's probably better to keep the whole surprise with this new Justin Sullivan album until its release at the end of the month.

The interview i've posted though is interesting i think, about the content and style of the album...also the news that Justin and the band are already working on a new NMA album.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 01:33:40 PM by Guillaume »

Marcin D.

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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2021, 06:50:55 PM »
Just the quote from the JS interview (link above) ....."I'm actually in the New Model Army studio at the moment  because I also started working on the new New Model Army record .....   ;) :) 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 06:03:47 AM by Marcin D. »


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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2021, 05:30:12 PM »
Just the quote from the JS interview (link above) ....."I'm actually in the New Model Army studio at the moment  because I also started working on the new New Model Army record .....   ;) :) 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No way....  :o Yes, I watched the interview, just to confirm that he really did say that...  :o


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Re: "Unforgiven" from Justin Sullivan's SURROUNDED
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2021, 05:13:23 PM »
OK, so GREAT news that there is a new NMA album in the works!

For now, I am looking forward to Surrounded, just over two weeks!

I have also not listened to any of the released songs yet, I do want it to be a complete experience.  May 28th seemed a long way away back in March.  Now it seems so close...


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YEA-ahhh!!! :D

Another incredible opportunity to try and suss out lyrics to a Sullivan song!  And, an equally wonderful excuse / reason to listen to  Mr. Sullivan's  irresistibly gorgeous, mesmeric, hypnotic, beautiful voice on loop for hours and hours and hours on end (well, it's been more like days, actually). ::)

No word of a joke, my hearing is going (in one ear especially) and so, you'll spot a ton of errors, mistakes.  Some of the attempts don't even make any sense, but I entered them here in this post anyway.  Of the three singles  ("Amundsen", "Clean Horizon" and "Unforgiven")  we've been gifted to hear thus far, before "Surrounded" is released tomorrow, "Unforgiven" is the one song I had the most difficulty with trying to work out the words to.  Even still and to no end, I thoroughly loved and enjoyed the exercise.  Perhaps someone reading this (absolutely everyone is welcomed to) jump in here and make whatever corrections or post their own attempt at deciphering the lyrics.

Thanking you in advance here, now, if you chose to take the time to make any corrections / additions.  Thank you. :)


In the villages there are more, dead than are living
     OR     In the villages there are more, dead that are living
     OR     In the villages there are more, deaf that are living
The careful quiet lives of the, unforgiven

     OR     With careful quiet lives of the, unforgiven
     OR     The careful quiet lies of the, unforgiven
Secrets buried deep beneath the stones, and the bones

     OR     With secrets buried deep beneath the stones, and the bones
And oil stains and motorbikes from, ride-by killings

Mary's piercing gaze, in the stained glass windows
Reigned in heaven's light above, the flickering candles

     OR     Framed in heaven's height, above the flickering candles
     OR     Framed in heaven's light, above the flickering candles
     OR     Engrained in heaven's light above, the flickering candles
     OR     Rained heaven's light upon, the flickering candles
     OR     Bring in heaven's light upon, the flickering candles
     OR     Bringing heaven's light above, the flickering candles
We tried to make the sanctuary here, when the slavers came

     OR     They tried to make a sanctuary here, when the slavers came
     OR     They tried to take the sentry here, when the slavers came
     OR     We tried to make a sanctuary here, when its labourers came
But the doors were forced, they were dragged away in chains

In the wild island
With its God, unforgiving

     OR     With its guard, unforgiving
     OR     With its God, unforgiven
His mouth is gaping sky
Broken teeth, made of mountain

The tombs of the families layered, one upon another

     OR     The tombs of the families laid, one upon the other
Blood dues and accidents, sister / brother

     OR     Blood hues of accidents, sister / brother
     OR     Blood used in accidents, sister / brother
     OR     Blood fused of accidents, sister / brother
     OR     Blood queues of accidents, sister / brother
     OR     Blood cues of accidents, sister / brother
     OR     Accused of accidents, sister / brother
     OR     The dues of accidents, sister / brother
     OR     The clues and accidents, sister / brother
Nobody's passed through these rusting gates, for a hundred years or more
Where the flowers grow, to be solid rock

     OR     Where the flowers grow, from solid rock
     OR     Where the prowlers grow, from solid rock

On the wild island
With its God, unforgiving

     OR     With its guard, unforgiving
     OR     With its God, unforgiven
His mouth is gaping sky
Broken teeth, made of mountain

As sharp as the crushed shells, strewn along the shore
Sharp as the knives in their wedding clothes

     OR     Sharp as the knives in the wedding clothes
     OR     Sharp as the knights in their wedding clothes
     OR     Sharp as the knaves in their wedding clothes
Sharp as the light, pouring from the sky

     OR     Sharp as the light, roaring from the sky
     OR     Sharp as the light, falling from the sky
Sharp as the truth, when you cannot turn it off

     OR     Sharp as the truth, when you cannot tell it all
     OR     Sharp as the truth, when you cannot tell at all

More dazzling the light, the darker is the shadow

     OR     More dazzling a light, darker is the shadow
You chose an overgrown path for us to follow
It lead us up and up, through the whispering trees
But we will never find what's buried here

     OR     But we were never fine, once buried here

On the wild island
With its God, unforgiving

     OR     With its guard, unforgiving
     OR     With its God, unforgiven
His mouth is gaping sky, black
Broken teeth, made of mountain

We take the wild oaths, you and I

     OR     We take the wild oats, you and I
     OR     We took the wild oaths, you and I
Pass the breath 'round every corner

     OR     Cast a breath 'round every corner
     OR     Past the breadth 'round every corner
     OR     Passed a breath 'round every corner
Here in the humming air, high, above blue water 

Still unforgiven
You're still unforgiven

     OR     They're still unforgiven

Still unforgiven

And here's a Justin's interview about SURROUNDED...:
2 new titles of SURROUNDED can be listened from:

YES!!! :D :D :D

Boy, am I glad you're a serious and dedicated JS fan too, Guillaume! :)  There are a lot of great ladies and gentlemen posting and floating around here, that add SO much worth and good to these here NMA/JS/RSC pages, this official NMA owned forum.  You're one of the ones who posts SO many incredible links on the noticeboard.  Thank you Guillaume, for always sharing them with us and keeping us in the NMA/JS/RSC music loop.  I really appreciate the thought, the effort, the generosity, as I do not have enough time myself, as I'd love to have, to search for NMA/JS/RSC-related material, etc.  All of this stuff matters and means a great deal to me.  I live for the little things in life.

I love reading, watching and/or listening to (however slight) music-related interviews, especially if they're in anyway tied or linked to anything to do with Canada or NMA/JS/RSC and autobiographical in nature.  I don't even mind hearing the same things repeated, at all.  Even that, (necessary repetition) never bores me, ever... either!

I'm off to dive deep into those two links.  It'll be at least a couple more weeks before I expect to receive my official physical, tangible copies of both  "Surrounded"  and the extended re-released version of  "Navigating by the Stars".  SO incredibly excited.  'I can hardly wait'.  It's a serious, thorough, real rush, flighty and tripping thrill... the waiting!  Well, the waiting for wonderful things, that is... not the pitch black or seriously and heavily-loaded, irreversible dark stuff.  I think it's fair to say we've all gone through enough of that shit, already!  'Straight on for the days ahead'.

Hoping and praying they'll be decent days for everyone, everywhere... 'from here' forward.  Stay safe everybody.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2021, 05:56:16 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂