Author Topic: New album... documentary... double pack?  (Read 1578 times)

Master Ray

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New album... documentary... double pack?
« on: June 24, 2013, 09:06:39 PM »
So, I'm sure some of you must be thinking this (and hopefully, the NMA inner circle) but it seems like the new album and the three-year-in-the-making documentary are being released at roundabout the same time... is there any chance we can get a double-pack of these two doubtlessly wonderful items?  I don't mean the documentary thrown in as a bonus disc, I mean a lovely package / box-set with nice artwork and possibly a few exclusive extras, musical or otherwise..?

I'm buzzing like a wasp in a bottle for the new album (as we all are) and I think a lot of the hardcore fans would be willing to pay for something a bit out of the ordinary...


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 03:02:36 AM »
Ah - but what if DVD comes in late and delays the release of the album?  I think your buzz might wear off a bit then.

Actually, I believe they're shooting for an August release, so with just over two months to meet that deadline, I'm sure we would have heard by now if there was going to be super deluxe edition.

Master Ray

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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 08:57:30 PM »
Aw, you ruined my buzz...  ;) ;)

Joking aside, I just want to get my hands and ears on the new music, the documentary would be a very nice bonus but I'm not married to the idea.  I'm happy to get two desirable NMA items between now and the end of the year, I just thought some kind of fancy box-set (like the big anniversary thing) would be something I'd be happy to pay a premium price for.

No matter.  Just bring on the new tunes!!!


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 10:46:59 AM »
buzz kill is my middle name.

I'm really interested in the documentary.  Having found GoC, T&C, and LoHC back in the late 80s, that was my only knowledge of the band.  In Kentucky, there's not a lot of exposure to great bands.  So, it wasn't until the Shop opened that I picked most of the other albums.  Not seeing them live until 2003 or so, I really didn't know who was coming and going in the band.  It will be good to get filled in on the history.


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 01:02:41 PM »
Hello Szmurf, agree with what you are saying, but, if you want facts, stats, members details, Janeks superb web site is packed with such.

does suffer from anoying Polish pop-ups, best to open them , drop it down and then close it when finished with what you actually want to see.

Master Ray

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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 07:02:42 PM »
buzz kill is my middle name.

I'm really interested in the documentary.  Having found GoC, T&C, and LoHC back in the late 80s, that was my only knowledge of the band.  In Kentucky, there's not a lot of exposure to great bands.  So, it wasn't until the Shop opened that I picked most of the other albums.  Not seeing them live until 2003 or so, I really didn't know who was coming and going in the band.  It will be good to get filled in on the history.

Well, I hope you like the documentary when it comes out, Mr Buzzkill!  ;)

This is probably a question for another forum, but I'm really interested to hear how someone from your part of the world would get into New Model Army, especially in pre-internet days.  No disrespect to your homeland, I've never been to Kentucky, I'm sure its a great place, but it doesn't strike me as an NMA stronghold.  I'd love to hear your story about how you came across this obscure UK band and came to get so into them...


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2013, 11:07:45 PM »
Honestly, I grew up in a small town in Kentucky, but I was in Louisville KY (Justin played Louisville in 2003) once during college and came across a tape with an interesting leather jacket on the cover and picked it up.  Best luck of the draw I've ever had.  Every time I happened to be in a bigger city I looked for NMA stuff and found T&C sometime later and then many years later, I found a new copy of LoHC for a dollar.
I didn't have cable at the time, but I was playing GoC once and a friend says he heard 51st State on there once, so I guess they were getting some limited support from EMI at the time.
Anyway, thank goodness for the Shop.

Master Ray

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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2013, 08:42:03 PM »
Honestly, I grew up in a small town in Kentucky, but I was in Louisville KY (Justin played Louisville in 2003) once during college and came across a tape with an interesting leather jacket on the cover and picked it up.  Best luck of the draw I've ever had.  Every time I happened to be in a bigger city I looked for NMA stuff and found T&C sometime later and then many years later, I found a new copy of LoHC for a dollar.
I didn't have cable at the time, but I was playing GoC once and a friend says he heard 51st State on there once, so I guess they were getting some limited support from EMI at the time.
Anyway, thank goodness for the Shop.

Great story, thanks for that!  It just goes to show how taking a chance on an unknown band can really pay off.  And I love the fact that NMA's music can strike a chord so far from home...

It also makes me realise how fortunate us UK fans are, having semi-regular dates not too far from our homes, whereas in other countries it might be a very rare occurance when you can catch the boys live.

I hope NMA make it to a venue somewhere near you sometime soon.  And, if not, hope you enjoy the new album.  Best wishes!


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2013, 09:32:23 PM »
Can I second that, I take my hat off to our US family, that is true devotion, have had the pleasure of meeting and drinking with Boston Bob and more recently Brian DC and his good lady wife. Makes our trip to see em in Amsterdam this Christmas look like a little local outing. And taking States Radio and 51st State on the chin too! It renews my faith that there are people across the pond who get the band and dig the sentiment. Good show all round people
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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2013, 07:45:44 PM »
Sitting here in the UK and reading this I certainly add my bit towards taking my hat (not that I have one cos' it looks crap on my head) off to you US family - talk about dedication x.

Back to the thread have to say I don't really mind how it gets here as long as it does. Although it would be lovely if an evening where a dedicated screening happened but please give some notice if this does, we can't all drop things at last minute notice. Please.......... :-*

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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2013, 09:59:19 PM »
im just hoping and dreaming of a vinyl pressing to go along with the cd  ;)
Listen, You Got the Biggest Problem You Live With Yourself & Thats A Bummer - Claude Bessy early 80s

As Long As Life Is A Battlefield I Am Contributing To War - KatieJane Garside 1992

I Am Not A Suggestion Box For My Country - Me, Said Years Ago


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2013, 05:31:22 AM »
Honestly, I grew up in a small town in Kentucky, but I was in Louisville KY (Justin played Louisville in 2003) once during college and came across a tape with an interesting leather jacket on the cover and picked it up.  Best luck of the draw I've ever had.  Every time I happened to be in a bigger city I looked for NMA stuff and found T&C sometime later and then many years later, I found a new copy of LoHC for a dollar.
I didn't have cable at the time, but I was playing GoC once and a friend says he heard 51st State on there once, so I guess they were getting some limited support from EMI at the time.
Anyway, thank goodness for the Shop.

Small world, used to live in Cincinnati in the latter half of the 90s. Love how the army makes it ways around the States and to a new audience. I just happened to find a copy of "We love the World" CD/DVD in the local record shop here in Mountain View California tonight - really surprised. They had 3 cds in stock - Anthology and TLOHC for $4 used! Someone picked up the Living in the Rose CD from last time I dropped in - good to see someone else with taste here!!  ;)
Here's hoping for a US tour early next year. Hopefully the wife and I don't have to make do with our new annual trip to Nottingham as the only time seeing them - guess we feel lucky with that in itself.  :)

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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2013, 06:18:46 PM »
I'm hoping the Book and magazine that are accompanying the new CD will be in the shop too as no chance of getting them in my town  :'(


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Re: New album... documentary... double pack?
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2013, 06:31:05 PM »
Spike, the "book" is the Deluxe version of the CD (hardcover, 24 pages, same style as the Vengeance reissue). 

The magazine is completely different.  104 pages, nothing but NMA.