Ok, threw this (nonsense) out of my comedy brains...
A dream probably every one has thought once for a while in their lives at least as a kid is:
What if there was another harmless alternative way to fight wars in this universe? Right?
Ok, sadly we all know it won't happen and the fears at the battlefields are always the worst things people could do to each other both physically, and mentally. These things are very true right now as we know it. Yep.
Well, I started to imagine a parallel reality in a comedy way where a thing called fate would bring somewhat different things in life to the people of Earth. The power nations had made a vow about destroying missiles and guns and create a new intelligent way of fighting wars. Then, someone unknown and tricky person had modified the manifesto and unintentionally the big nations seem to undersign a contract about changing the guns to mud cakes. Yes.
The mud cakes become attached to violence, force and power struggles because they'd be the only way allowed everywhere. They are expensive, not easy to get and you'd need a license to have it.
Now we only need a manuscript to imagine how the story line goes. How would it be decided who are the winners, who are loosers? What benefits there would be of having them? Salary? The cakes would also bring new challenges in making them in en masse. Birds might attack the fabrics and troops at the fields which would of course cause big losses economically. Reparations to a loosing nation could also be mud cakes in hundreds of thousands...
And most of all: what
other things a twisted fate would bring in this kind of society?
You know, I'm not out of my mind. No drinks, no drugs, nothing. Just a silly dude with a hint of a village idiot having a wild imagination and laugh for a second to some nonsense.
