Hello all....after watching the band (and crowd!) at a recent gig, I was inspired to write the below and am sharing it here in the hope some of you can relate to it, or at least be slightly charmed by it's amateurish approach...!
The dry ice drifts and the tension lifts
In a swirl of smoke and outstretched hands
The silhouettes they arm themselves
And open fire
We open our chests and take each beautiful bullet
Right through the heart
In the embrace of melody and emotion
You can get transported in your mind
Do you remember when there used to be nothing between us and the stage?
So close that we’d stare up, daring to dream that it could be us one day
But tonight there’s a sea of people between us
So we find a corner and I’ll spin you around
As if doing it faster and faster will twirl us through time
Back to those days
When we used to promise each other that if we ever had two children
We’d call them Thunder and Consolation
As we guide them through the crowd now
I laugh and think “thank God we never did”
Me, I’ve brought many to worship at this alter
But sacrificed them all
They come for answers but always leave asking….
“Why can’t you feel that same passion for me?”
A question left fading with the echo of the crowd in an empty hall.
But if the singer can still hit those high notes
Then so can our love
If the driving drums still pound like thunder
So can our hearts