Well, I just found my original post about Mr C on another thread, so I hope you'll forgive me for doing a bit of the old 'cut and paste'... 
You want a horror director who just throws a ton of blood and guts around the place with a few 'jump-scares'? There are hundreds of them. Doesn't mean shit.
You want a horror director who throws stuff into your eyes and ears that properly gets into your head and worries you for a while? Cronenberg is your man.
My first Mr C experience (I'm going to call him Mr C from this point on because I can't be bothered to keep retyping 'Cronenberg'...

) was on a trailer that I watched on some VHS release or other. A double bill of 'Night Of The Living Dead' and 'Shivers'. Check it out here!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceL1E9-DHIDamn, that trailer freaked me out! I saw NOTLD a couple of years later, but it took me a few more years to have the courage to watch 'Shivers'.
I think, like so many people, that 'Scanners' was my first Mr C movie. 'Hey, someone's head blows up in it' said my fellow VHS chums! And what an exploding head it was, best ever! Pretty good movie as well!
And, this might be a bit shameful for us horror fans, but I don't think I watched another Mr C film until 'The Fly'. Which I think is superb. His commercial highpoint and that rare thing that is a horror film but sort of a romantic comedy as well..

You might disagree but Goldbum and Davies had some chemistry, there were some funny moments and the ending with the claw putting the gun up to his head... always puts a little lump in my throat!
Bear in mind that in the 80's / VHS era, those early Mr C films weren't widely available. Once they were, I got hold of them as soon as I could. Shivers, Rabid, The Brood... all creepy as heck....
Oh, I missed out 'The Dead zone'... a film I like very much but not NEARLY as good as the book... sorry.

And another one i missed out... Videodrome. Just bloody excellent. Proper creepy with great and gory effects. And James Woods. James Woods is always awesome.
So, we're now in the 90's and we've got Dead Ringers, Naked Lunch and Crash.... totally and utterly disturbing flicks that make an exploding head or two look like absolutely nothing. Crash, in particular, disturbs the hell out of me, I've never had the courage to watch it a second time.
As to the stuff he did in the 21st Century.. A History of Violence, Eastern Promises and A Dangerous Method just show how far he's come as a director, no more sex zombies or telekenetic psychos, just a fine director with the ability to disturb in something like mainstream cinema.
. I admit, I've never seen Map Of The Stars or Cosmopolis.
Oh, can I just say, he gave a great performance in 'Nightbreed'...
A wonderful director. And, apparently, he's developing aTV show...