Author Topic: Utopia is Now!Selfsufficiency,modern technology and natural products for living  (Read 1101 times)


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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
So, i'm fed up with waiting, it really gets to my nerves. I feel like i'm living a double life at the moment, my bloody job who costs me nerves but which i already have quit inside of me and the mindset to become a barkeeper.

We have a date at the 17. with people from both banks and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and i so hope that after that we will get a green light to finally start.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


  • Totally Obsessed
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It will come, wishing you all the best for the ride ahead Klaus.




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We have a date at the 17. with people from both banks and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and i so hope that after that we will get a green light to finally start.
Waiting is horrible!!!!
Fingers crossed for you for tomorrow!


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
Thank you very much! And jc, thanks again for your efforts to make connections and exchange informations with your friends.

So, it never was a full victory for us, we made a very good and funny appearance, we made them laugh and they fully support our project.
But an ugly thing appeared, very complicated, about fire proof regulations, old laws which apply but could change with us as new owners.
So the banks would give us the credit to buy on 5.2., but till then we have to get 100% proof that no new regulations will be put upon the building, cause that woulb be too expensive and would take many months to get it done.
So again we have to wait for documents and answers from "ministrys"

(I got the owner, a woman, a present for her patience and her believing in us that we would perfectly fit as new owners and she was so impressed and thankful. I got for her the night  of 1000 voices book and cd/dvd  :)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 09:08:19 AM by cthulhu »
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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But an ugly thing appeared, very complicated, about fire proof regulations, old laws which apply but could change with us as new owners.
So the banks would give us the credit to buy on 5.2., but till then we have to get 100% proof that no new regulations will be put upon the building, cause that woulb be too expensive and would take many months to get it done.
So again we have to wait for documents and answers from "ministrys"
:o Oh nooo...damn all those regulations! Granted, many of them make a lot of sense - but in your case I take it that, if the place is deemed safe now, it should be fine in the future. But of course it's not necessarily that easy... :(
Right, so fingers will remain crossed!!!!

What a lovely idea to get the owner this present!  :)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
i started this, so i feel obliged to also finish it...

the deal is off, we stopped the project like 4 weeks ago. just before signing the contract and after we managed to get a fire regulations guy to have a look, who only noticed minor things that we would have to change.
but the owner confessed that there was a part in the building build without permission, which means your whole staus of the original permission is gone.
but it was the fact of that confession, that we didn't get this information before and that we would have again first to get proof of the judicial situation and we were pushed to sign it immediately, that we said finally no! to it.

thank you for your support, good spirited and helpful comments.

so after i had to notice that i did annoy the host here, just due to my persona which is just not pc and never will be, i'm just like that...
and thinking about the majority of topics and themes where i've posted: horror, metal, alternative media, esoterics and other crazy stuff, which i all regard as not pc, i just don't feel so comfortable here anymore.

because i don't want to have the feeling that i annoy somebody by chance just because of me as i am, not being pc or telling a stupid joke, and since this here is not my living room and i fully respect the rules of this place, i prefer to leave or better keep myself from posting.
we'll meet at the gigs and talk there...

We used to joke about the colour of our skins
We used to joke about the names of God...
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)

Master Ray

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Aw heck, mate, really sorry to hear that you feel that way.  I really hope you reconsider.  I've enjoyed reading your stuff and, odd though it sounds, consider you a friend even though we've never met.

This Forum has lost so many regular posters in the last couple of years.  What the heck, people move on / give in and I totally respect their choice to do that.  Still...  :-[


  • Totally Obsessed
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Hello Klaus, so sorry to hear the ride has stopped, if it doesn’t feel right then it isn’t right, there will be other opportunities.

I understand that you may be down at the moment, remember we are always here and will support you.

We will definitely meet up at a gig somewhere and hope this is just a short break and that you come back soon.




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I hope yolu will recover soon all the best stay strohg

cheers witch
When someone comes to eat me alive, I like to see their teeths.


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Oh, so sorry to hear that you had to cancel this project - but I absolutely see your point, everything else aside...who knows what the current owner was still withholding from you? This is no way to make such an important deal.  :-[
I do hope that, at some point, something else will come up that inspires you and that you can do - with so much energy and passion you deserve it!

Also I wasn't aware that you were annoying people here with your posts? Granted, I don't visit this place as often as I should - but this came as a big surpirse.

If you feel you would rather not post anymore - well, that's obviously up to you, but it would be a real shame.

Master Ray

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Stephanie, I was also unaware of anything Chlulha causing any real offence...   :-\