...Unfortunately, some fcukin' bastard
(or group of) broke into Mr. Dean White's place and stole his laptop. It contained most of that precious footage...
Man, what with that and the fire, NMA truly has to go down as one of the most unfortunate bands in history.
Yeah, know what you mean dude, it sure seems that way.

Don't forget, NMA even had the bulk of their
touring gear stolen one night before a gig, back in 2012 (Walsall, UK). I'm not the superstitious type, but that makes
three completely separate incidences.

Hopefully, that's the fcukin' last of the bad luck. The fire was some accident, but the thefts, man, those people had to be complete and utter scum,

low-lifes, to do something like that. All that equipment made up the band's livelihood, bread and butter.

I don't know how, but 'GOD' am I
so thankful that the guys didn't let it stop or break them or the group apart. The band managed to bounce back and have since prevailed - gone forward, without even flinching, wincing or batting an eye! They are a mighty,
mighty STRONG lot, these men, these musical soldiers... more so than they give themselves recognition and credit for. Highly respect them, love them, treasure them. More so now, due to their remarkable, commendable, impeccable resilience than ever before. Kudos Mr.
Sullivan, Mr.
Dean, Mr.
White, Mr.
Gill, Mr.
Monger... kudos.
Ok, there's definitely got to be at least some part of a memoir / book in here somewhere. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Ohhh, c'mon now. Sure there is!