It was indeed Purity that was sacrificed from the list. I do have a picture (thanks Wilf) as proof, but posting it is so far beyond my IT capabilities as to make even an attempt, totally futile.
As Adrian says, I was there and the whole set only lasted for 40 minutes (cracking though it was; how often do you hear War and Angry Planet in the same show?). NMA started 10 minutes late (maybe because Mother's Cake overran their allotted time, but not sure) and consequently had to drop Purity from the setlist.
Cheers Adrian W and Wilf for jumping in here with all that, much appreciated.

Nice piece of irony from Justin: "It is hot and therefore we'll play you this:" Winter!
Ahhh, leave it to JS to always go and do the complete opposite. soft sweet lol.

Later in the evening The Cure played an absolute blinder.
Yeah, I was watching the live stream and wanted to make sure I got my ultimate fill of NMA before even daring to watch another band's set. By the time I was ready for The Cure's set, they'd already, permanently yanked the entire stream off youtube. That's ok. I'm sure The Cure's performance will surface at some point down the road, somebody's bound to have captured their set's stream. Love Bob and co. too, but I love all things NMA/JS
far more. I just had a feeling that if I missed NMA's set, there wouldn't be another chance... there are fewer of us fans, than there are Cure fans out there in the world. Sometime this proves to be a blessing and other times not so much.
Sad but true, I'd weep like a little girl (and actually have - June 1993!!!) if I missed an NMA/JS gig or performance that was somehow within reach, but I wouldn't cry over one of The Cure... and I do follow their work closely as well. NMA/JS' works just resonate... touch and move me deeper. Actually, they're the ONLY reason why I am even online, period. I don't want to miss anything, if I can help it. I missed far too much in my youth, and I'm still playing catch-up.
When NMA/JS get up there, on stage, they're bearing their souls. They might as well be physically naked sometimes, seriously, 'cause that's just how deep the dive into it, how far they open themselves up, for us all. That takes some fcukin' guts, nerves of steel. I respect them
truly, madly, deeply, for sacrificing some sacred deep-rooted, personal part of themselves, in that way. In exorcising their demons, they purify their audience. When they give, they GIVE, and give their
all. You get the
feels from 'em, their works, performances. For me, that's an incredibly big deal. That's exactly why I love them, treasure and cherish them. NMA/JS
are my kind of band/artist. Whether seen or unseen, I am a lifer. Hell, love or high water, I'm in for the long haul.