everyone in this space (and beyond) interested in purchasing yourselves a VINYL copy of NMA's forthcoming album,
'From Here', that haven't done so already...

I have some
incredibly fascinating and
special news!!!

Received an important message in my
inbox this morning, and here it is...
"Dear customer,
… Splattered LP edition of New Model Army’s upcoming new album “From Here”. Our aim is to create a unique vinyl version which reflects the wonderful album cover art.
Below please find an adjusted 3D image simulating the final result. Please note that every Splattered LP is a unique collector’s item as every LP will be manufactured manually to achieve a very individual and unique effect. The splatter effect is created by putting additional colour crystals onto the underlying vinyl cake/vinyl biscuit. When the cake/biscuit gets pressed the colours get randomly distributed over the vinyl. So, no two copies look exactly the same which makes your copy so unique.
Enjoy your vinyl.
TM Stores"I'd insert the photo that was included in the email, but I'm just too thick and tech-challenged to know how.

So, all I can do is give y'all a link to
TM's updated "From Here" vinyl page. What a beaut! It's gonna be real trippy watchin' it spin on the turntable! Looks like an eye/IRIS, to me, from the looks of TM's official updated pic! SO fcukin' cool, awesome!! To whomever it was from the official NMA camp, that decided to go with / push forth the idea of offering us a coloured vinyl option, of the new album "From Here"... Thank YOU. Thank YOU. Thank YOU.

Sincerely hope some kind of coloured vinyl option of
NMA (as well as,
JS &
RSC) recordings, will become a regular occurrence. Whether they're new recordings or re-issues of previous albums, please keep us in mind.
To everyone else, enjoy which ever format(s) of
'From Here' you've ordered.

Woo-hoo!! It's just 3 months and a day away, now!