But how does that verse relate to you and your life?
It is the last verse :
Call me anytime, call me anytime
And though nothing much will be said
It will be a conversation of a kind
...that is the verse in which the song speaks to us all. A yearning - a need - to connect with others.
(Hell, where would this very forum be without that need? Now that I think about it, that final verse actually sums up this (and every) internet forum perfectly.)
I love the "call me anytime" bit in the song. I think really, the whole song is about that need to connect with others, as the first and second verses end with the "you take any companion you can find" line. I just find the first part of the song fascinating because it is based on an incredible true story of survival;
"North Atlantic winter, seven hours out of harbour
On a night of swelling ocean and ice cold water
The lines got snagged on the bottom and the winch got jammed
It took only moments for the boat to go over
I broke the surface kicking and gasping
There were just three of us swimming but soon I was alone
Me and the seagulls talking, I just kept on swimming
Me and the seagulls talking
And though nothing much was said
It was a conversation of a kind
You take any companion you can find"
It also resonates with me, not because I've ever been in a shipwreck or had to swim for my life, but because I've always had a fascination with gulls, ever since I was a small child and wished I could be one ! Just something to do with the effortless way they fly, and the elegant shape of their wings. I almost still wish I could be one

I could certainly watch them flying for ages and ages without getting bored.