Author Topic: "You and me and your motorbike..."..any Bikers around?  (Read 1690 times)


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Re: "You and me and your motorbike..."..any Bikers around?
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2020, 01:23:45 PM »
  Thanks for the help,I got very frustrated trying to get them up.

  None  of the pics were anything other than a quick snap at one time or other,none were set up to do the bikes justice.

  You can't beat a bit of Motorcycle Camping/Touring call it what you will.
   Weather permitting I've taken to Wild camping the last few years, sleeping bag and mat, and a Tarp rather than a tent. Cooking stuff as well obviously .I keep forgetting to take pictures though.

  Whatever else you do or don't take when you do it DO NOT FORGET YOUR LOO ROLL!

  Heres a couple of really bad pics taken in the very early AM one time we were out.

  As you can see very basic set up in some woods. It was high summer n very mild through the night,as you can tell by the lightweight sleeping bags.

  I hope you can get out next year yourself.Here in the UK it  was virtually impossible this year du to restrictions on travel etc in the UK due to Covid. hoping next year will be better!




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Re: "You and me and your motorbike..."..any Bikers around?
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2020, 06:41:06 PM »
cthulhu , In addition, love your Z650,not ridden one (Modern) ,but, have fond memories of mine from the 80's.My first "Big bike"  . Me and a friend shared it.He had passed his test,I had'nt. he and I paid halves on it n shared his license!

  You could do things like that in the UK back then (I'm sure similar where you were living.
  I would have him turn up n produce documents if I was stopped by the Police, Bikes were pulled often then.On the premise of checking that your Helmet was certified, questioning then got much more involved once pulled over. Great times      lol

   This Motorbike should also make reference to the song "125mp" (Just saying)  lol

  Hey,if you ever want to chat bikes,bikes n camping,bike camping gear (needed , good to have n absolutely needed)  drop me a line.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 06:45:08 PM by sparks68uk »