I suppose I came into the Family fairly late on as most of my friends at school were into crap music to be honest... The first time I heard of NMA was in about 1999, when after an awful year living in uni halls with people I hated, I moved into a little terraced house in with two good friends, who I still see today.
One of the guys was/is still into the band, and I remember hearing it often, but never got round to buying any albums being a skint student. Eventually, I got a job the year after and bought a couple of albums, and the became a regular soundtrack to my life.
The first time I saw them live was in August 2001, when they were due to play at Wollaton Hall near Nottingham, but was moved to the Viccy Embankment next to the Trent (so we didn't get foot and mouth from the deer in the park). I went with my friends who were either into NMA, or Terrorvision who also played. That gig cemented my love for the band from there on.