I guess I'm still in denial about this and haven't found the words until now. It's something you knew might happen eventually....but you always avoided thinking about it.
I got into NMA during Thunder & Consolation but the first album I bought as a "new" album was Impurity. So for me, Nelson was always THE bass player for NMA. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE everything that Stuart and Moose did, but those two guys were almost one of those "before my time" kinda things (if that makes sense). I saw NMA twice in the States (on the Impurity and TLOHC tours) and then they didn't come back for 12 years. When they finally did, I didn't even bother going up to any of them to talk because I had met the members of a few bands before and sometimes meeting them isn't what you were hoping for and you're crushed. I didn't want to risk that with a band that means so much to me.
Over the next few years they came back to the US a few times and my wife and I would go all over the country following the band. We finally decided to talk to them and they were some of the most welcoming, humble and thankful people we have ever met. Even more than what we had hoped for.
I've played guitar for as long as I can remember but it was Nelson that influenced me enough to pick up the bass. I loved his style. It wasn't as flashy as Stuart but it seemed to "fit" the songs better. Subtle, but prominent. And to this day, his style is what I look for in other bass players. Always playing for the song first…. but still making their own statement while keeping it very interesting (to both musicians and non-musicians…. which is a very difficult thing to achieve!). If I had a question about his gear or how he did something, he was always happy to explain things to me. He is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met.
My wife and I were lucky enough to get to do the artwork and book for the 30th Anniversary box set. We didn't know it at the time but this would be the start of the closing of the chapter of Nelson's time in the band. That opportunity means even more to us now (Nel, I hope we made you proud and can use the book to look back on in a few years!). We saw a handful of the 30th shows and always got a warm, welcoming smile from Nel at every show. We talked, laughed and then we watched his incredible playing night after night. Absolutely incredible. I will always cherish those memories.
Nel, I wish you nothing but the best for years to come and I want to thank you for all you've given us. The music, the inspiration, your kindness, your welcoming smile, everything. We're going to miss you up there and listening to your boundless creativity on the albums, but we completely understand.
All the best for the future and thank you again for everything you've given us. You have given us more than you will ever know.