So, this threads about bloody cider now? Let me get it back on track...
You can never have too many reunions with old friends.
Got a call a couple of days back from a mate from the old days, by which I mean the 80's... yeah, I know, I'm getting old...
The best friends I ever had were the people I did a media course with in, as I said, the 80's. None of us ever made the slightest impact in the media world but we had such a laugh!
In the intervening years we've been in and out of touch but, in the cold light of 2013, it's mostly 'out'. So when that friend of mine called me the other night, it made me happy. It's been about three years (and was about three years before that since our last meet) but I'm looking forward to our forthcoming meet / drinking session! Going through a bit of a bad patch right now, so... yay!
And just to bring it back to NMA, this is the friend who first got me into NMA! A trip over to Stoke with a tape playing in the car stereo of his old Honda Civic... a ghostly intro followed by a percussive section and a brilliant chorus...
'What's this, mate?'
'It's New Model Army'...
And so it began...