I can't believe I am actually about say an expression that previously made me utterly cringe... but if you're living alone for the first time, you can really 'find yourself'...

I know, clichéd hippy-crap, I wanted to punch myself repeatedly in the groin for typing such banality... but it's actually kinda true. I only know the vaguest stuff about your recent problems, it's none of my business. But if you're coming off of a bad situation - and, from previous messages, if you're dancing barefoot at a festival, I'd say you were heading in the right direction

- then I'd gently suggest you can handle a new lifestyle.
Take comfort in your alone-space, do exactly what the **** you want to do, get to know yourself and if others come along to help fill that space, welcome them in. Or not, if they turn out to be knobheads.

You'll be fine.