I'm really thankful that the descision was made to share the work and show that powerful video to that strong song. to me personally it meant a lot when i saw the vid and i was thrilled, because i saw so much similarities to the vid i made and so much differences at once. there are even some of the same images i used, too.
i know that some people find the video offensive and that seemed to be the point for the decision not to release it at first. but to me, i just saw the same approach i would have handled the video to the song with that lyrics. it's a rollercoaster ride through the images of our planet and societys transforming and i can reflect myself when i see that video, because these images are anyway in my mind and i'm aware of them and i find them in good company, when illustrating a powerful song with that subject of an transforming and angry planet.
the video is kind of an assault to the viewer, so the video itself is a bit angry when unleashing the horrible images to the recipient. and i like that kind of art, which demands something of you and evokes an emotional reaction you have to work with.
i have to say, that i still cannot understand (well, i can understand but i feel different about it) why they had the first feeling, that the video should not be shared, but i can respect that first descision and so i'm more glad they thought about it again.
i have some thoughts which could be seen as a critic, but these are all about rhythm and stucture and pace of the video which would only come to different styles and opinions and do not refer to the video itself.
only one thing i want to mention as a thought. to me one of the strongest and best lyric lines is "As the monkey tribes advance across the bleak terrain
All sown with seed of mono-culture...." and i was waiting while watching to see how this was integrated.
i like the lyrics so much, because i feel that "mono-culture" is one of the most important aspects when thinking about problems of the humans, and there's so much indications in it, a powerful metaphor, angry and aggressive in itself and therefore so brilliantly observed and put into context of the lyrics. so i would have tried to find more images about that. but tha'ts just my 2cents.
this was a lot, a lot of work and i really dig and like the editing and approaches of dean white. keep on the good and independant work!