People, stop being childish, arguing about who's more relevant between NMA and the Beatles is like argument about was Da Vinci a greater genius then Tesla or vice versa, makes no sense and makes us all look stupid, and I'd like to believe that we're not. It's clear that there wouldn't be one without the other or the the path of the later ones, in this case NMA, would be a lot different if the Beatles didn't happen two decades earlier... Everything happens for a reason and everything happens in its time.
Just as a matter of coincidence those two are my all time favorite bands. And of course the Beatles mean a lot more to many more people around the world, which definitely makes them more influential, which, on the other hand, does not mean they're more or less relevant, because, as we all know, there might be a band in a garrage next door to your second cousin's summer house that are in fact the greatest band in the world at the moment, but only your second cousin knows it, because he's the only one who has herd them play...
Anyway, The Beatles are big. And NMA are big as well. Maybe for a different reason, but in fact they are. At least they are big to me. And it does count. I hope they're big to you too.