to make my personal point a bit clearer. i think this diskussion is about opinion. as almost everything is, and maybe all is vanity.
i said, that these thoughts don't come to my mind (requesting something). that's my point. i don't wish for improvement, which would be only in my mind. i don't thinjk about an artists work comparing it to what i would have done. well, that's not always true, but in this case it is. of course i do judge and i compare somehow. but first there is appreciation, if there is.
for example, i do appreciate the video work to angry planet. but since i am an editor, i compare it to my personal workflow and i have thoughts about that. but i recognize the work and take it as ist is.
what i don't like here, as i perceive it, is somehow the tone of fact, as if there are facts out there, why to do things this way and why not. i don't see this. i would nerver want a band to go and do something for my personal wishes. it takes something out of the relationship that i have as a listener to an artist. i'm working with what they produce, because it affects me, and that's it.
this is not about, what if they would decide to re-record it. i would listen to it. this has the feeling, and maybe i'm wrong, about demanding or wishing for from a personal point. i don't wish such things. i don't know how to explain it better.
i like to be inspired by artists and what they do. but hey have to do it first. i cannot see myself wishing they would to things that suit me better. it somehow takes the fun out, in my opinion.
you seem like an eloquent guy (or girl)
i'll take your point: "I'll take what the artists thinks about their work over what fans think."
what i cannot stand is your style to say something are facts and always to compare it with what other artists do or did and then assuming to conclusions. who cares what the beatles or john lennon or whatever did? i mean in a discussion about remixing albums you could only state your own opinion and likes and then say, that's why YOU want it some way or another. but you cannot say, because x did it, it's trhe right thing to do.
maybe i'm not clear about what i want to say, there's a little language barrier here for me because i'm a german native speaker, but i hope the ideas come through.