Today i wanna praise one of the best and important tools of a kitchen. In germany we call it "Zauberstab" like Magic Stick. Well, we do so in the restaurant kitchens rather than in the privat area, and there i also learned some more german nick-names for tools, which i just cannot mention here.

But anyway...beware, the
I use it very often. You may now think: "what the heck..this is just good for mashing up some things.." and that's of course kind of true. But there is a much bigger picture there in the dark unknown shadows of using the Zauberstab for just mashing up.. EVERYTHING.

So, what is that in the pot in the foto above? Potatoes! Totally creamy, mashed up HOT potatoes. That's one thing i find about that tool so very useful and that is that you can put it in hot, cooking elements. You can make the best soups with it. Just cook some vegetables and then mash them up into a creamy soup. I'm a big soup fan!

Cook some potatoes, don't put too much salt in there, you want to process that further and add salty things to it.
Like some fried bacon, very crusty..
and some sausage maybe..
you could put some fresh red onions in there also..
A total must have spice for potatoes for me is:
lovage ! and i also would recommend some
parsley of course also later when it's done, if you like. And besides salt and pepper i would also use
I just love that creamy tasty feeling of the soup and then have the crunchy bacon in it...
And the Zauberstab is essential if you want to do some of your own spiced-oil. I always have some garlic oil. Just put some garlic in oil

This is a picture of the oil being already produced but not used and the particles are at the bottom. Just stir it up a little and then it looks like this

Just use lots of garlic!!
Think about doing your own pesto! Shush?!?