Author Topic: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)  (Read 1624 times)


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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2015, 09:40:03 PM »
Bloody hell, Shush. you're in it!

I think you are seeing things mate !!!  Was lots of familiar faces though.


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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2015, 09:47:44 PM »
Wonderful, wasn't it? :)

In short... The bearded guy in the film, was her brother (who introduced her to NMA with Ghost of Cain), who died in 2007, within a couple of months of her mother passing. she looked after both of them, and took it very badly... and suffered from panic attacks and depression that meant she could not even leave the house to walk the dog.

I think the film is a big testament to how well the NMA family support each other, and what a good bunch of people they are :)
"Vi är även lite trasiga, vi har våra konstigheter, men det är okej..." (We are also a little broken, we have our oddities, but that's okay)

Let me see what I can do with the translation, my Swedish is a bit hit and miss!
**Insert something witty here**


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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2015, 10:00:59 PM »
Bloody hell, Shush. you're in it!

I think you are seeing things mate !!!  Was lots of familiar faces though.

Oops, my mistake M/R. Yes that's me with Barty before the Leeds gig. I was chatting with that chap for about 10 mins' . Not seen him before or since


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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2015, 10:17:00 PM »
Ok, so here is the translation - not mine, so I don't claim credit! :D
 Welcome to The Mobility Service, if you want to order a car, press one.
 Stora Nygatan 17 and a half. (street address)
 Is it a medical office?
 It’s a psychiatric office.
 Shall we come in and get you?
 I can walk to the car.
 Fine, thanks. Bye.

 The Family is a group of very devoted fans to the band NMA who has existed since 1980, when the band started. We’re all a little broken, we have our odd sides, but that’s ok. This is our escape in a way, we meet and have a good time together for a while.

 It was my brother who bought a record called Ghost of Cain because he liked the cover. We listened to the first song and were instantly hooked. But I ruined it a bit for my brother because I listened to it too much. So he got tired of them, but I kept listening. Then I’ve had a break for different reasons, I moved and had to divide different homes and throw stuff away and I accidentally threw out my record collection. The first music which was important for me to have again was NMA.

 Do you want the usual chapstick or sensitive?
 The usual is fine.
 Soap, schampoo, chapstick, washing powder…
 I need three more dinners. Ah, I’ll take another, I’m too tired to think.
 Schampoo, soap, loo paper, cream, bananas…

 Björn will be coming next week for a trip to the pharmacy. The week after I’m coming and then we can ride the tram and go food shopping somewhere.
 Have you got money on your travel card?
 Yeah, I think I’ve got money on it.

 My brother got sick when he was ten. He has been close to death several times. My father died from heart failure in 1995. My mother had panic attacks and depression. So there was a lot of chaos and hospitals and emergency rooms. So I took care of the home. That was my university. When everyone else studied, I did that. I hoped to just stumble onto something for me to do, but I never did. 
 Then my mother and brother passed away in the same year, 2007, five months apart, and that crushed me. But even before, I was depressed and had panic attacks which made it hard for me to leave my apartment.

 I’m known on Facebook because I like everyone’s posts. ”Anna hasn’t liked anything in a while, she must be sick!”
 We’re spread all over the world, but we can still have a discussion about life. We support each other, push people when they are feeling low and say that they’ll pull through when they are going through bad times.
 Oh, here is a message from Tony!

 Two, three years ago, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to go out and walk my dog. I was living in constant terror. The fear of getting anxiety gave me anxiety.
 What The Family has done for me is to push me to do more things. To actually get on a plane, eventhough I have to take sedatives and get assistance at the airport. I know there is a reward, there is support when I reach the destination.

 I didn’t think I’d have a life. I didn’t think I’d ever meet someone or have friends. I don’t like myself very much, so I was surprised by these open arms from every direction, that it was ok to be me. And I even met a boyfriend, the love of my life, totally unexpected. I didn’t think anyone would feel that way about me.

 I couldn’t get in touch with him. I tried to call, but he didn’t answer. He was in touch with the social services and I asked them to help out and go check on him. It turned out that he had been dead in his apartment for three weeks.
 I know that he would have loved this constellation of people, he would have fit right in.

 This is better than having a grave to go to.
 The grief never ends.

 My life before and after The Family are two separate worlds. I might never be get totally well, I don’t know, but I’m going to try to do everything I can to feel better.
 My family, it doesn’t exist anymore. It can’t be replaced. But I have new family members now, and they are very good.
**Insert something witty here**

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2015, 06:01:38 PM »
Very touching x
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't

Master Ray

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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2015, 07:40:23 PM »
After reading the translation... wow.

Isn't it funny how things can be desperately sad and really uplifting, all at once?


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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2015, 10:07:14 AM »
Thanks for posting the translation muninn. Now it all makes sense, its a deep and uplifting story.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 02:25:00 PM by Shush »


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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2015, 04:46:53 PM »
Thanks for sharing and translations, very moving and hopeful at the same time.




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Re: Familjen: NMA Documentary on Swedish TV, Sunday (28/6/15)
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2015, 09:57:08 PM »
Fantastic film Muninn. As was said by Master Ray....very sad but uplifting at the same time. Hope to see you both again at a gig soon  :)
It's a mean old scene.