What's your favoured method of doing poached eggs, anyone? Mine is to heat up a pan of water until it's just below boiling point. Then crack the eggs directly (and gently) into the water, then leave them alone for two and a half to three minutes. Scoop out, drain off the water and put directly onto toast. Salt and pepper optional.
Should we start a separate 'what to do with eggs' thread? I love eggs. 
This is how I do poached eggs
Heat the water until boiling then turn down to simmer on 5 or 6 ( Have induction hob so convert to your own)
Crack egg into a plastic ladle
I have in the meantime placed 2 slices of bread into the toaster (important)
I do not stir the water but leave as is and slowly pour the egg in off the ladle
I then start toasting the bread (medium brown)
Once the toast is done this is when I remove the pan from the heat
Butter the toast and then a generous coating of Marmite, remove eggs and place on toast, break the skin with a sharp knife and then a good dose of cracked black pepper on top