The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Shush on January 06, 2013, 07:37:05 PM

Title: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Shush on January 06, 2013, 07:37:05 PM
Was going to be, what is your favourite NMA album, but I am sure many will not have one favourite, or wouldn"t want to pick just one. So, instead, the scenario is, the flames are coming through the door, all other people and animals are safe outside,you have the dog under one arm, a kid under the other, and two finger tips free to pull out one CD before you run out . Which one do you save, and why?
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Willard on January 06, 2013, 10:56:12 PM
Well, I leave the dog nehind, let's start there.  Then, I have each kid get their own ass out the door, carrying a couple of cd's each.  Then, I have to say I grab Thunder and Consolation.  Been too big a part of my music life for too long to leave behind.  Close behind would be Ghost of Cain, for the same reason.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: szmurf on January 07, 2013, 02:43:47 AM
Well - I don't keep my music organized, so I'd die of smoke inhalation before finding Love of Hopeless Causes.  If I did find it, I'd remember that I just got the Vengeance vinyl and can't leave without that.  Then I have the 2 CDs remastered versions of the EMI stuff, and they might cost a pretty penny to replace off eBay.  Hopefully, the kids and dogs would have been smart enough to release themselves from me and get out of the house before I become toast.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Stephanie D. on January 07, 2013, 11:04:37 AM
sorry but i don't think i'll take cd i'll think to save my life first,  and my cats..i won't think of saving CD  ;)
so my CDs will burn..and i'll have to buy them again, so i'll choose Impurity (because it's the CD that make me know NMA and see them 'live'), High ('cause there are a lot of beautiful and great titles in that album!) Thunder and Consolation (it's a CD i listened the most maybe) Today is a good day (THE 'Rock' CD i always waited from NMA :)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Pim on January 08, 2013, 04:20:06 PM
**** the cd's, I'd get my NMA lp's, no dog no kids so 2 arms full of em would be no problem.  :)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Brian-DC on January 08, 2013, 05:42:32 PM
Without question..... the 30th Anniversary Box Set.  I worked on it and everyone in the band signed something special in there for me so that's irreplaceable. 
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: jackroadkill on January 08, 2013, 09:52:05 PM
Without question..... the 30th Anniversary Box Set.

Yup, I'd go with that.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Pazza on January 08, 2013, 09:54:55 PM
Sticking to the strict scenario: Impurity

Using further poetic licence, I reckon I could get my fingers round quite a few others too. Like LOHC, T&C and TIAGD and/or High, oh couldn't leave Carnival ... or Eight

Sod it, dropped the feckin lot on the way out of the smouldering door.

What fun it's gonna be buying the lot off of ebay and Amazon and via the band site. Now, where where's the insurance company's number...  ; ~ D
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Ron B on January 08, 2013, 10:18:39 PM

 Good Question . 10 years ago I would have said Love of hopeless Causes. As that was the 1st NMA album I actually brought but now that time and a few more albums have come out and  having filled out a lot of The back catalog. Bloody Hell my tunes are not going down without a fight :D ;). I am helping the fire men trying to put out the Blaze.  If I have to get a pot filled with water or a water gun ;D 8) .
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: huwcamden on January 09, 2013, 07:59:17 PM
Love of hopeless causes, it was the sountrack to my "dick whitingtonesque" streets are paved with gold move to london,along with generation terrorists by the manic street preachers. But it could have been any nma album though, they are all charged with emotion and it was an emotional time for me.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Barty on January 10, 2013, 05:29:13 AM
For me, it would have to be No Rest for the Wicked.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Stoney on January 11, 2013, 11:26:36 AM
I'd rip the shelf off the wall with the lot on.... Then I'd have to be getting my vinyl or die trying.......... Obviouisly the Les Paul's n SG n 355 would HAVE TO BE FIRST in line, goes without saying but....

To answer the question as laid out tho' I'd have to say the Impurity remaster I suppose, or lost Songs coz it's so varied and has Knife on it.... (It was a long time over due.....) ;)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: jackroadkill on January 11, 2013, 07:34:14 PM
Obviouisly the Les Paul's n SG n 355 would HAVE TO BE FIRST in line, goes without saying but....

Going slightly off topic, Stoney,but which Les Pauls have you got?  I use a 1989 Custom, a 1991 Standard and a 1958 CAH reissue.  Love them all.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Stoney on January 11, 2013, 08:05:38 PM
I have a 93 Black Beauty Custom (2 pick up, I hate the look of the 3 pick up version), a 95 Black Studio Deluxe (a Custom minus the binding so they reckon) a 2003 SG and my 355 is about a 2005, hard to say coz it's a Custom shop reject so no serial number, Rose Wood finger board and a slightly faster/thinner neck profile than standard.
My Custom is my baby pretty much, I've had her 8 years, the Studio 15 years now......
I've potted both bridge pick ups with wax to cut down squeal and put a graphite set of sadles on the Studio aswell. There's plenty of pics of em all in action on Facebook and Myspace pages of Keyside Strike.  ;) Aswell as my Schenker Flying V and my '84 Strat!
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: jackroadkill on January 11, 2013, 10:09:17 PM
Very nice!  In addition to the Les Pauls I also have a '66 SG Junior, an early '90's Epiphone Sheraton, an Ibanez HR Giger Iceman, and a Mexican Strat and Tele.  I'm just getting back into playing them, and there are tentative plans to get a band together in spring.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Stoney on January 12, 2013, 02:11:18 PM
Nice selection! the Icemen are pretty nice, Tom Warrior loves the Geiger versions!
I got offered and tried a 68 SG Juniour years ago and hated it to be honest. The one piece tail bar/wrap over brigde was awful.... Really weird skinny neck........ I so wanted to like it but didn't at all... There's a synergy in owning a guitar made the same year as you're born, but that wasn't the one for me.........  :'(
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Shush on January 12, 2013, 02:43:52 PM
I had a butchers at Keyside Strike on YouTube. Quite good. Raw, powerful and aggressive. Reminded me of the Expoited, top punk band
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Shush on January 12, 2013, 02:47:59 PM
Going back to the theme of the post ---

Thanks for the replies so far. Some interesting comments. Perhaps I should not have over egged the blazing house scenario. Maybe I should have gone more for a desert Island disc theme -- which album would you take with you if you could take only one?? - vinyl or disk..
For me, it is and always has been No Rest For The Wicked. When I first gave NMA a go, a chap called Barty lent me the first four LPs, and No Rest For The Wicked made an impression on me straight away. Some very strong lyrics picking up on the darker side of society of the time, a selfish consumer based society of the mid 1980s.
For the second half of 1989 I was on the dole. At that time, I used to play the album every day, and connected with the lyrics. Particularly - Frightened, Young Gifted and Skint, and Drag it Down.
Also, has my favourite NMA song, Better Than Them. Great tune, and great lyrics. I could relate to the characters in the song sitting in their corner of the pub being looked down on by the group of local clones, or residing students
No Rest strikes a cord with me also, being a life long insomniac, I am often "Turning over turning round" at 4 in the morning.
For me, a great album. Love it now as much as I did over 20 years ago. Strong tunes with deep lyrics. A product of the under class of Thatchers 1980s Britain
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Stoney on January 12, 2013, 03:21:22 PM
I had a butchers at Keyside Strike on YouTube. Quite good. Raw, powerful and aggressive. Reminded me of the Expoited, top punk band
Thank you kindly sir! =)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: jackroadkill on January 13, 2013, 08:59:20 PM
Nice selection! the Icemen are pretty nice, Tom Warrior loves the Geiger versions!
I got offered and tried a 68 SG Juniour years ago and hated it to be honest. The one piece tail bar/wrap over brigde was awful.... Really weird skinny neck........ I so wanted to like it but didn't at all... There's a synergy in owning a guitar made the same year as you're born, but that wasn't the one for me.........  :'(

I suppose Juniors either do it for you or they don't.  Mine's only just a '66, so it has the small pickguard and the big neck.

I know what you're saying about a guitar of the same vintage as you - somewhere out there there's a 1979 Les Paul Custom in white with 70209*** as the serial number... and it will be mine!
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Stoney on January 13, 2013, 09:15:03 PM
I really want one of the 68 "Les Paul" SG Customs...... Come on lotto!!!!!!!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Simon73 on January 17, 2013, 10:48:28 PM
uauh that is  a difficult one
let s say thunder and consolation because it was the first one i ever listen to
and.........oh........can t say........something more recent just to rmember how they are of the most recent ones so to have an old one and the incarnation of the band in the 90s or even later
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Barty on January 19, 2013, 08:34:39 AM

For me, it is and always has been No Rest For The Wicked. When I first gave NMA a go, a chap called Barty lent me the first four LPs, and No Rest For The Wicked made an impression on me straight away.

I remember walking through town in 1989 with you and we spotted Ed busking. You wisely suggested I buy Thunder & Consolation again so he could sign it. So we dashed to Virgin, bought it and ran back to where he was....he was only too pleased to sign it and chat. Thanks for that - still got it and although we were both strapped for cash then, I'm glad you talked me into it  ;) So maybe that's the one I'd save now  ;D ;D or at least the cover!
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Pazza on January 30, 2013, 07:36:13 PM
Now the emphasis has changed to saving guitars it'd be the Indie Sound rosewood topped acoustic - along with, if I am forced to make a decision, Love of Hopeless Causes. It's the one I am going back to most often now
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Pazza on January 30, 2013, 07:36:55 PM
..and actually given the blazing house scenario that sounds a reasonable shout to me!
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Simon73 on April 10, 2013, 07:30:52 PM
I will die with all of them
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: invisigothh on April 27, 2013, 11:22:04 AM
Thunder and consolation , and my ipod
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Shush on January 29, 2016, 09:38:50 PM
at the moment, I would rescue High  :)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 30, 2016, 06:26:51 PM
at the moment, I would rescue High  :)


Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Shush on January 30, 2016, 07:53:48 PM
Last couple of months I have been having a bit of revival of High and playing it often. To me it is a very good quality and consistent album. When listening to some of the other NMA albums there maybe a song or two I will skip, or a song I know is on the way that I will start to look forward to, but not with High. I think all the tracks are a consistent quality from start to finish. At the moment, "One of the chosen" my favorite on it. I just love the drum work MD has crafted into the song.

That's why  ;)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 31, 2016, 03:56:02 PM
Ah, perfect reasoning  :)

It is a belter and does hang together nicely. Somehow it seems to not get mentioned much which is why I wondered "why?"  :D

Don't think I can answer the thread question. Probably depends what sort of mood i'm in when the fire/desert island stranding occurs! With a gun to my head though I would have to plump for Today Is A Good Day. And to pre-empt your next question : because of the title track.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Shush on January 31, 2016, 04:48:59 PM
Well, it is uncharacteristic of me to be the optimist, but I would like to hope that this time next year my answer would be different again -- because the best ever NMA album of all is being composed right now ?
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Pol on January 31, 2016, 06:26:42 PM
Out of the latter cds I would pick high also, just feel its the strongest overall , it maybe doesn't have a tiagd full on rocker but the sum of its parts make it a belter ( I'm sounding like a weegie lol) if I can cheat I would go for love of hopeless causes and raw melody men both for kinda linked personal reasons
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Master Ray on January 31, 2016, 07:52:09 PM
If you saw how much work my flat needs nowadays, you'd forgive me for letting the bloody place burn down with everything in it so I could claim on the insurance and buy everything all over again from The Shop....

... but seeing as it's not available from The Shop nowadays, I guess it would be 'B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks'...
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: jackroadkill on January 31, 2016, 10:29:13 PM
, I guess it would be 'B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks'...

That was the first NMA album I ever bought....

Initially I said that the 30th anniversary boxed set would be my fire rescue choice, but maybe it would be B-sides and Abandoned Tracks...  Or perhaps High.... Or Thunder and Consolation...  Or....
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: claireinblack on January 31, 2016, 10:42:57 PM
I wouldn't save a single thing!
My life is much more valuable than a few CDs!
And it's all backed up on iTunes anyway!
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: eastmidswhizzkid on February 01, 2016, 07:54:24 AM
i wouldnt take any extra risk for a cd: theyre all easily replaceable and available.
vinyl's a bit different, so it woiuld have been my brave new world 12" with free live 2-track 12" as it was the first NMA record  i bought and now quite hard to get...except my ex stole it (as predicted) between kicking me out and returning my things...and my purity gatefold 10".... and my bittersweet 12". >:(
so for sheer rarities sake it would be my "love is sweet romance" 7" picture-sleeve which i WILL  get Joolz to sign next time shes out and about.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: tist sadist on February 02, 2016, 10:13:07 AM
Guess I would let the house burn down, collect the insurance money and buy them all new on CD and vinyl.  First one on the wish list : Thunder and Consolidation. ;)
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Amandistan on February 05, 2016, 08:20:44 AM
My laptop which holds my cloud with all of my music. I love NMA music obviously and the emotions it generates mean a lot more to me then material possessions. Everything is digital these days. I of course buy CDs to support the bands that i like but they all go into iCloud.
Title: Re: Which of your NMA albums are you going to rescue ?
Post by: Guillaume on November 24, 2021, 08:16:55 PM
Last couple of months I have been having a bit of revival of High and playing it often. To me it is a very good quality and consistent album. When listening to some of the other NMA albums there maybe a song or two I will skip, or a song I know is on the way that I will start to look forward to, but not with High. I think all the tracks are a consistent quality from start to finish.

I agree, the whole HIGH album is brillant, one of NMA's best albums.
Others NMA's albums i would rescue from the flames would be THE GHOST OF CAIN and of course THUNDER AND CONSOLATION, again these two albums are wonderful from their opening song to the ending track! Not a bad track on these three albums. I would also rescue Justin's NAVIGATING BY THE STARS...i would say that NBTS and THUNDER AND CONSOLATION are desert island albums for me.
Title: Which NMA album are you going to rescue ?
Post by: 8 on April 03, 2022, 04:38:46 AM
Was going to be, what is your favourite NMA album, but I am sure many will not have one favourite, or wouldn't want to pick just one.  So, instead, the scenario is, the flames are coming through the door, all other people and animals are safe outside, you have the dog under one arm, a kid under the other, and two finger tips free to pull out one CD before you run out.  Which one do you save, and why?

My most favourite albums are every single release from  "Carnival"  upward including both of Mr. Sullivan's solo albums "Navigating By The Stars"  and  "Surrounded".  Due to the fact that I wouldn't be able to save all of the albums, I'd do something most folk wouldn't understand.  I'd sacrifice them, in the hope of saving something else of even greater personal meaning to me... a 4"x6" colour photo I took at a European gig, back in 2007.

Why sacrifice the albums for a picture, you ask?  Sounds silly, eh?  Well, it isn't.  See, the albums are still presently available. Whereas, I wouldn't be able to replace the sacred photo ever again, if it burned in the fire.  'One by one', I'd start the album collection over again.  Actually, in doing so, it would benefit / help NMA/JS too!  How you ask?  Well, because I'd avoid buying second-hand, and instead would repurchase everything directly from the band's official online shop or at a gig in person. :)

Very difficult thread.  Even though I couldn't answer the question how one was hoping, I appreciate it just the same. :)