The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Gaijin on July 09, 2014, 10:50:36 PM
I've just heard the new song that was performed at Southend on July 4th. :)
No name has yet been mentioned for it. I think it fits well with the overall sound of BDAW and I'm pleased about that.
It's the first time I've managed to hear a new song so soon after it's first outing. Being so far away really sucks when the other members here post about how great the recent shows were etc.
For those who are perhaps interested in such things the show is up on Dime now.
Thanks, perhaps some more info on what Dime is and how to find it for the vast majority who probably won't know, would help. :)
Perhaps a few carefully selected keywords in a search engine will help point the way.
I'm sure the band members would take exception to having directions such as you suggest splashed all over their official forum. :-X
I'm sorry if you though it was implied.
There is a new song? I am now waiting in anticipation until I here it. Can anyone sort of describe what it sounds like or what other NMA song it is closest to?
There is a new song? I am now waiting in anticipation until I here it. Can anyone sort of describe what it sounds like or what other NMA song it is closest to?
This is how I described it on Facebook:
"The new song sounds like a heavier version of 7 Times, I reckon. Very much in the BDAW style, once Joe Barresi's mix is applied I think it'll probably sound even more BDAW."
Perhaps a few carefully selected keywords in a search engine will help point the way.
I'm sure the band members would take exception to having directions such as you suggest splashed all over their official forum. :-X
I'm sorry if you though it was implied.
I knew where you meant straight away. I reckon the band is probably so used to their stuff being shared straight away by now that they accept it comes with the territory of being a contemporary rock and roll outfit. :)
They are no doubt aware of it, but 'accept' is perhaps strong. :-\
Taking a guess here, but the song's title could be either 'Waving at the Devil' or 'More Empty than the Sky'.
The problem with any new material is that everybody wants to hear it, and once played live, given the modern world we live in it will be filmed, recorded and more often than not be circulating before the band are up and having breakfast the next morning, on Youtube etc etc.
BDAW had tracks played live long before it was out as an album and they were all over the usual sites.
I'm still amazed that BDAW was not leaked weeks before its offical release date.
I suppose there are two trains of thought,
The people who see music as something that they expect for free. I know lots of people who buy nothing and possess only downloaded stuff and so does everybody on this site. (Why should I pay when its readily available at the click of a mouse mentality) >:(
Most have no interest in the Artists/Band they just like a particular song or album and there is no connection, no soul, no real feeling to go along with that so they see no harm in it.
Then there are the people who like myself buy everything on CD and if available Vinyl, maybe I do download the odd Live gig now and again, I would be a total hypocrite to say I didn't and I would be amazed if there were any Bands/ Artists themselves that have no downloaded music.
There is a link to the new song which sounds pretty good given the recording and I did post it then remove it earlier this morning, on another thread.
However having spent the day mulling it over why not post it, everybody on here would like to hear a new song.
This was what I posted. Its a link to the German forum just have a look and you will find it. ;)
Sits back and awaits comments.
Not sure about that dude,
I'm ambivalent about the whole download issue - to me it's not much different to taping off the radio years ago - it's up to the individual.
But to me with my daft old fashioned manners it just seems a bit rude to put it up here on this place when the band haven't even said it's name. We can all go and look for stuff and if a there was a youtube of the song from Southend of course I'd watch. It just seems a bit of a cheek to flaunt it here - a bit like a mugger waving your purse in your face. Then again maybe it's good for creating a buzz in the lead up to a new release and is worth the modern equivalent of inch of column space in Sounds back in the day.
Those of us who come to this board and waffle on will buy as much as they can and will see the guys live whenever they can the real question is: does this ultimately reduce the number of paid for downloads/cd's whatever? If it does then the truth is it's theft from a Workers wage packet because it's not just the band who lose out it will be everyone who earns a living in some way from this wonderful music. If on the other hand, this is thought to increase the eventual number of paid for copies then it's an excellent fan-driven promotional tool.
Dunno, I guess it comes down to: Are you going to buy the release anyway? In which case it's just our O.C.D :-[ or Are you gonna nick this download and not bother buying the real deal? In which case you are a Thief >:(.
Not judging just saying my words.
Ive always thought of illegal downloads as like taping off the radio. Everyone did it and it was just accepted. The difference for me was that while Id do it, it was always the pre-cursor to whether Id buy the album. And having said that, Ive lost count of the £15 Ive spent and lost on albums that were actually crap. Perhaps I should have sued the music industry lol.
I dunno. I have mixed thoughts. I wouldnt want any artist to lose money but then I dont want to waste mine either. I dont download music. I will listen to songs and decide whether Ill buy an album.
In any case, I read somewhere that touring makes the most money. But Im old and could be wrong.
Taping off the radio was illegal remember, however one couldn't make an exact digital copy then. ::)
That 'sits back and awaits comments' line is in bad taste. I know the personality type that does things like that. Who are you to post that hyperlink? One of the entitled, no doubt. Everyone else that commented on this thread was respectful to the band and showed restraint.
But that's just my opinion, and we already know yours now. You didn't even comment on the song.
Course it was illegal. Did I understand that, or my friends at 12 or 13? Hell no. It just happened. Not saying in the digital age that its the same thing but Id put money on it their are kids doing it that dont understand the implications either.
Im not comfortable with Markxe posting the link BUT someone recently posted a link to the Norwich gig I went to and no-one batted an eyelid. Is it any different to a bootleg? It works two ways. Any genuine fan that hears the song wil buy the album. In a way its advertising. I dont beleive anyone in the music industry is naive enough not to realise that people will record songs/vids at shows and spread them.
And in fairness to Markxe, Gaijin, you started this thread and suggested the song was out there to find as well. Not having a pop at anyone but its pretty much the same thing.
Hmm, some harsh opinions here but debate is good.
I have been a NMA fan for 30 years and like many here own (and have paid for) all their releases. If it hadn't been for a copy of Vengeance that I illegally taped off a mate's vinyl back in 1984 I may have never gotten into the band.
I don't see the difference between posting a link to a new song or an old one. If you think that downloading one is theft then so is the other.
Regardless of your opinion, the band accept the fact that new songs get shared here or else they would state otherwise. Whether they like it or not is another matter. I remember JS saying somewhere that it does mean that they play fewer songs live before they are released.
I personally don't see the problem. If you play a new song live you are 'releasing' it to the public and sharing it here is merely an extension of that. It is the new reality and it can work in the band's favour, too. A couple of strong tunes circulated before release are likely to boost sales rather than reduce them. I see a difference between that and donloading an album off a file sharing site.
Anyway, just my opinion. And just for the record, I tried to download the song but my computer tells me that it doesn't have the necessary software to play it. So there ;)
May the curse of a thousand boils strike you down ;D
May the curse of a thousand boils strike you down ;D
And in fairness to Markxe, Gaijin, you started this thread and suggested the song was out there to find as well. Not having a pop at anyone but its pretty much the same thing.
What rubbish! I told you there was a door - he kicked it in and goose-stepped you through it.
Perhaps you could offer a few words about the new song. It's the title of the thread you keep posting in. :)
I also first got into the band off the back of a couple of tapes a friend of mine did me in the 1980s, still got them somewhere. It led to me buying the records for real, and everything else since.
Tried to open the link to the new song, but the old laptop did not want to cooperate.
These things are just unavoidable in the modern world. like at a gig you see dozens of people holding up a recording device, then its on youtube the next day.
Even if I did download the song, I would still pay for it when officially release. In a way, I see it as my part of the bargain following a band like NMA. NMA are not a big money band with millions in the bank. They release music and play gigs to pay wages, and keep the band going. In return for my patronage, I get great music and great times. I will pay - so they can play ;)
And in fairness to Markxe, Gaijin, you started this thread and suggested the song was out there to find as well. Not having a pop at anyone but its pretty much the same thing.
What rubbish! I told you there was a door - he kicked it in and goose-stepped you through it.
Perhaps you could offer a few words about the new song. It's the title of the thread you keep posting in. :)
Also known as loading the gun for someone else to fire the bullets. Im not sure how you can throw the hint of a new song that you found out there and not expect to someones curiosity to go one further. Thats like saying I planted the bomb. Its not my fault someone else blew it up. Well. I listened to thirty seconds of a badly recorded racket and decided Id wait til I hear it properly......But if you hadn't opened the door as it was, I wouldnt have bothered trying to find it......and then your thread would have been opinion free ;)
I could not really hear it too good as the recording was not that great. I do hear a hint of Seven Times though. It was hard to make out some of the words.
Personally, I don't usually do free downloads. I pay for everything. In this case the curiosity was killing me. I will still buy the song of course and buy everything that they record. I completely understand why artists don't like free downloads because it's like stealing from them. They have bills to pay just like all of us.
Also known as loading the gun for someone else to fire the bullets. Im not sure how you can throw the hint of a new song that you found out there and not expect to someones curiosity to go one further. Thats like saying I planted the bomb. Its not my fault someone else blew it up. Well. I listened to thirty seconds of a badly recorded racket and decided Id wait til I hear it properly......But if you hadn't opened the door as it was, I wouldnt have bothered trying to find it......and then your thread would have been opinion free ;)
::) Posting links to bootlegs is not the same as saying that there are bootlegs. Don't be obtuse, you tried to make the same erroneous, circular argument in the previous post.
You can't moralise about downloads. They are illegal EVERYWHERE. You are defending a weak position and while you may think you're in the right, it's just your overblown sense of your own importance that keeps you coming back here to flame.
Now, point the gun at your head and pull the trigger.
Except Im not defending it. I already said what I thought about it and that I dont download music.. My overblown sense of my importance? You asked me a question and I answered. And Im assuming that the illegal downloads you mention and are highly indignant about, youve also felt the need to listen to as you started the thread and then asked everyones opinions. And then accuse me of talking rubbish because I have a different take to your own?? Or that you know the sort of person Markxe is because of something he wrote??
To my mind, theres only one person thats casting judgements or making personal digs here. Now. I have no desire or interest in slanging matches. You have your views. Mine differ. Simples.
I don't get the point you'retrying to make Gaijin.
You post links to illegally recorded music all the time. If I remember right you even illegally modified copy-righted artwork by creating your own mix of a NMA tune.
So how is posting a link to song the band played live different just because it hasn't been released yet? More importantly, how do the consequences to the band differ?
And as Drummy B pointed out, you did start a thread about the new song so it was really to be expected that someone would post a link to it.
Anyway, that's all I have to say really. Life is too short to argue with people on the internet.
Happy days :)
Taping off the radio was illegal remember, however one couldn't make an exact digital copy then. ::)
That 'sits back and awaits comments' line is in bad taste. I know the personality type that does things like that. Who are you to post that hyperlink? One of the entitled, no doubt. Everyone else that commented on this thread was respectful to the band and showed restraint.
But that's just my opinion, and we already know yours now. You didn't even comment on the song.
Care to elaborate on the personal stuff in particular the Personality Type and One of the Entitled, you seem to ride around on a rather high horse given some of your replies above. And indeed the thread itself.
I dont normally bother but you dont even know me. Have you watched a lot of CSI or something.
PM me if vou like rather than clog the thread with personal drivel.
I won't be able to reply till Monday though as am off to the Blacksheep Festival to put some money in the Bands coffers.
As said above life's too short to argue with a total stranger on the internet, we already have some common ground in our music taste so theres a start.
Ah the song, Yes I like it but will await the final recorded version on the Album ( Which I will purchase from The Shop) as the sound was not that good to be honest, maybe it will be played tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Oh and I should have said Discuss rather than the sit back thing, just bad wording on my part, because the topic is always a contentious one on any music forum.
To me there is no need to continue the discussion "posting that link is ok or "never do that again"
all people involved are fans and I think, they buy all ofical stuff, going to gigs (if they have the time and the money to do so)
and the band knows, that a new song played live (or the whole gig) is offered some days later here or via other sources
The internet thing - we can`t stop that as hard core fans - the band needs money to continue, we want the band to continue - so I spend my money buying all official stuff and tickets of gigs I can manage to go and enjoy some live recordings of gigs I wasn`t able to go
(Taping radio was illegal? I can`t remember - not here)
Now, point the gun at your head and pull the trigger.
I don't give a **** about what the discussion is. I don't come here to read this sort of disgusting bollox, Mate you have some serious bad ******* manners and an apology is in order.
I wasnt gonna bother with this thread anymore but Anna, I picked up on it too and bless ya. But stop the cussing. Sheeeesh ;D
So what does everyone think of the song?
I really don't understand the point of arguing about this type of thing. I would not have posted a link on here and don't think it's the best idea but nothing to argue over. Can't we just talk about the song?
OK - I assume it's a live recording from a gig, aren't people posting live recordings of the band all the time? I don't get the issue, but whatever.
It's because it's a new song and everyone not at the gig have yet to hear it. People could just download live songs and not pay for the song when it comes out causing the band to lose money that they work hard for. I think people truly interested will pay for it but it's possible that others will not. This is the official site too.
Everybody here - hardcore fans or not - wants to hear a new song by this wonderful band one way or the "other" (off youtube, perhaps?) and that isn't illegal per ser, unless one downloads the song and makes some money off it. I used to copy stuff off vinyl on tape but I didn't sell it. Now, many of us have already bought vinyl bootlegs, and our money went into the pockets of bootleggers. Now that's illegal.
OK... IMO, if a song is played live, it's gonna get there out on the Internet in this day and age where everyone's got a camera on their phone or whatever, one way or another. And people are gonna watch it via Youtube and the like. You might not like it, but it's gonna happen.
I posted something a while back about if anyone would download BDAW before it came out and the general opinion was that most people wouldn't. Likewise with this new tune. For the record, I ain't heard it yet, but I can't deny that I might look for it.
NMA put out an official release, available to buy and people put their money down... great!
Others get hold of the officlial release for free... wrong!
Three songs from BDAW were played long before the Album was released, and the Album charted in UK and Germany.
It built up a hungry appetite in people and obviously did no harm going by album sales.
The new song recording I posted a link to was pretty poor I thought ( the recording, not the song)
But once again it raised interest in the forthcoming material, surely that's a good thing.
Just off to find my credit card so can pre order both CD and Vinyl. ;)
Didn't really want to get involved in this post but im going to agree with Ray
Yes i watched the songs from dog and wolf on utube before it came out Yes i bought the cd and the t shirt and the magazine and went to see the tour
On a earlier post in this thread Yes i first heard Vengeance some 30 years ago now on a copied tape but Yes i now own it on Vinyl and have both cd versions of it
And yes if the new song was posted on utube i would watch it but Yes ive just ordered the vinyl lp and t shirt and Yes i have a ticket for Nottingham
Yeah - I understand the whole support the band with your money, but I know that people used to post links to full live bootlegs (and demo/unreleased songs as well) on this site and no one said a word. Everyone knew that who ever would download em from this site most likely owned 2 or 3 copies of all of the official releases anyway.
So - Why jump down the throat of this guy for posting a link to a new song that was taped (probably on a phone - yes - I listened). To those that didn't listen, don't bother. Wait until you can hear it live like it should be heard. For us in the states, this, sadly, is as close as we'll get to hearing it live for God knows how long.
Unless people from the states go abroad, You are right. I hope it did not appear that I jumped down his throat. It was not my intention. Sorry, if that's how it came across.
On a certain site you can d/l the Southend gig complete with new song, which I do like, it's a definite progression from BDAW.
Oh and I yesterday ordered BWAB. ;)
They are no doubt aware of it, but 'accept' is perhaps strong. :-\
Taking a guess here, but the song's title could be either 'Waving at the Devil' or 'More Empty than the Sky'.
Devils Bargain then presumably having seen the track listing for the new album now
Or Guessing... Who'd hv guessed that?!
Not been on here for a few months and thought I would have a look after seeing the band post the new song on Facebook... what have I walked into? ::)