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General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Master Ray on March 08, 2016, 08:31:18 PM
... and yes, I am aware that there was another GOT thread before, but it was started by a certain 'someone who should not be named' so let's start a new one!
And I'll go first with the brand new trailer for S6, starting in late April! Can't wait!
Not seen any of it , got breaking bad to finish first. Is it weird that I can only watch one box set at a time
Be interesting to see what happens now the tv has overtaken the books, some storylines were already divergent from what went on in the books anyway. I think Bran will be a big part of this season and that hadn't really developed in the books or tv. It would be cool if a couple of characters not yet seen on the screen were to crop up but I don't suppose they will: Lady Stoneheart & Coldhands (that's not a spoiler right :-\ )
'Lady Stoneheart'? I think I dated her.
I style myself on her ;D
Hey Pol - better hurry up then, you got the rest of Breaking Bad and 5 seasons of Thrones to fit in before 24th April :)
I think I posted this before, but the 'Jon Snow Dinner Party' clip still makes me laugh... be warned, it's a bit spoiler-y.
New 'Game Of Thrones' next month, what do you think of the new trailer...?
Just recently got into this show. Good thing is that HBO is showing all the seasons on Demand. From the recent previews I noticed 2 things. One was pointed out from another fansite . Arya Stark is shown with littlefingers dagger which says she has taken care of that detail. If she found out what he did in having her sister with Ramsey Bolton. The 2nd thing is that I see is that the mother of dragons is sitting in a room that looks just like the room that Cersi was in where the Iron throne was. But the backrest is gone which I would assume that one of the dragons might have melted as danyas has said she wants to destroy anyway.
Hey Ron - glad you found this show. Whilst it's dismissed as "tits and dragons" by many of our "betters" its a damn fine show mixing a very loose interpretation of The War of the Roses with the fantasy genre. Obviously an awful lot from the books gets missed out otherwise they would have to run for a million series (GRRM is very wordy ;D ). Have to say I think a lot of the critics are misplaced because I think the imagined medieval setting probably was somewhat "tits and dragons" :D.
Anyway ...
Yes I've seen that with Arya holding Littlefingers dagger and wonder how that happens. As you say if "no-one" finds out about the shenanigans from him with Sansa then it' probably won't be pretty :o
As for Danerys and that throne she is seen sitting on well I think we need to look at the family home of the Targaryens more than the Iron Throne.
Not sure how far up yo date you are so hope I ain't spoilt bugger all here.
Only a couple of days to go now, fellow Throners... :)
Just watched ep 1 of the new season. Lived up to expectations, hugely enjoyable.
It's no secret that there's only 13 (or something) episodes to go but apparently the last six episodes are all going to be feature-length, ie 80 minutes or longer... :D
So tempted to watch but trying to wait until there is maybe 4 episodes to watch
Gotta say, the Ed Sheeran cameo appearance in this episode annoyed me a bit... I mean, if they were looking for a singer who would look right at home in this show, I can think of a certain frontman who is never far from our thoughts... ;)
Im hoping thats bull shit especially after beckham appearIng in king Arthur
It was as I expected. It was mostly going to be a bit talky. After all they have to set things up. Who was going to be in the Northern Alliance. What was Jamie's reaction to Tommmen death.what is Cersi's reaction. But of course the Best was Arya's killing spree . Now that is one person you don't want on your enemies list.😆
Im hoping thats bull shit especially after beckham appearIng in king Arthur
Sadly,yes, Sheeran appears in this episode. The despair about this, for myself, was diluted by Thomas Turgoose, from This Is England, being in the same scene.
If Arya had stabbed him through the throat with 'Needle', it would have been one of the best TV moments ever...
Ed Sheeran - pfff ;D If only Arya, if only .....
Good episode setting up this season quite well. Reckon Jamie and Cersei will fall out soon enough. Sansa seems to be playing the game much more thoroughly than she has done before but I reckon Littlefinger has a trick or two left yet. Interested to see where the Brotherhood Without Banners go from here cos that was a lot of time spent on them and what with the Hounds vision in the flames .....
Ok I gave in to temptation n watched. Wow what a start even before the title credits had rolled , the action slowed down a lot after that tho , to be expected in the first new show
A wee bit of a slow burner this week till it all kicks off near the end .
It was an excellent ending to a rather talky episode. Still love the talk though!
Loving the way it's all coming together after series 4 and 5, which were a bit meandering IMO...
Very much a slow burner this week with very little real action but you just know it's all gonna kick off soon .
I was just about to post but you beat me to it, Pol!
Can I just throw some love out (no spoilers, obvs) for Diana Rigg? Lady Tyrell is probably my favourite character other that Tyrion. Fantastic actress and one line (involving the c-word) genuinely made me laugh out loud! THAT end scene was just superbly done.
Aye Jofferry was a C
Loved last week's line ' come ahead ya **** less C
Since everybody had not seen the latest episode I won't give the plot but it was a damn good episode. In New York it was on Sunday at 9:00 pm. It is now 5:45 am here in New York Monday morning. 8)
Fckin brilliant
Haven't seen it yet (got ambushed by an old friend for early evening drinks) but I've heard its awesome.
Haven't seen it yet (got ambushed by an old friend for early evening drinks) but I've heard its awesome.
Yup. It was excellent.
I was happy that Bronn didn't die. He's had some of the best lines in the show.
Not so much action this week but lots of excellent plot planning.
And age certainly does fck you
It was an excellent episode.
Jeez, Daeneyrs and Jon Snow, get a bloody room already... ;)
Spoiler alert- sad to see dickon meeting a toasty end , always enjoyed the joke- dracarus (spelling? )
Another brilliant episode , it maybe wasn't the full on action I expected but imo one of the most powerful so far and not just this season
'twas a fine episode. Damn, the walkers now got an ice zombie dragon? :D
Trailer for the finale here...
Winter has come n here comes the war
So season 7 comes to a rather premature end . Fck ages to wait till season 8. Very much a episode that tied up expected loose ends and finished on a kinda expected cliffhanger, maybe I've been watching too much emergency awesome on youtube (check it out). Overall as a season, Yes it was excellent and way better than anything else on the tv but I'm disappointed that it over all of quickly when I'm hungry for more . At least there is another season to go .
Will post again when everyone else has watched it
We might have to wait until 2019 for season 8 :(
2019 seems a very long time away :o
May have been a bit quick this season but pretty good nonetheless I thought. Sure a few dodgy bits of plotting but all the storylines need to start coming together so I can live with that. Some excellent visuals and CGI esp that last bit of the season finale. Guess the final season will be as full speed as this one.
Well after missing/avoiding it, Im currently on Series 2. Very impressed
I avoided as well till last year- think season 2 has the red wedding
Well after missing/avoiding it, Im currently on Series 2. Very impressed
Well, stay off of this thread! Or ANY GOT related sites. Spoilers... ;)
Suffice to say, after season one, you'll know that you can't trust anyone to survive... major characters get killed off on a regular basis and the show's all the better for it!
Verrry impressed thus far. Suffice to say its like living life over a few years in two weeks. Change change change!!
Well, here's the trailer for 2019's final series...
Well, it's only about three weeks until the final season begins (just started re-watching the last season in preparation... need to remind myself of what happened previously!) so I thought I'd bump this one... I take it everyone's seen the newish trailer but just in case you haven't...
I look forward to debates / fan theories / people posting 'OMG, I can't believe they killed (insert character name here)'.... :D
I've never seen a single episode or even a single minute of GOT.
There, I've said it ! :D :o ;D
Well, aren't you pair just the coolest folks ever for avoiding something so damn populist! I bet you're too busy watching something none of us have ever heard of (but, if we did, you'd stop watching immediately because it's ruined once the low-lifes get a hold of it...)
;) ;D
(For the record, there are several much-lauded shows that I've never gotten around to watching...)
Yeah, Tony S and Ghosttrain, there's nothing noble about not watching GAME OF THRONES.
I can proudly say I have never seen a Harry Potter movie. Proud because that crap is poor quality entertainment. On the other hand, GAME OF THRONES is quite good. I hate everything, but even I will admit that darn show is good. Best HBO show ever? Far from it. But it is thee best television show going right now.
Nothing cool about me...................i don't have Sky or Netflix or whatever channel it's on.My mate is a huge fan ,and says i would really like it....Not trying to be elitist or highbrow about anything,sorry if it came across like that.. :o
Yeah, Tony S and Ghosttrain, there's nothing noble about not watching GAME OF THRONES.
I can proudly say I have never seen a Harry Potter movie. Proud because that crap is poor quality entertainment. On the other hand, GAME OF THRONES is quite good. I hate everything, but even I will admit that darn show is good. Best HBO show ever? Far from it. But it is thee best television show going right now.
I didn't say there was anything noble about not seeing it, nor did I say I was proud not to have. I simply said I'd never seen it. I'm sure it is good.
Nothing cool about me...................i don't have Sky or Netflix or whatever channel it's on.My mate is a huge fan ,and says i would really like it....Not trying to be elitist or highbrow about anything,sorry if it came across like that.. :o
This is exactly why I haven't seen it either. I don't even really know what platform it's on, but whatever it is, I don't have.
I just watch Freeview tv channels in the UK, and there's too many of those ! ;D
I don't even really know what platform it's on, but whatever it is, I don't have.
Yes you do ;D you have an internet connection and search engines ............ ;)
As to what S8 holds well it's pretty hard to say. I think that Bran seems to be the key to the whole thing one way or another. As 3 eyed Raven he appears to be the direct opposite to the Night King so I would guess he is the important part in any defeat of the white walker army. Certainly a cool and BIG battle at Winterfell coming (episode 3 I gather) before (I assume) everything shifts down to Kings Landing for the end of the whole thing.
And who "wins" ? I kinda wonder if maybe nobody really does and Westeros gets knocked back to some sort of post apocalyptic mad max type scenario - but I think thats unlikely tbh :D I also sort of want Cersei to win and be left as last woman standing but I can't see that sort of "bad" ending for such a big show. I think overall the throne will go to a child of Dany & Jon who will cared for by Regents - maybe Tyrion & Sansa ? - because virtually everyone else is dead ;D
One other hunch - The Golden Company are coming to help Cersei but they were formed by a Targaryen so maybe there's a significant double-cross coming up.
Pretty sure everything I've said will turn out to be a load of old toot :D
Some interesting ideas there, Anna!
OK, I'm going to post SPOILERS (even though I won't mention the names of the shows in question) just in case anyone currently watching the shows in question might pick up on it...
Top 5 bad endings of shows that GOT couldn't possibly be any worse than... ::)
(and if you respond to this, please respect the SPOILER thing... ;)
They all died in a plane crash and this is Purgatory.
The main character drives a boat into a hurricane and somehow survives and ends up as a lumberjack in Oregon.
All the loose ends are tied up in the previous series but one more series happens with a few of the cast coming back for the odd embarrassing episode, with an entirely new cast who are just terrible.
'I'd like to buy the world a coke...'
He never returned home.
I don't even really know what platform it's on, but whatever it is, I don't have.
Yes you do ;D you have an internet connection and search engines ............ ;)
Only via what little data allowance I have on my mobile phone. I don't have broadband or wi-fi at home. So definitely not enough to watch tv series. But I'm not too fussed anyway. :)
So, c'mon guys, I'm sure you've all seen episode one of the final series... whaddya reckon? Some random thoughts below...
No spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.... ;)
Loved the way that the first twenty minutes or so brought so many characters back together. Particuarly Arya and Jon Snow, I found that bit genuinely moving.
I had to laugh at the 'sexposition in a brothel' scene, surely that was a funny throwback to so many scenes in earlier episodes... hope Bronn didn't get straddled by the one who had the pox!
Cersei shagging Euron... hmm, could that be Cersei trying to pass off her unborn baby as someone other than Jamie's, seeing as he'd buggered off? Assuming she was pregnant in the first place... ???
'I used to think you were the cleverest man alive'... oh, sod off, Sansa! That was just bitchy...
Aw, Sam, you poor bugger! You looked pleased to see Dany and then she says that she had her dragons burn your Dad and your brother to death... and then had to tell Jon about his true parentage? Damn, that's a tough day and no mistake! ;D
Am I the only person who hated the utterly cheesy Jon / Dany flying on dragons scene? and remembered this?
The bit with the dismembered kid nailed to the wall who turned out to be another ice zombie... damn, GOT can still put a proper horror movie moment in there!
Oh, Bronn, surely you're not gonna take the money to kill two of your best mates?
Jamie seeing Bran at the end and the look on his face (moving because of how far he's come and is now faced with something terrible that he did... damn, that's a proper throwback to the end of the very first episode!)... and didn't Bran say, near the start he was 'waiting foran old friend'???
So you lot got any other thoughts / moments / lines that stuck in your head? I may have mis-remembered some of that stuff, I need a second watch tomorrow to confirm, but anyway...
At least you won't freeze your ball off scene was my favourite.
Really enjoyed it, get what your saying about the dragons tho it was really done .
Think we need to wait to episode 3 before the real action starts .
I'm into watching this channel on YouTube.
Blimey, I didn't expect this! The very last scene from the very last episode of Game of Thrones just got leaked online! Be sure to watch it so you can spoil it for everyone at work!
Honestly, this is REALLY how it ends! ???
I'm into watching this channel on YouTube.
I quite like Gray Area & Talking Thrones channels :)
So, c'mon guys, I'm sure you've all seen episode one of the final series... whaddya reckon? Some random thoughts below...
No spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.... ;)
Loved the way that the first twenty minutes or so brought so many characters back together.
Yeah think that was the prime reason for the episode - reuniting people and getting them where they need to be for what's coming
Cersei shagging Euron... hmm, could that be Cersei trying to pass off her unborn baby as someone other than Jamie's, seeing as he'd buggered off? Assuming she was pregnant in the first place... ???
Bit mysterious the whole pregnancy thing: was she really ever pregnant or was it just to trick Tyrion? Or has she lost the baby? Mind you other than the tiniest sip we never saw her actually drink a decent slurp.
Aw, Sam, you poor bugger! You looked pleased to see Dany and then she says that she had her dragons burn your Dad and your brother to death... and then had to tell Jon about his true parentage? Damn, that's a tough day and no mistake! ;D
I think this act of Daenrys is going to be a significant one, before Sam found out he was potentially a sound ally but now ? Coupled with Sams other scene where he told Jon who he really was and in particular his line regarding whether Danyrs would bend the knee for the good of the realm may set up a bit of conflict.
Am I the only person who hated the utterly cheesy Jon / Dany flying on dragons scene?
No ;D Not so much the CGI but the background came across really naff. I understand why it was done - to reinforce the fact that Jon is really a Targaryen but didn't really come off that well
The bit with the dismembered kid nailed to the wall who turned out to be another ice zombie... damn, GOT can still put a proper horror movie moment in there!
Yeah that was pretty 8) :D Those symbols are no accident and neither was the kid being nailed in the middle of it: harks back to the Night Kings creation by the Children of the Forest and I think it will be key to what he really wants.
Oh, Bronn, surely you're not gonna take the money to kill two of your best mates?
No ;D But it's a good way to get him to Winterfell or wherever they end up afterwards.
Jamie seeing Bran at the end and the look on his face (moving because of how far he's come and is now faced with something terrible that he did... damn, that's a proper throwback to the end of the very first episode!)... and didn't Bran say, near the start he was 'waiting foran old friend'???
Yes a good throwback there and a good set up for something - but what? bran knows it all apparently so what has he got planned for Jamie? After all we know from trailers that he ends up fighting in the big battle so he isn't executed so why not? ??? Also was Jamie the old friend or does that refer to someone else who will appear next episode?
And as for Bran . . . . I'm not sure about him, we're led to believe he is a "good guy" but is he really ? Might be a good twist to find out he is not but thats a long shot I think. Whatever - the blokes a bit weird :D
Theon & Yara - guess whatever is left of the Northerners and Daenarys armies will end up at the Iron Isles at some point and Theon will die saving one of thst Starks
No elephants from the Golden Company - first hint of a switch of sides?
Roll on Sunday :)
Oh, Anna, I know you will always have my back in various random stuff and also call me out when I'm posting what is, probably, utter bollocks... ;D
A couple more thoughts... I genuinely didn't realise that the dismembered kiddie nailed to the wall was the young Lord who promised to rally his troops in an early scene... and I also don't remember the 'Night Kings creation by the Children of the Forest', as you put it :-\
Now, Bronn being asked to kill Tyrion and Jamie by some minor character whose name I can't remember... why didn't Cersei do it herself? There are two possible explanations... one, Cersei didn't demand it, someone else is trying to manipulate her. Or there is possibly another explanation that is far more related to our 'real world' and might count as 'celebrity gossip', look that one up or get back to me... ;)
Oh, missed this one out... Cersei didn't drink any wine? WTF, this is a fantasy land based on medieval times, I doubt they had the NHS with their 'recommended limits' back then ! The wine is probably better than the water! She could knock back a pint of Westeros gin and it'd be better than the water!
Now Samwell is the dark horse of the series, as far as I'm concerned. He's one of the truly nice, open-hearted guys. But after the last episodes revelation, I suspect he might 'go bad'. Because he might have figured out that 'nice guys finish last', as Green Day once said.
One thing that surprisingly few people picked up on when Bronn was with the three hookers and the conversation from those nekkid ladies went a bit like this... 'That boy Eddie?' / 'The Ginger?' / 'That's him, he came back with his face burned right off... he's got no eyelids now...' / 'How does he sleep with no eyelids..' Oh, C'MON, that HAS to be a reference to the Ed Sheeran cameo from the last series that pissed so many people off! :D
Anyway, ep 2 is forthcoming... can't wait.
It took me three watches to get back into the swing of things and I was expecting a two hour episode. It just felt like too many things were squashed into an hour.
My favourite bit as others have mentioned, was the warning from the Night King. I think that was very dark. The flying dragons scene was pants. I suspect episode 2 is going to kick on.
Hey MR - always happy to talk waffle and especially GOT dribblings cos my German is nowhere near good enough for doing that here and seeing as Keren doesn't watch it :o (she says hello btw) this is the only place i've got ;D
Anyway little Lord Umber - was coincidententally (or not) called Ned and also the Umbers betrayed the Starks. Whether or not that means anything I don't know but probably just coincidence cos the Last Hearth is the first stronghold south of the wall.
Cersei & Bronn - yeah I know what you're getting at but you would hope that they could be a bit more professional ::) Maybe it is all down to Qyburn but perhaps it's Cersei being scared about the Valonquar prophecy stuff. Either way I cannot see Bronn doing it.
The drinking wine thing - yeah maybe a red herring but I think there is something in it or why would Tyrion have realised she was (or pretending to be) pregnant?
Yes I did clock the Ed Sheeran reference and at least now we don't have to worry about him popping up again :)
The Night King creation bit was (I think) in one of Bran's vision things and I'm convinced this is part of what will go down/why he's come south of the wall.
Oh and what about Melisandre ? We know she's coming back to Westeros and we know she should die there but when and how? I reckon somehow she will have to be sacrificed by fire (echoing what she's done to others) and I think it will be something to do with a Weirwood tree
Hey Bunny - I think only the last 4 episodes are longer ones and I don't think any are slated to be 2 hours long :'(
Hey Anna! Big love to you and Keren as always! xx Thanks for getting back to me.
Your thoughts are as excellent as ever and I have very little to add until we have a new episode to play with. Although a couple of random things...
Yes, Bronn won't do it. Or I'll be just as disappointed in that great character as I would be if Ted Hastings turns out to be a bent copper. ;D As to that Cersei / Bronn thing that some people might be wondering what the hell we're going on about... apparently Lena Headey and Jerome Flynn used to date in the 2000's, it all went rather bad and now they can't stand to be in the same room as each other, much less perform a scene. Yes, you would think that they would be more professional... but remember the scene from the last episode of s7? Where the ice zombie fella was brought in front of Cersei and Bronn took Pod to one side and said 'Let's go for a drink...' or something? Wouldn't it have more sense to have Bronn backing up his mates?
Melisandre... one of those characters I just can't get a grip on. Which makes her one of the more intriguing ones... although another vagina smoke baby demon thing would be interesting. ;)
And my dream ending for the next episode... Jamie goes to apologise to Bran in his bedroom in some tall tower, fully aware of the consequences, walks in without knocking... and finds him having it off with Sansa. And then chucks him out of the window again, shouting 'you hypocritical little bastard!'. ;D
Looking forward to the next episode, be sure to post back! x
A quick no spoilers on episode 2 . I'll choose a few lyrics.
There waiting round here for something to happen.
It's just a kiss away.
Secrets that we share.
I'll let everyone catch up.
I think Bronns role is perfectly clear. He always was and will be a mercenary and never was interested in deep frienships but in the outcome of the highest bidder. And at the moment is is Cercei he serves
And hey, calm before the storm. Wasn't that a very moody episode. A last farewell to old friends we accompanied for so many seasons to some of them we definitly have to say goodbye with the beginning of the next episode.
There waiting round here for something to happen.
:D ... they won't really want it when it rolls round to greet them
I think Bronns role is perfectly clear. He always was and will be a mercenary and never was interested in deep frienships but in the outcome of the highest bidder. And at the moment is is Cercei he serves
yeah you're probably right - just wishful thinking on my part but then Tyrion always promised to pay double what Cersei does :)
I really enjoyed that episode
Arya & Gendry - how sweet :-* but it felt a little wrong after "knowing" Arya since she was a little girl
That Lady Mormont really gets on my tits : I hope she dies next week ;D
Bran - The things we do for love :D he's saving Jamie for something special and a rather telling to comment in the weirwood about how do you know there is an after?. Interesting that we didn't see any of the conversation between Bran & Tyrion, maybe something there to crop up in the future.
Ser Davos & that Shireen lookalike was a bit odd. Just a little throwback or indicative of something else?
Theon - redemption arc surely almost complete.
Dany & Jon aka Aegon - she didn't like that did she ;D
Ghost - nice to see him but he seems to have shrunk a bit :o
As MaoLee says - lots of deaths next week and possibly some reanimations too. Any bets on who?
The ayra scene was defo creepy and wrong, yeah I know she is of age now but still wrong .
Strange there was no night king with the army of the dead .
My money is on the hound being the main person to get the chop first.
Bloody lovely episode. One of my favourites ever. Because some might think of GOT as being a big fantasy show about ice zombies and dragons and big SFX stuff, but I re-watched the very first series not so long ago. Apart from the very start and the very end, there's was little of the big fantasy stuff about it. It was a grim and gritty show about the power play between various families / 'houses' in medieval-inspired times. With excellent actors, superb and somewhat slow-moving scripts and great dialogue. This is what this episode offered me, a throwback to those early days and a proper 'calm before the storm' before the next episode, which will doubtlessly look like a Hollywood blockbuster thing. Not complaining about that, should be a lot of fun! But just as the last episode was about reconnecting these great characters, this one deepened that idea and provided us with even more moving scenes. C'mon, Brienne getting knighted and looking tearfully happy about it? :'(
Which leads me to my next point... several characters looked to the future with much happiness... are we so savvy to the usual ways of television and their damn 'foreshadowing' that we automatically assume that it's an immediate death sentence? Brienne, happy with her knighting, Grey Worm and Missendei making plans to run away together, Pod getting recognition for his many online are already assuming that they're all royally fucked. ;) Maybe the GOT creators are more savvy than us and are bluffing? Just a thought!
Now, one thing that seems to be freaking people out all over the internet is the Arya sex scene. Yes, I suppose I also felt a little bit like a father who accessed his teenage daughters Instagram account ;D but at the same time, FFS! Maisie Williams is 22 years old! There was no actual nudity (pretty sure she was wearing a body stocking, unless she actually has nipple-less breasts!) she's one of the biggest stars of the show and it seems like she had control over what was shown. She's an adult woman but, if you go online and read certain comment, you'd have thought she was 16 and coerced into it by slimy HBO execs. ::)
(Also, it might be a big plot point... Arya might now be pregnant... could have implications?)
In summary, some of my favourite movie / TV scenes are all about great actors delivering great dialogue in great scenes. This episode delivered much of that, in spades. Loved it.
Hope it made sense, posted it after a nice pub-garden-afternoon kind of thing... ;)
Cheers Anna. Cleary Ive read some crap somewhere. Well this was a bit of a love-in episode for me. Everyones kissed and made up and old enemy's are now friends. I could theorise about who is going to do what but Ill just let it play out I think. Genuinely emjoyed this one more than the first. Fantastic show and I'll be sorry to see the end of it.
As MaoLee says - lots of deaths next week and possibly some reanimations too. Any bets on who?
Could be anyone who died but wasn't burned so far.
Maybe Hodor, Littlefinger, Catelyn, the headless Ned Stark, Jannis Baratheon, Ramsey Bolton, Uncle Benjen
Yeah I think we might see zombie Hodor and perhaps Catelyn Stark as a nod to the Lady Stoneheart book character who never made it to the screen. I think there might be an older stark down in them crypts too which may not be a good thing - there was far too many comments about how safe it is down there . . . . .
Theon, Greyworm, Brienne , Edd, Ser Jorah and Ser Davos to say goodbye but any could be raised up again by the Night King : Greyworm to kill Missandei p'raps :o
we'll soon find out :)
And in the end - at least 3 episode before the show ends - things never turn out the way you expect. :D
Fckn hell - who seen all of that coming so soon . Amazing brilliant episode so many twists. Keeping it spoiler free for now .
Maybe the undead tapped in many plotholes but everything else war far away from brilliant. OK, for the standards of TV-Shows this show is extraordinary, for sure, but storytelling got a bit lame the last 2 or 3 seasons and all of the surviving maincharakters had an easy way not to die since then.
Well, I'm going to FULL ON SPOILERS, so spoiler-y that they will make the milk in your fridge curdle if you even read any further...
Still here! Good!
Well, that didn't go the way I thought it would! And, quite frankly, I'm rather pleased. I mentioned in a previous post that I'd been watching early episodes and missed the way it was a low-key show about nasty people doing nasty things to each other with no big CGI sequences... now I loved this episode but seeing as the whole 'army of dead people' thing seems to be over (or is it? :o ) I'm looking forward to getting back to what made me fall in love with the show in the first place. I'd rather see a full- on Cersei / Jamie / Tyrion confrontation that hundreds of CGI things doing computer-y stuff. Is that just me?
That said, there were some magnificent moments, not least the Dothraki getting wiped out, not with a massive action scene but them running off into the distance... then simple silence falling and their flame-y swords being quietly extinguished.
There were a few awful deaths though, not least for me young Lyanna Mormont (those bone-cracking sound effects? :-[), Beric (saved both Arya and The Hound? Fuckin' LEGEND!) and, of course, poor old Theon, wonderfully played by Alfie Allen... the only thing worse that ever happened to him was his real-life sister Lily Allen writing this song about him, terrible song, but rather funny video...
Oh, and of course, Jorah (or Ser Friendzone as I insist on calling him because it amuses me)... we always knew that was coming but it didn't hurt any less. Although the slightly evil part of me does somewhat wish that, as he died, she could have whispered in his ear 'you do realise that if you'd have tried just a LITTLE bit harder, I probably would have shagged you...' :-[ Aw, you all know already that I'm a terrible person.
Seeing as all this stuff is out of the way now, truly looking forward to the rest of the series.
Eh what about the mother fkn night king getting taking down (by a wee girl) but we knew that was gonna happen sooner or later. Very surprised he didn't last another cpl of episodes. Anyway on to real fight for the throne .
Be season is rather drab.
1. first two episodes were just place setting episodes. Nothing happened, just setting things in place. That could have been done in one episode.
2. there were far better battle scenes in previous seasons. Last night's battle was severely hampered by lighting. Yes, a night scene saves money on special effects, but at the cost of leaving the audience confused. Half the time we couldn't even tell who was who. Did you know which dragon was which? Lighting, atrocious editing led to much confusion and therefore a very unsatisfying episode. This was to be the big moment of the entire series. The thing we've waited for since the very first episode. Dragons at battle, man vs. the dead....what a let down.
3.(Spoiler alert for those who haven't scene the battle yet) if all it takes was a little girl and a small dagger to end the entire series' big threat...was it really a big threat? You know WWII wasn't ended by a girl with a knife. It took years and ultimately the ultimate weapon - the A bomb. Stab the Night King and all is well? What a cop out.
Well I thought the battle scene was epic. And it had to end with a battle of good v evil. It was apparently made deliberately dark to add to the confusion and for the viewer to experience the confusion. Im not sure thats the end of the Night King tbh. To quick and too easy. Cersei has still to get her come uppance. Methinks at the hand of Jamie.
It was apparently made deliberately dark to add to the confusion and for the viewer to experience the confusion
Nah, if you know anything about movies, big epic action scenes are often done in darkness to save money and time. Far cheaper and easier to film a big scene in darkness. Instead of ten thousand troops, one need only show fifty -- the rest will be hidden by darkness
Other reason why darkness is used is filmmakers actually think that adds to tension and excitement. It doesn't. It only adds confusion. Half the time I didn't know if I was watching The Hound or Tyrion. That's how poorly directed and shot last night's episode was.
Go watch ZULU. The ultimate battles scenes are in that film and it proves that the best battle scenes are shot in brilliant daylight. Below is what "Game Of Thrones" should have done, but "Game Of Thrones" lacked the balls to do it.
Well I thought it was rather marvelous ;D A battle at night in the north with added snowstorm : just as I'd imagined really
Claustrophobic battle scenes, dance of the dragons, some pretty cool blood and gut deaths and that annoying little Mormont girl died AND got turned :D
The Dothraki charge was brilliantly done - atmospheric and such a hard hitting moment, far better than showing close up fighting as there was so much of that still to come.
Sam - so many fine fine qualities but fighting in a battle really isn't one of them ;D Mind you was nice for setting up Edds death.
Beric - gone but that voice not forgotten.
Melisandra - she had to turn up sooner or later and I think it closed her character arc rather well.
Theon - had to happen and rather touching I thought.
Bran - really what is the point? I assume the "I have to go now" stuff will be explained and there will be a reason behind it (and him) but at the moment all a bit nothing really.
Night King - not such a hard ass after all :D And killed in a distinct echo of his creation ;)
Arya - Yay ;D ;D ;D ;D go girl :-* Actually long foreshadowed in hindsight and I thought the episode was excellent for her showing both the deadly killer side and the still vulnerable young woman.
Many other bits in the episode that a rewatch at some point is in order. As to what now well there can't be much of an army left so some political shenanigans to come no doubt
Well I thought it was rather marvelous
Well, you must be part feline, born with eyes that can see in the dark.
For the rest of us humans, we couldn't tell Arya from a dragon.
Well I thought it was rather marvelous
Well, you must be part feline, born with eyes that can see in the dark.
For the rest of us humans, we couldn't tell Arya from a dragon.
nah I just eat lots of carrots :-*
nah I just eat lots of carrots :-*
I'm going to try that for next week's episode. Maybe I'll be able to tell if I am watching "Game Of Thrones" or a TV set that isn't turned on.
Pop Quiz:
Question: Is this TV set turned on or is it a scene from last week's "Game Of Thrones" battle?
Answer: a scene from GOT
I'm going to try that for next week's episode.
Do it ! Come into the light baby you know you want to :)
Crank the brightness up to 11
Crank the brightness up to 11
Uhh, the show is white enough to begin with.
How this show was never boycotted is a mystery to me.
Well last week's show went unspoken can't see this weeks getting the same treatment.
A huge twist of expected n unexpected. Now we watch as the city burns . A few plot holes but 1 of the best episodes ever.
1 of the best episodes ever.
It was a great episode.
What worries me is that it was so great and pivotal that the final episode won't be able to match it. We can only be disappointed next week.
Think we're in for a big twist or 2 next week,, yes of course there won't be the action of this week. It's gonna be more story line based , surely dani has to go after that
Well last week's show went unspoken can't see this weeks getting the same treatment.
A huge twist of expected n unexpected. Now we watch as the city burns . A few plot holes but 1 of the best episodes ever.
Yup, just finished watching it. Proper spectacular but, as you said, a few plot holes and a few characters being out of, er, 'character'.
I need to watch it again before I can properly process it, but a few random and daft thoughts...
C'mon Jon. Dany just wanted a 'naughty cuddle', one that might have made her think 'hmm, perhaps if SOMEONE loves me, perhaps I won't burn thousands of people to death?' ... who cares if she's your Auntie? She's Emilia Clarke, FFS! Women, eh? ;D
Um, isn't The Iron Throne in The Red Keep at Kings Landing? So, after years of The Iron Throne being the ultimate prize, can we assume that it's melted or crushed by now?
Jon might be able to kill a bunch of people with a few slick moves, but surely his 'War is Hell' face must be getting tired by now...
Tyrion is the only surviving Lannister, so I hugely hope that Bronn (one my fave GOT characters) will return next episode and say' Alright... where's me fuckin' castle, you cvnt?' :D
Joking aside... I think that disposing of so many characters in this episode has (quite rightly) narrowed the cast down to the core members, ones who may (or may not) eventually rule Westeros. Can't wait to see how it ends up in the final episode.
Well last week's show went unspoken can't see this weeks getting the same treatment.
A huge twist of expected n unexpected. Now we watch as the city burns . A few plot holes but 1 of the best episodes ever.
Yep :)
Thought it was excellent, plot holes notwithstanding and these are inevitable really given they are trying to wrap up such a huge saga. And having watched 8 series by now we should be able to fill in the blanks ourselves.
Dany going nut nuts was brilliant :D Foreshadowed all the way back from s2 (i think) in the House of the Undying and many more times since. I personally didn't feel it was a stretch at all - insanity runs in her blood and also given all that's happened in the last few episodes I thought it quite likely she would flip. For me the giveaway was Missandei's last word : Dracarys.
As for the battle. carnage and chaos: brilliantly done, really got a sense of the horrific nature of sacking a city and seeing Drogon go full destroy mode was a payoff I've been waiting since he hatched ;D
The Golden Company were good weren't they ;D ;D ;D I quite liked that :)
Jamie & Cersei : I thought this was quite a good way for them to go - alone with nothing left while their world came crashing down around them.
Cleganebowl was not something I was particularly invested in but it was great to get a few last class line from the Hound and also I thought his last conversation with Arya was quite touching :'( :D
As for Arya I felt it quite true that in the face of all that destruction and mayhem her "ninja" training didn't really add to much - she couldn't even save a mother and child. Interesting that she came upon a white horse - symbolically representative of death?
I'm sure I've missed a lot out ::) but hey ho :)
Not sure where this goes next week and how it all ends up. Seems like Jon or Arya will try to off Dany but whether that succeeds or not who knows :-\ I have a hunch that the end will just be a new cycle of the game beginning: nothing really ever changes.
Just had a thought about Arya riding off on that white horse.. a horse that was fully saddled and not remotely bothered by the death and destruction around it and she accepts it and rides off on it... it's something I could read two ways.
Now we're getting into bible references here, which probably have no part in GOT(!) but, according to the New Testament, the "white" horse carried the rider Conquest while the "pale" horse carried the rider Death. I think that both descriptions of this 'miraculous horse' might fit that scene. So, Arya will either ride in and save the day (yay!) or she's gone and won't be back in the last episode. Sadface.
I've got the idea that Arya actually died... hey, she was right in the line of fire when Dany's dragon's blew everything up and she survived because she, ahem, 'ducked around a corner'? :-\ Hence the 'death horse' concept... :'(
But what the heck, those are just my usual rambling thoughts. Let's see what the final episode brings!
Ooh I like your thinking there MR :) although a dead Arya is a bit sad :'( Might be a "bit deep man" for GOT in the last episode though ;D
I thought that the white horse might be one that the leader of the Golden Company was riding but can't think why that would be important ! Have also read a theory that Bran warged into the horse to save Arya but that seems a bit pants to me ;D
Can't quite believe all the fuss and nonsense about the episode online nor the fact that apparently 400,000 people have signed a petition to have season 8 remade :o ;D ;D ;D ;D Jeez peeps get over yourselves ::)
Ooh I like your thinking there MR :) although a dead Arya is a bit sad :'( Might be a "bit deep man" for GOT in the last episode though ;D
I thought that the white horse might be one that the leader of the Golden Company was riding but can't think why that would be important ! Have also read a theory that Bran warged into the horse to save Arya but that seems a bit pants to me ;D
Can't quite believe all the fuss and nonsense about the episode online nor the fact that apparently 400,000 people have signed a petition to have season 8 remade :o ;D ;D ;D ;D Jeez peeps get over yourselves ::)
Yeah, I was astonished by that as well. Their sense of entitlement must be visible from outer space.
Just found this - will leave it here for any GOT & Metallica fans .....
Most excellent 8) 8) ;D ;D ;D
And I will raise you 'Tyrion tries to negotiate with John Cleese'...
So it's bran the broken, well who seen that apart from him . Jon kills Dani n ends up in castle black.
Ayra sails west.
Tyrion remains the hand with bron head of coin .
Feel a bit empty now it's all done, always hate the end of a good box set it feels like a death in the family.
For such a grim, nihilistic series, the ending was insanely upbeat.
All enemies (Cersei, white walkers, Khaleesi) soundly defeated; good guys won it all.
Feel a bit empty now it's all done,
Yeah - after 9 years :o
There's no way that any ending for a long running show that had became stupidly successful and that had outpaced the original source material was ever going to please everyone. Personally I quite liked it. Of course as previously stated with this truncated season we had to fill in a few blanks ourselves but that shouldn't be a problem.
Quite a few call backs to previous seasons and characters again (kudos to Ser Davos and the grammar he learnt from Stannis ;D ) but what did happen with the donkey and honeycomb in a bar ? :D
Quite an iconic shot of Danaerys with the Dragon wings behind her at the top of the steps going all fascist would be world conqueror - obvious then that her time was short ;D and Drogon destroying the throne was pretty cool too 8)
Yeah ok so the Starks got happy endings all round - even Jon who seemed more at home in the far north than anywhere else AND there was the reuniting with Ghost which welled me up a bit (stupid or what getting all emotional about a CGI fantasy animal ;D ) quite pleased that Jon took out Daeanarys though - lots of peed off House Targaryen fans about he he he :)
So yeah, can't please everyone and of course it didn't but I thought it worked well and the final shots beyond the wall with the first green shoots spring as Jon and the wildlings faded into the woods was a good close - I thought I heard words to the theme song as they walked off but didn't catch it, p'raps I made that bit up ;D
Well, I thought it was a pretty decent finale... yes, we can nitpick about certain points (Jon standing a few feet away from a jet of flame hot enough to melt iron? Surely that would have taken off most of his curly locks and left him a bit crispy around the edges?)...
And of course we all saw Jon killing Dany coming. I never thought much of Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington as actors, but they both played a blinder in the last couple of episodes. And Dany's story is probably the most tragic in GOT. I'm going to cut and paste a bit from The Guardian's review because I can't put it any better and I don't want to rewrite it to try and sound more clever than I actually am...
A girl raised on stories and dreams who survived tragedy and birthed three dragons from her dead husband’s fire. It’s the story of how that girl became a woman who believed that she alone could change the world, but who never realised that what she was really proposing was razing it to dust and ashes. Who never grasped that it’s not enough to say you are good and expect everyone to join your cause, or that liberation and conquering are two sides of the same coin. And who, most importantly, never understood that Westeros was not really hers but a half-glimpsed dream of what might have been.
As Anna said, I'm totally OK with the surviving Stark kids getting somewhat happy endings! In fact, I was surprised about how funny this episode sometimes was! Not least the bits where Sam tried to bring democracy to Westeros, Edmure learning precisely ****-all over the whole of the series, Davos exasperatedly saying 'not sure if I get a vote but...' and that final meeting of the council where, after all the death and destruction, it resorts to silly bickering around a table... ;D
So GOT is over, let's hope the multiple proposed spin-off series might transpire and be something like as good. As Pol said, it's an odd thing when something as silly as a TV show leaves you feeling a bit saddened but when you've been really enjoying something for nine years, surely it's only natural to feel a bit bereft?
Oh, and apparently the online poll from those fuckin' over-entitled idiots who DEMAND a remake of this season is up to a million and a half of these losers, I would dearly love the makers of GOT to post something like...
'Hi, Game Of Thrones 'fans'...
Nope. Get the f uck over yourselves. You didn't like it, suck it up, buttercup. Tens of millions of $$$s will not be spent because something didn't meet your expectations. I mean, did you actually think that it would happen? What in the actual F UCK is wrong with you?
Yours sincerely, everyone here at Game Of Thrones. xx'
I read on BBC online today that a prequel is already under way being filmed in Belfast.............having never watched it don't know if this is a good or bad thing..........
I also felt disappointed with the last episode. Too much of a feel good factor after so much death and destruction. Jon is a Targaryen and possibly fire proof, so maybe Drogon couldn't burn him.