Everything Else / Re: The R.I.P thread...
« Last post by Master Ray on January 17, 2025, 07:42:25 PM »David Lynch......a genius (imho)made some of my favourite TV/Films ''Twin Peaks'' ''Wild At Heart'' ''Mulholland Drive'' and the best of all ''Eraserhead''...RIP.
Huge David Lynch fan here, genuinely saddened by news of his death. Not unsurprising, he was in very bad health, but still sad.
Loved pretty much everything he ever did, it might not have been to everyone's taste but what a true original he was.
I'm just glad we finally got a third series of Twin Peaks, still my favourite TV show of all time. And I'm doubly glad about how utterly batshit crazy it was.

RIP, fine Sir.