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Everything Else / Re: The R.I.P thread...
« Last post by Master Ray on January 17, 2025, 07:42:25 PM »
David Lynch......a genius (imho)made some of my favourite TV/Films ''Twin Peaks'' ''Wild At Heart'' ''Mulholland Drive'' and the best of all ''Eraserhead''...RIP.

Huge David Lynch fan here, genuinely saddened by news of his death.  Not unsurprising, he was in very bad health, but still sad.

Loved pretty much everything he ever did, it might not have been to everyone's taste but what a true original he was.

I'm just glad we finally got a third series of Twin Peaks, still my favourite TV show of all time.  And I'm doubly glad about how utterly batshit crazy it was.   ;D

RIP, fine Sir.
Everything Else / Re: The R.I.P thread...
« Last post by Guillaume on January 17, 2025, 12:45:11 PM »
Jeannot Szwarc, french director of the great love story/sci fi film SOMEWHERE IN TIME (starring the late Christopher Reeve and the lovely Jane Seymour), but also the director of SUPERGIRL, BUG and JAWS 2.
Everything Else / Re: The R.I.P thread...
« Last post by Ghosttrain on January 17, 2025, 11:56:22 AM »
David Lynch......a genius (imho)made some of my favourite TV/Films ''Twin Peaks'' ''Wild At Heart'' ''Mulholland Drive'' and the best of all ''Eraserhead''...RIP.
New Model Army / Re: BETWEEN DOG AND WOLF, 2 years on... how do you feel about it?
« Last post by Shush on January 16, 2025, 10:24:24 PM »
I confess, this is an album I seldom visit. I prefer the one that came before it, and the ones that followed it. I think it is down to the production. It has smoothed the sound down too much.I know much effort and expense was made in the production in the States, but for me  I like all of the songs much more when played live. Maybe to some extent, the band thought the same, the sound of Winter, very different. 
That said, one of the NMA songs I connect with the most, the last song on the album, "Ghosts". Every time I hear that song, it reminds me of friends and people I knew who are now gone. It is a lovely, gentle sounding song. When I hear "the ghosts are part of us", it gives me a little comfort as I think of friends now gone. They are part of us. If you have spent a lot of time with someone, their personality has rubbed off on you. Their sense of humour, you now laugh at things they found funny. They are alive in your memories, and although that is just a little personal thing, they are still part of who you are.. 
New Model Army / Re: Bradford city of culture 2025
« Last post by Shush on January 16, 2025, 09:58:26 PM »
Never been sadly. When I see Bradford on the news / telly, I am always impressed by the fine quality Victorian  architecture, a sign of the wealth the city grew in the industrial revolution from its massive textile industry which I would like to see. Someday. 
Everything Else / Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Last post by Ghosttrain on January 13, 2025, 12:40:02 PM »
A bit late to the party (well nearly 10 years late  ::) )...''Camping'' a comedy written by and starring Julia Davis who's work i love,great supporting roles as well ....Funny...Funny...Funny..... ;D.....Love it.

Well the final episode certainly took a very dark twist... :o...
New Model Army / Re: Bradford city of culture 2025
« Last post by Master Ray on January 12, 2025, 07:45:53 PM »

I only visited Bradford for the second time last year (first time was to that Film and TV museum as a student in the 80s  :) ) for a two day visit when Paradise Lost were playing at St Georges Hall and Therapy? were playing the next night at some tiny little club called Night Train.  I wasn't sure what to expect, I'd heard so many people tell me Bradford was a total shithole... and it was far from that, I really enjoyed my time there.  Some great pubs, very nice architecture (the Town Hall is a thing of beauty indeed), met some lovely people, had a great time.

Some other musical acts that started out in Bradford were Smokie, My Dying Bride, One Minute Silence, Tasmin Archer, Terrorvision, Kiki Dee, Fun-Da-Mental and Zayn Malik.  I admit, there's varying shades of relevance to a NMA forum in that list but they're all quite well known!   ;) 

I would genuinely like to back to Bradford one day, maybe to visit the newly reopened Film and Tv Museum.  I hope the city gets some serious tourist attention seeing as it's the new City Of Culture. 

Anyone else got any opinions / experiences of going to Bradford?
New Model Army / Re: Bradford city of culture 2025
« Last post by Ghosttrain on January 12, 2025, 10:31:18 AM »
It was heavily featured on Fridays Radio 5 Live Drive show..
New Model Army / Re: Bradford city of culture 2025
« Last post by jc on January 12, 2025, 09:34:58 AM »
There is the illusionist Dynamo:-

and the lovely Anita Rani:-

It would be interesting to know if the Army are going to be involved with the city of culture or remain fashionably under the radar.


Everything Else / Re: The Sound/Adrian Borland
« Last post by Guillaume on January 11, 2025, 11:13:59 PM »

Which albums do you recommend from Adrian Borland's solo career and with White Rose Transmissions?

Have you seen the documentary about him "Walking in the opposite direction"?

I've read that the band was a bit cult in Holland in the 80's but wasn't famous in the UK despite some good reviews from the critics.
Also some critics compared them to early U2, Joy Division, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Cure but if i enjoy some of these bands i think that Borland's songrwriting was more visceral powerful and piognant, at least it moves me more than the works of these bands!

First time i've listened to "Winning" on the great live album IN THE HOUTHOUSE i had like a musical and emotional "electroshock", you can really feel the despair and hope in Adrian's voice...i also think that "Total recall" is an awesome song, so moving the way Adrian sings it, again, on the studio version or on the live album, his voice was very beautiful.

Which are your favourite songs from Adrian Borland Johnz?

The early Sound stuff is my favourite; From The Lions Mouth is a great album. I also love Shock of Daylight. Songs like Winning, Total Recall, Counting the Days are fantastic and were ahead of their time. His solo stuff is more patchy but there are lots of great songs in there. I love the White Rose Transmission version of Walking in Opposite Direction:
It's from the album 700 Miles of Desert which AB wrote all the music for.

This is a nice write up of his solo stuff with video links:

I really like 5am:

There is still a lot of his stuff that I don't have. Some of it is hard to get and some of it doesn't really do much for me. But there are usually a few good songs on all his releases. So please let me know if you find stuff that you like. I haven't watched Walking In The Opposite Direction. Thanks for reminding me.

I grew up in Germany. They were never big there but they were known in indie circles. I remember buying Shock Of Daylight when it came out. I haven't kept up with all the releases. There have been quite a few after AB's passing. They are often compared to The Chameleons and I can see why. Another underrated band that made three beautiful albums.

JohnZ, i don't know if you will be in France in June but there"s an italian tribute band of THE SOUND which will play in Paris:

The band is named Total Recall and their covers are pretty good i think:

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