Author Topic: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update  (Read 1881 times)


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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2020, 07:13:35 AM »
Will the latest changes in pandemic restrictions affect the event?

Where are the band and crew these days?


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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2020, 03:38:37 PM »
My T-shirt arrived today. Very impressed.

Cool. I guess mine can't be far away then.

yep, mine must have arrived some days ago, i was away for some days, living in NRW Germany..and i love it. Looks really great, wonderful colours!
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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2020, 01:13:21 PM »
I try to catch as many NMA concerts in the area as I can. But am I the only one that is not interested in an Online Streaming Event? I hear nothing but excitement here, but I could not be bothered. I'll miss my yearly Cologne NMA fix, but this, I'm sorry, does not appeal to me in any way. It'll be like a kind of studio set. No audience. No chemistry between the audience and the band. Sitting in front of a tv set. Actually making me long for a proper gig even more.

I mean, if you are looking forward to it, please do enjoy. And I hope the band can get some good money from it after a year of canceled shows. And I'd love to love it too. But I can't.


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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2020, 01:26:45 PM »
Bever, i can totally understand you and i kind of feel the same way.
This online live concert almost scares me, because it is a susbtitute for something that can't be substituted and something that was/is/was? so important for my life. A real live-experience with other people, dancing, singing, touching, feeling, smelling, sweat, bodys, music, beer, eyes to look into, passion...
I'm scared that this won't come back and i will be alone in front of my tv, listening to the sound, thinking about all of you, but i don't know if i feel connected.
But on the other hand, what can we do? I wouldn't miss this, because it is that what is left..When i sometimes watch older live recordings, i can enjoy it and feel the music and the passion of the crowd and maybe this can be something that we all around the world can enjoy, in our homes, thinking about us and also feel a bit connected.
That thought was something i had when i received the t-shirt, global gathering...but is it?

I'm looking forward to this, i see it as an experiment, as something that we/them/us have to do, because otherwise there would be nothing..
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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2020, 03:29:49 PM »
From what I hear the band is working on a killer setlist. Probably something along the lines of what we could have expected from the X-Mas gigs this year. So if the setlist is truly awesome, all I'd be able to think would be: man, this would be so much fun live...


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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2020, 10:16:33 AM »
man, this would be so much fun live...
This WILL be live, not a DVD that you play when you want to. But I understand your concern, this will be strange, and I think much more strange for the band than for the « audience ». Still, even if it’s not the real thing, there’s no reason to not enjoy it as it is, and even if tenuous, know that you have a connection with thousand (s) of other people watching at the same time, and partying in your home (the kids received their t-shirt and are really ready to dance for almost 3 hours, that will be a family party, nice enough in these days).

I wonder if we can have an estimation of how many tickets were sold, mister Savage ?  ;D
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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2020, 09:36:56 PM »
I try to catch as many NMA concerts in the area as I can. But am I the only one that is not interested in an Online Streaming Event? I hear nothing but excitement here, but I could not be bothered. I'll miss my yearly Cologne NMA fix, but this, I'm sorry, does not appeal to me in any way. It'll be like a kind of studio set. No audience. No chemistry between the audience and the band. Sitting in front of a tv set. Actually making me long for a proper gig even more.

I mean, if you are looking forward to it, please do enjoy. And I hope the band can get some good money from it after a year of canceled shows. And I'd love to love it too. But I can't.

I'm with you on this one. I was going to watch it anyway but then I got an invitation from good friends I haven't seen in a while. So I decided that these days, more than ever, I choose real interactions over virtual ones. I don't have any fellow NMA fanatics where I am at the moment and the idea of watching this by myself doesn't thrill me much. I will watch it on Sunday on whenever it becomes available.

Cthulhu is right though. What else can they/we do? So good on them for putting on a show and I look forward to watching it. It's just that to me personally, it doesn't make a big difference whether I watch it live or at a later date.


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I've purchased my ticket and shirts.  I intend to watch the pay-to-view version that streams Sunday as well.  :D  And, if NMA make the whole concert available for purchase in DVD format OR, tack it onto a future NMA DVD as a special bonus feature, I'd SO go for and purchase that too!!  :D  To say I am really looking forward to this Saturday is such an incredible understatement!  I haven't seen any live version of NMA in more than 10, seriously long years!  So I'll go for any kind of live NMA/JS&DW/JS live streamed concert.  Beggars = me can't be choosers.  No, I'm not complaining.  I've waited 10 years before, I can wait another 10 if need be.  I'll always love 'em.  Time and distance won't ever change that.  Whether seen, or unseen, I'm a lifer.  xxxxx

It's really nobody's fault, I just live on the fcuking wrong side of the water, that's all.  :-\  I'm also, the only NMA fan I know in real life, so for me the only truly weird thing about this special event will be watching it in private, experiencing the unconventional gig (for all parties involved), in private, and at 2pm in the afternoon, no less.  And yet, I'll still feel strangely connected to others the-entire-globe-over who'll be enjoying the NMA performance in their own countless, numerous, individual and different ways, at the exact same time as me, with me.  We'll still be weirdly, all together.  I'm just ever thankful that NMA/JS are doing this for all of us.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I really need this, especially these past few months.  Been looking forward to it ever since it was mentioned.  This special performance will work wonders, and be better for me than any concoction of damn pills.  Thank you, you beautiful musical soldiers.  Thank you so very, very much.  :'(

A large part of the thrill and excitement for me stems from the fact that I have absolutely NO fcuking CLUE what to expect.  soft lol, I've actually got a bit of the jitters happening on an deep internal level, just like when NMA comes to town for real!!!  Seriously, I'm actually quite nervous for some inexplicable reason, rather goose-fleshly-so!  In an exhilarating great and uplifting kind of way though!  :D

For starters, there are so may questions and thoughts running through my mind, such as...

 1.  Where will NMA be playing from... a club?  Their rehearsal space?  Indoor?  or Outdoor?  A parking lot?  A garden?  Or, some other, perhaps very special, secret location?   ???

 2.  Will it be like a behind-the-scenes making-of kind of situation, as NMA might be when recording, performing together in full light, brightness?  Or, will the concert be in the dark, lit up only by stage lights?   ???

 3.  Will NMA forget that we'll actually be there in a virtual way, and go about things as if they were amongst themselves just as a band?  8)

 4.  Whish 30 or so songs are they going to play?  Will there be an acoustic set as well?

 5.  Are they going to talk to us between songs, seeing as how NMA won't be able to hear any of chatter-boxes or elated cheering from all of us who will be virtually attending?

 6.  Is it going to be weirder for them as a band, than us as the audience?

 7.  How is the audience messaging thing going to work during the 20 minute or so break between NMA sets... as I am not on facefook, etc.?  Will this forum be somehow linked and viewable?   ???

 8.  Might Mr. Sullivan consider holding a completely solo gig, in somewhat of a similar way, at a later date?  Somehow?  Somewhere?  Someday, in the not too, too distant future?  I'd be up for paying to see that very special performance as well.  I'd even buy the DVD!!!  If one were to be officially produced.  8)

 9.  Might NMA or JS & DW do another, come mid-December, perhaps?  Or, whenever, to keep the faith, love, interest, hope alive, and ours and their spirits up?  I'd be up for this kind of thing again, while waiting for real in-person gigs to return.  :)

10.  How many cameras will be filming the gig?  I'd love to be able to see the entire band in one frame as much as possible, if possible.  It's always so hard to see MD and DW when I'm at a real gig, so to be able to see everyone will be a real bonus!  :)

11.  Will it be in colour or black and white?  I BEG it to be in colour please.  :-\  Oh, powers that be... please?

12.  Will the pay-to-view stream that airs Sunday be the complete gig or will it be a tweaked or tidied-up edited version?   ???

13.  When will we find out the full details regarding the pay-to-view repeat that airs this coming Sunday?  Where and how long will it be viewable?   :-\  Please post details, VIV?   ???

14.  Can we catch the soundcheck  on Saturday too?  :-\  Ohhh, powers that be... please?  I find all the techy, behind-the-scenes bits just as fascinating and completely thrilling!!   :D

Also, I think it's important to mention that at last, via this new or alternate  (even if temporary)  way of experiencing or attending a New Model Army gig, is perhaps a blessing in disguise for any NMA aficionados who under normal circumstances wouldn't be able to attend an actual in-person live gig.  They might not be able to attend an actual live in-person NMA concert for reasons that might have to do with where they live, how young or old they may be, whether they have mobility or other physical disabilities that impede the likelihood of them ever attending an in-person, live NMA gig.  So in this way, I feel this NMA live online steaming concert will be more so inclusive of all NMA/JS fans, than perhaps ever before.  And in my eyes, my mind, that's truly a great thing, and makes this whole NMA effort, generous offering an entirely positive and gracious one, on NMA's part.  So on behalf of each of those NMA fans, a heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU, to each of you...  thank you  Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Dean, Mr. White, Mr. Gill, and Mr. Monger:)

Woo-hoo!!  Just three days away now!!  I can hardly wait!  :D
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Re: NMA Live Online Streaming Concert - Update
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2020, 11:41:46 PM »
From what I hear the band is working on a killer setlist. Probably something along the lines of what we could have expected from the X-Mas gigs this year. So if the setlist is truly awesome, all I'd be able to think would be: man, this would be so much fun live...

I am sure we all agree. Remember, plan-A was a large tour across Europe. I can only imagine the people most effected by its forced cancelation are the band members themselves. This on-line gig is the only possible plan-B. Its far better than nothing, plan-C would be nothing at all.

Personally I am really looking forward to it. It will be a different experience. It will be interesting to see how it pans out. If you want to add to that "gig" feeling, have a pint in a flimsy wonky plastic cup. I might go for the full "Rock City" Nottingham experience - stand outside my front door for half an hour before the gig while one of my lads at an upstairs open window holds a full watering can over me.  :D. Later on for a post gig drink, ask my good lady what she would like, then come back with her drink some half hour later.
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